God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1723: Sad reminder of the first battle of the opposite world

The 1st, 723th chapter, sad reminder of the first battle of the opposite world

"I hope this fruit can make me recover, or I will lose money." Qin Qi bite his teeth, new injuries and old injuries, physical condition once again fall, must leave as soon as possible.

At the time, Qin Qi shot the sword, and one of the handles fell on the side of the Lingguo. At this moment, Qin Qi took a hand and copied the two spirits into his hands.

"Hey!" The thick-soiled snakes noticed that the spirits were taken away, and they suddenly became more angry. They had a golden atmosphere and turned back to Qinqi.

The speed of the thick rock snake does not dominate, but it is also relative to the gold level, for the silver, it still has an absolute advantage.

Qin Qi is cold, he has a chance to teleport, and after this time, he will only be sent to pity.

But before the pity has not left this area, Qin Qi can't transmit the past, otherwise it will be caught up by the thick earth snake.

First rely on yourself, and a little bit of it.

Heavenly dreams!

On Qin Qi's body, the silver gas madly flowed, and the power of Tian Meng's heart rushed into the head of the thick earth snake again.

However, this time, even if I couldn't hold my breath, the thick-soiled snake directly rushed out of the dream, and the fierceness in its eyes was even more prosperous.


The mountain wall burst open, the stones flew, and the golden atmosphere was crushed. If Qin Qi was hit, it must be far from death.

Fortunately, the interference in that moment allowed Qin Qi to respond in time and move away.

However, the strength of the thick soil rock is still too strong. At the same time as the mountain wall is broken, the air waves roll out. Qin Qi is directly smashed out and the body is once again ragged.

"It seems that I can't wait, let's escape and say it!" Qin Qi gritted his teeth.

Almost the next moment, there was no interval, and the thick soil rock snake rushed again and went straight to Qin Qi.

Heavenly dreams!

However, it is a kind of richer silver gas than Qin Qi. The power of building dreams is purely incomparable. It is comparable to Qin Qi's ability to copy the past, and the effect is much better.

Qin Qi, in the end, there is no corresponding ability to support, than the Tianmeng Water Mei snake's talent magic.

The thick-soiled rock snake was shocked by the Heavenly Dream and lost again. This time, it took three hours to break through.

On the willpower, the fierce beast of the golden level can not be compared with Qin Qi.

Qin Qi did not expect that the potholes of the Tianmeng Water Mei snake would actually help each other. The time of the three interest, too precious, enough Qin Qi and the thick soil rock snake to open the distance, continue to wrap for a while.

"Ah, die, die!" The thick-soiled rock snake once again came out of the dream, and the horrible fierceness rushed into the sky, and it was completely angered.

"Cough!" Tianmeng Meimei snake coughed out a trace of blood and was already hit.

"Tianmenghuimei snake, you dare to cross the territory, come here, really looking for death!" Thick soil snake snake snakes to swallow, turned into a stream of light straight into the dream of the water snake.

"Help, save your life, help!" Tianmenghuimei snake shouted in horror.

It is a small snake compared to a huge body such as a thick rock snake. It is not an opponent at all.

I knew that I should run away directly. Don’t go to Qin Qi.


The ground was once again blasted, and the realm of Tianmenghuimei snake was higher than that of Qinqi. It had already had a trace of golden gas. At this moment, the power broke out in full swing, and the illusion was heavy, and this was dangerously avoided.

However, the body was still swept by the strength of the thick-soiled snake, and it was awkwardly smashed. If the snake body is tough, I am afraid that the snake body will break directly.

"Help!" Tianmenghuimei snake screamed weakly, regretting death.

"Don't call, it's not your fault!" Qin Qi Chong Xiang Tian Shui Mei snake, grabbed it, and then the body shape disappeared directly in place.

Tianmenghuimei snake will help each other, I am afraid that there is no killing in the original, more like a child's anger, not accepting the dream was directly broken by Qin Qi.

It should not have been expected that such a situation would happen.

At this moment, Qin Qi can save his life, but he did not give up.

The thick rock snake roared and rushed, but it was empty, but its power exploded like a bomb, raging the entire valley.

Fortunately, Qin Qi was teleported to the valley this time.

He shot the sword to the cliff beforehand.

"You will fly, so high, with my current injury, falling will fall to death!" Tianmenghuimei snake was caught by Qin Qi, screamed, the snake body is soft and seriously injured.

"I can't fly, so I am wrapped around my hand. I can't vacate one hand and hold you." Qin Qidao, one hand inserted into the rock wall, stabilized the figure.

Once again, his injury is also very serious, and in order to escape the birth of the last teleport, he must fight for some time.

"I have no strength, I can't get around." Tianmenghuimei snake's weak road, indeed, has no strength.

And under the giant python, the thick soil rock snake has rushed upwards, and the horrible snake body plowed the rock wall directly on the rock wall, which is extremely fast.

"Damn!" Qin Qi could not climb with one hand, there is no way at the moment, directly stuffing Tianmenghuimei snake into the crotch.

His clothes have long been broken, and only this place can put something.

"I can warn you, don't bite me!" Qin Qi bite his teeth, the power of the Dragon's body bursts under the flesh and blood, his hands are inserted into the rock wall, alternately climbing, and the whole person is like a cannonball, rushing upwards.

"Ah, what are you doing, I don't want to be here, this is something, it is going to bite me!" Tianmenghuimei snake screamed.

"Bite you, don't want to die, shut up!" Qin Qi shouted.


"To shut up!"

"I rely on, let you shut up, don't bite me!"

"It is it to bite me!"


Qin Qi only felt a pain in the heart, but therefore, it was also a big increase in speed. It is estimated that the potential of the body broke out.

However, it is impossible to smash the thick soil rock.

And Qin Qi, who endured the pain, was ready to teleport directly at the last minute.

Now, when this is the case, the compassion should have gone far enough. The thick-soiled snake is only the golden step, not platinum, and it is not going to cross the dangerous island.

"You can't escape!" The thick rock snake roared, and it was about to catch up with Qin Qi.

"Almost!" Qin Qi runs the sword and prepares to move away.


However, an invisible pressure suddenly appeared. This pressure was too horrible. Qin Qi’s strength was instantly disintegrated. If he did not insert his hand into the rock wall, he would probably fall directly.

"This is..." The thick earth rock snake sinks in the heart.

It spits a snake letter, and a pair of snakes stare at Qin Qi, full of unwillingness.

However, under this pressure, it has no resistance. It can only give up and leave quickly.

"Running?" Qin Qi is difficult to let go of a breath.

This kind of pressure, even the beasts of the golden order can directly retreat, at least the level of platinum, and it is not platinum IV, III, only higher.

However, the strange thing is that after the pressure has appeared, the other party has no further moves.

"There is a cave there." Qin Qi saw a cave on the mountain wall not far away.

Is this pressure from the inside?

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