God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1736: Golden branch

The first thousand seven hundred and thirty-six chapters of golden branches and jade leaves

Finally, I met a stranger.

Qin Qi is excited.

After all, in his view, compassion can never be regarded as an ordinary alien, with a lot of fog, seemingly in the realm of silver, trapped in the central island.

But what the actual situation is, who knows, maybe it is very pitiful.

In short, Qin Qi is grateful and jealous, and many things dare not ask pity.

And he wants to completely integrate into the outside world, and communication with outsiders is essential.

It is an opportunity now.

Qin Qi’s light flashed and he was carefully sensed and found that there was a battle in the island.

Is it an infighting between outsiders?

Qin Qi thought for a moment, converging breath, looking for a hidden place to fall, and then gestured to pity, the latter nodded, and began to quietly approach the aliens on the island.

The level of compassion is very high, not weaker than Qin Qi, plus the big dreams and thousands of lakes are once again covered by fog, limited perception, the convenience of gold is the existence of the level, it is difficult to find them easily.

After turning over a mountain, Qin Qi was hidden behind a big tree, and finally saw the aliens in the perception.

However, depending on the situation, the battle is nearing the end. There are a lot of corpses lying on the ground. Several young people with horns are smiling and arrogant. At the same time, they look at a scarred woman with sarcasm.

With Qin Qi’s vision, it is natural to see that this group of young people is extraordinary, the realm is not weak, and the strength is also very strong.

And the young people who have the upper hand, with the golden color in the silver, are very honest, and they come from some big forces.

These guys, Qin Qi can not be underestimated, not to mention that the realm is higher than Qin Qi, I am afraid there is a strong card.

Qin Qi is naturally not in a hurry to show up, ready to look at the situation first.

Such a strong young man, Qin Qi believes that even if it is a different world, it is absolutely impossible to be so dense. At this moment, it is actually gathered here, and there must be other purposes.

Otherwise, it will not be the killer.

"Is it for the flower?" Qin Qi swept his eyes and finally settled on a jade tree in the forest.

This tree is different, the golden leaf of the jade leaf has a flower bone on it, and the line will bloom.

It doesn't even look like a plant. It's bright and shining, and there are light particles circulating. It doesn't know this thing, and it knows it will be extraordinary.

"Golden branches and jade leaves." Different Kunlun found the corresponding information.

This flower is indeed a treasure, not a golden jade leaf can be summarized, the drug effect is very unique.

The most basic consolidation and cultivation, to consolidate the realm, to make up for the past imperfections, the effect is significant, and in addition, Jinzhi Yuyehua has another powerful ability.

It is also the root cause for the practitioners to rush.

The existence of any order of silver, as long as you take the golden branches and leaves, their road to the golden level will be unimpeded.

Silver to gold seems to be just a change of color, but in fact it is not the case. It is extremely difficult to cross this ridge. It is the pride of the sky and there is no absolute certainty.

Gold is not like silver. As long as it is accumulated enough, it can be promoted. The key elements of its promotion are the need to condense the heart of gold.

The heart of gold is the most important cornerstone for the growth of the repairer, and it is also the use of strength.

Only knowing the way to go, and firmly believe in it, can you condense your own golden heart without hesitation.

However, the average repairer is very difficult to do this step. There are often doubts about the way he wants to go, and even thinking about whether other roads are better.

Such hesitation and lack of a firm inner heart can not condense the heart of gold. Even if it is condensed, it will be very fragile and not solid enough.

Without a solid gold heart, it is even more difficult to enter the platinum level on this basis.

However, this problem can be compensated by foreign objects.

For example, medicinal herbs, such as special cultivation sites, such as the direct transmission of the strong and strong, on behalf of the heart of gold.

Of course, the latter two kinds of things all need to be piled up with countless resources. Most people don't want to think about it. Only the medicinal herbs are the most common and the most widely spread.

The best medicine among them is this golden jade leaf flower.

It is a pity that the golden leaves and jade leaves are extremely rare. When they appear, they will be bought by the big powers at a price that is difficult to refuse. The outside world is simply not available.

I just didn't expect that there was such a strain in the big dreams and thousands of lakes. It is no wonder that these young people will fight for this and will not kill.

"Chick, you still want to smash it, with your strength, how to fight against us?" Hogg sneered coldly, looking at the scarred Wenyang month, his eyes flashed a touch of sin.

To be honest, Hogg never knew that there was a woman like Wen Yangyue in this thousand-yuan competition.

Although Wen Yangyue comes from a small college that can no longer be small, but it is beautiful and unusual, enough to compare the first beauty of this thousand hospitals, Jing Xiaomeng of Jinghu College!

Jing Xiaomeng, that is the jewel of the Mirror Lake College. Its status is no worse than Hogg. Hogg does not dare to come.

However, this article is different from the previous month. From an unnamed college, there is no background at all. It is in his hands at this moment, or what is he thinking about?

"Yeah, Wenyangyue, I advise you to admit defeat, and then Bajie Bajie Hoge, otherwise, these guys on the ground, is your role model!" Hogg, a student from the Tianbei College, laughed and laughed. .

"There are many people, and they are powerful, but they still use the means of sneak attack. Hog, you are really shameful to Tianbei College." Wenyang month wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, cold and cold.

Wenyang is very beautiful, this is beyond doubt, but the most attractive is her temperament.

That kind of reluctance, that kind of tenacity, that kind of disappointment, that kind of resistance, every one of them, is a kind of eye-catching, plus her birth is low, no background, more pity.

Of course, for Hogg, this kind of person is not a pity, but a strong possessive desire, a kind of sin.

"Hey, the king is defeated, the person who is stuck in the righteousness, how can he become a strong?" Hogg laughed at the moment, but he was very proud of his handwriting.

Wenyang is cold and cold, and disdains to Hogg.

"How, you are not convinced, it is ridiculous, you see now, who is the final winner?" Hogg sneered, pointing at himself and shouting: "It is me, the last winner is my Hogg!"

"I will get this golden jade leaf flower, and successfully promoted the golden level, even if it is Zhao Wuying, it is not my opponent!"

"And the enemy who is against me, only one dead end!"

"Well, Wenyangyue, you know about why I will let you live. Now, take off your clothes and let me have fun, so that you can live!" Hoghaha laughed.

"Shameless!" Wenyang month chest ups and downs, screamed with anger.

"Haha, how about that, told you, this world only recognizes the king defeat!" Hogg whispered, "Wenyang month, my patience is limited, you have to do not want to take off, then you have to Let me have these little brothers work for you."

"The student is assured that if we don't let her die, she will be embarrassed and sent to the seniors!" The other students are all laughing and laughing.

After all, they also have a share, and when Hogg is finished, naturally it is their turn.

These beautiful women can be more beautiful than any woman they have ever played, especially the temperament, and it is even more tempting. It is already a drool.

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