God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1744: Huge vortex

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-four chapters of the huge vortex

At the bottom of the lake, the war started. It was terrible. It was filled with platinum and gold. There were power surges everywhere. The two surrounding islands began to vibrate, and the edges collapsed and sank into the lake.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the enchanting cockroaches were so colorful that the strength was indeed shocking. Even the old mysterious turtles and other team members could not take it for a while.

In the vagueness, you can see that there is a giant python and a mysterious turtle at the bottom of the lake, tearing each other, constantly rolling, and then there are other fierce beasts, each with fierceness, launching a fierce attack.

Platinum-level magical powers traverse the bottom of the lake and flock to all directions.

Eventually, the lake exploded completely, and the two islands collapsed nearly half, and the battle finally stopped.

But this area has not calmed down.

As the roar of the sound rang, a whirlpool appeared from the bottom of the lake and gradually spread to the surface of the lake, then quickly spread out and spread out in all directions.

A huge whirlpool appeared, and the scope of influence was not only the lake but also the sky.

Everything in all directions was torn, constantly rushing to the center of the vortex and rushing into the bottom of the lake.

And this strength is getting bigger and bigger, and soon, even the nearby beasts have been rolled in, and they can't escape.

Until it covered half of the scope of the Big Dream Lake, the vortex gradually calmed down and slowly retracted. After a while, it was calm again.

However, although the lake is calm again, the bare islands around can still let people know what happened just now.

"I am going, what is the situation?" Qin Qi was inexplicable.

They walked well on the lake. Suddenly a vortex spread, the wind was raging, the lake was soaring, and the power was not to be resisted. It was directly rolled in.

Even Qin Qi saw a lot of powerful beasts, and his body was still stunned. With them, he was involved in the center of the whirlpool.

Then, it was a black front, and it took a while to reproduce the light.

It’s just that the picture in front of us is beyond expectations, as if it came directly to the big dreams.

"The head is dizzy, where is this?" Dream glass dizzy, looking at everything around, could not help but exclaimed.

This is a palace, very huge, the dome seems to be in the clouds, Qin Qi they stand here, it is extraordinarily small.

On the walls of the palace, as well as above the dome, there are wall carvings, which are a dragon, a mouth spit flame, a windy rain, a lightning bolt, and a hurricane.

Is the owner here worshipping the dragon, or is it the site of the dragon?

An alien dragon.

Qin Qi can't help but move his heart. I don't know if he has the advantage of this dragon vein. Is there any advantage?

"This palace is only afraid of an unprecedented scale. After all, so many ferocious beasts and human beings have been brought in. There is only us here." Qin Qidao, the feelings let go, ready to find a direction.

"Not necessarily, there may be folding space inside." Pity but.

"Folding space?" Qin Qi flashed.

If this is the case, it means that the owner of the place has the law of space, and it must be a master of the diamond level.

Will not be a certain existence in order to improve the cultivation, we must kill them all, and refining them all?

This kind of thing, in Tianyuan is still a lot, Qin Qi can not help but guess.

"I can't say that it is still a good thing. In short, let's go and see it elsewhere." Qin Qidao, selected an exit, and walked first.

In this palace, the walls are obstructive, so Qin Qi does not know the situation outside this room, and can only try his luck.

I hope that you don't want to touch the Platinum-level monster.

In the heart of the alert, Qin Qi crossed a portal, but found that into a same huge room, exactly the same as before.

"Someone?" Qin Qi's eyes picked up and his body was in a state of war.

There are people in this room, and many of them are very young. Their clothes are not like casual clothes, but are standard clothing, just like Hogg and others who met before.

They all seem to be students.

From this point of view, there are a large number of students who have entered the Great Dreams and Thousand Lakes trials, but the results have repeatedly encountered major changes, and finally many have been involved here.

When Qin Qi saw them, they also saw Qin Qi.

For a time, many students were shocked, and immediately showed a disgusted look, especially some female students with good looks, turned their heads and looked disgusted.

Qin Qi and the mercy of the mercy, it is really not very good, especially pity, ugly, Qin Qi does not know how her face turned into this.

"It's you!" but it was an exclamation, with a faint anger.

Qin Qi’s light flashed, and he only felt that fate was the most tricky person, and he was actually met by an acquaintance.

In fact, it is not an acquaintance. At this moment, the person who is glaring at Qin Qi is Jing Xiaomeng.

Although Jing Xiaomeng has not seen Qin Qi's face, she remembers Qin Qi's clothes and backs. With her strength, she naturally will not admit her mistakes.

This is this guy, greedy and treasure, see death!

Although it makes sense, Qin Qi has no obligation to save them. She is not qualified to blame Qin Qi, but Jing Xiaomeng has faintly put Hogg’s majority of sins on Qin Qi’s head.

At the side of Jing Xiaomeng, Zhao Wuying, who was adorned by many students, was flashing at the moment.

Is this person who took the golden leaves and leaves from Hogg?

Wenyang Yue is also on the side, she did not have this qualification, after all, there is no identity at all, but because of the reason together with Zhao Wuying, it has also received a lot of attention.

She also looked at Qin Qi, and the beauty of the eyes flashed slightly, but there was no indication, and she did not hate Qin Qi.

"Xiao Meng, this person has taken away..." Zhao Wuying spoke, but it seems to be jealous of what, did not say all.

However, Jing Xiaomeng listened, but it was a move in the heart, deliberately whispered: "Yes, this person is dead and can't save, and took away the golden branches and leaves!"

Golden branches and leaves?

All the students heard that they all changed and became hot.

Golden branches and leaves are a rare treasure for all students. Who doesn't want it?

"Xiao Meng, can't be nonsense!" Zhao Wuying quickly sighed.

Jing Xiaomeng spit out his tongue and laughed. He apologized: "I am just angry in my heart, not intentional."

Said to return, but her heart flashed a touch of pleasure.

Who will let you see you die, obviously, let you know the consequences!

Qin Qi just looked at them indifferently. Jing Xiaomeng thought this carefully. He naturally saw it at a glance. Although this woman said that the national color is fragrant, she must report it, which is disgusting.

Of course, in Qin Qi's view, this woman is more stupid!

On the contrary, Zhao Wuying, is really black, thinking that Qin Qi can't see his poor performance?

It seems that he does not want Jing Xiaomeng to trigger such a state of affairs. In fact, he deliberately reminded Jing Xiaomeng that his heart is really deep enough.

After all, I just want the golden leaves and flowers.

"You two, aren't college people?" Sure enough, a burly man couldn't sit still and took the lead.

"Schoolmaster, what do you say, how can we have such a student in Qianyuan, especially the woman, ugly, disgusting, which college will accept them?" A female disciple screamed, looking disgusted Qin Qi and compassion.

"It’s a good thing. It’s ugly, it’s impossible to be a student, it’s more like a misbehaving person!”

"You didn't hear Xiaoxiao Xuemei just said, these two people dare to shoot Xiaomeng Xuemei, grab the treasures, and simply don't know how to live and die. Now, I will ask for a fairness for Xiaomeng Xuemei!" A strong young man spoke.

This is good, from seeing death to being saved, it has turned to Jing Xiaomeng, and even gives people the illusion of robbing the treasure from Jing Xiaomeng.

This is called a famous teacher.

Determining that Qin Qi is not a thousand people, these students are all alive and well, after all, Jin Zhi Yu Ye Hua, who do not want?

"Kids, hand over the things you snatched, otherwise, you will pay the price!" The burly student coldly, forced to Qin Qi.

In fact, they don't care about Qin Qi now, but they are jealous of each other. After all, there will be some competition.

"You can't shame your face."

In the face of these students, Qin Qi just laughed.

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