God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1747: Battle gold beast

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-seven chapters of the golden beast

"There is no way out?" Zhao Wuying was shocked. Although he had already killed the Qin Qi, but now the enemy is not, there is not much time to consider other things.

If there is really no way out, then if you retreat now, I am afraid it will be difficult to organize resistance.

"Scrapping? What to kill, do you think you can stand this golden Thunder?" Jing Xiaomeng snorted.

That is the beast of the golden steps, how can they resist?

"Then you are going to die." Qin Qi said indifferently, regardless of Jing Xiaomeng's face, people have already rushed forward.

In Qin Qi, there is also a thunder roaring out. It is the magical power of Jin Leijun, the thunder, which can attach the Thunder to the body already attacked.

Qin Qi copied this magical power, not for attack, but to increase the resistance of the lightning system. Otherwise, he would not be able to get close to the Thunder, which is all over the body.

With the addition of the body, Qin Qi quickly smashed the Thunder defense of Jin Leizhen, and now that Jin Leizhen is now rioting because of an eye, he has to give Jin Lei more damage.

"You, attack the left side with all your strength, do not need to be injured, just transfer its defense focus to the left side!" Qin Qi shouted at Xing Shan, and the voice was unquestionable.

"There is still you, auxiliary attack, but keep the arm like the drill bit, waiting for the opportunity to move!" Qin Qi shouted to Zhao Wuying.

What do you think in your heart, as long as it is not an idiot, you should know what to do now.

"As for you, brewing the sword just now, wait for me to order!" Qin Qi also gave instructions to Liu Yefei.

"Others, speeding up into a formation!"

The three people are a little worried, and Liu Yefei and Xing Shan are even more unknown. So I don’t know where this person came from, dare to direct them?

"You think who you are, indiscriminately, we have to listen to Zhao Xuechang!" Jing Xiaomeng is not convinced.

"That is, even if you want to fight, you can listen to Zhao Xuechang. Why do you command us?"

"Oh, to put it bluntly, I want to use our power to fight against Jin Lei, and I still pretend to be a high-ranking person, but that’s all."

Qin Qi is a wicked person in their hearts. How can he follow the command of Qin Qi?

However, Qin Qi can not control them, his body shape is constantly flashing, and he has been deceived to the side of Jin Lei's body, and the sword is thrown out.

The mark of the sky, the tears of the sky!

The two swords came together, aiming at Jin Lei's forefoot ankle.

Liu Yefei chose to attack Jin Lei's eyes. This is indeed good, but Jin Lei's perception is strong, even if one eye is caught, it can still fight.

Even because the power is more violent, it is more destructive.

In fact, the primary choice of attack position should be Jin Lei's ankle, here is the joint part, the defense ratio is not other parts, but one of the weaknesses.

And if it can destroy Jin Lei's ankle, then Jin Lei's actions will surely be hindered.

The speed of Qin Qi has risen to the extreme. The two swords came suddenly, that is, Jin Leizhen did not react, and the beasts of the body were cut open.

"It's amazing!" Liu Yefei couldn't help but marvel. The attack power of these two swords has surpassed him.

There is no choice at the moment. He does not know Qin Qi, nor does he trust Qin Qi. But at this moment, apart from listening to the command of Qin Qi, is there any other choice?

The dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Liu Yefei swallowed a few medicinal herbs, and the silver gas swelled up. The three fingers became a sword, and the strongest one was the sword.

"Get out of the way!" Xing Shan shouted, no matter what.

At these critical moments, someone is better than not knowing what to do.

The mountain and the sea, the mountain, and the left side of Jin Leizhen suppressed the past.

Zhao Wuying's face is blue, he can't tolerate Qin Qi, but now, can't tolerate it!

Diamond arm!

Behind Zhao Wuying, the two powerful arms rushed out again and attacked Jin Lei’s left side with Xing Shan.

Jin Leizhen was attacked and suddenly roared. The Thunder jumped wildly and rushed to the left.

"Dream!" Qin Qi called.

Mengli reveals a head from Qin Qihuai, and a pair of snakes seem to have a spiral pattern, which is very impressive.

Heavenly dreams!

Qin Qi needs Mengli to hide his heart and soul, and interfere with Jin Lei's soul, so that it can't respond.

Although the effect will not be much, but even if there is only a chance, Qin Qi can grasp.

The power of Tianmeng’s heart rushed into the soul of Jin Lei’s soul, but the effect was unexpectedly strong. Jin Lei’s screaming for a while, the thunder of the week was weak and a lot of chaos.

good chance!

Qin Qi did not think about what happened, and the glimmer of light flashed in the middle, and the ankle of the Golden Thunder beast was a stronger sword.

Invincible sword!

This sword directly penetrated the defense of Jin Leijun and broke into the flesh and blood of Jin Leiqi.

And Liu Yefei, this combat literacy is still there, so chance, how can I miss it.

Three-finger sword!

Followed by Qin Qi's Jianguang, pierced Jin Lei's ankle.

"Go!" Zhao Wuying's arm like a drill bit, suddenly came out, his fighting skills are still above Liu Yefei, naturally it is impossible to let go of these opportunities.

When the three men joined forces, Jin Leizhen was physically strong, but it was difficult to resist.

After all, this is the weak point of its defense. When the three forces dissipate, the entire ankle is already **** and fuzzy, and it is no longer possible to act.

"There is an effect!" Liu Yefei's eyes lit up.

However, Jin Leizhen was attacked by this attack, and the influence of Tianmeng’s heart disappeared. The violent golden thunder instantly swept through. If it was hit, it might be directly turned into coke.

"Retreat!" Zhao Wuying suddenly shouted, this kind of fierceness, can not resist.

Behind him, four arms popped out of the spider's silk, one rolled up Xingshan, and the other three fell on the ground in the distance, pulling them back.

These four arms are all from the spider beasts, can make spider silk, and even if Zhao Wuying is willing, they can also build a spider web.

Nine days of respecting the arm of the gods, the powerful will be powerful in this place, and the level of the magic level of platinum is also very similar.

"Damn, consume too much!" Liu Yefei was frightened in his heart. The sword just consumed him too much power, and it was too late to escape.

It is a flash of light, the speed is fast, and a few with the lightning.

Qin Qi, behind his wings, fanning, as fast as lightning, Liu Yefei picked up and quickly retreated.

"Flying class magic?" Liu Yefei could not help but exclaim.

The flying magical power is the rarest of all the magical powers. Even the platinum powerhouse who initially grasps the space power is very popular with the flying magic power.

After all, the platinum level exists, although it can barely fly in the air, but if you can't break the void, the speed can't be compared with the flying supernatural power.

Moreover, the consumption is also extremely large.

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