God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1755: The other side of the jade

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-five chapters of the other side of the jade

Qin Qi glanced at it and recorded some details. Then he opened the image, and then a hand appeared in the picture. The white scorpion is like a fat, the powder is carved, the ten fingers are long, like a white onion, Yingying Baoguang is dark and delicate. Unparalleled.

A beautiful hand, can not see any flaws, is a picturesque, natural beauty.

This hand picked up a pen and drew a few circles on the paper. Qin Qi saw at a glance that the circle corresponds to the beads above the dome.

After the painting, the hand put the pen down, and then tapped on the circle, Qin Qi is serious, remember all the actions.

"As long as I do, I can open the organization."

There was a paragraph of text on the opposite side.

"Thank you." Qin Qi returned a sentence.

"Everyone." The other side did not return much.

Neither of them mentioned the identity of the other person, but I am afraid there are some conjectures in my heart.

Qin Qi is able to transmit images, and it is inevitable that the masterpiece of diamonds is not fake, but Qin Qi is trapped in the Dragon Palace at the bottom of the lake. This is not the power that the diamond might have.

This is strange.

The same is true for Qin Qi. The other party can transmit images, and obviously also holds the diamond jade, but a diamond powerhouse should not ask the fire system, I am afraid it is not the existence of diamonds.

Qin Qi shook his head and stopped thinking about it. This room will become a meatball farm at an hour. They have come in for a long time, and they will not leave. It is estimated that they will be accounted for here.

When Qin Qi began to follow the ones taught by the man, he touched the beads at all.

Pity is carefully exploring the surroundings. Of course, she is just like it. She naturally knows how to go out.

However, she is only a bystander, just want to see where Qin Qi can go, so as long as she is beyond the ability of her specific person, she will not use it.

"Hey, I know the method. Who did he contact?" Pity saw Qin Qi’s movement at the moment, and he could not help but be curious.

But in any case, this robbery is considered to have passed.

At the same time, somewhere in the opposite world, a huge incomparable Shencheng is between the heavens and the earth. It is magnificent, can not be described by words, and the gods are rushing, which can be called the protection of the king.

In such a city, the price of gold is the existence of platinum, I am afraid that only one yard can be owned.

But this is where it is, but there is a land of mountains and rivers, covering a very wide area, very quiet, like in the wild mountains.

There is one and only one building, located on the shore of the lake, is a dark castle.

This castle is very old, full of vicissitudes, but at the same time, it is full of noble spirit, but in addition to these temperament feelings, this castle from the material to the layout, but very common.

Because of this, this place is becoming more and more uncommon.

Inside the castle, there is a round minaret, but this tower is not so obvious. After entering, the main body of the minaret is found, mostly hidden under the ground.

Here, filled with the taste of the book, there is a wooden ladder with a spiral downwards, and the wooden ladders are all ancient books. At first glance, it is difficult to see the end. No one knows how many books are hidden here.

Even if the strong is here, it will be able to sense this heavenly bookshelf, and there will be space fluctuations. The books and materials stored in it are afraid of much more than the plain.

It can be said that, for example, Xinghai!

Continue down the wooden ladder to the bottom of the tower. There is no darkness in the ground, a light, and the place is brightly lit.

But when you see this light, I am afraid anyone will be astonished.

That turned out to be a fire dragon.

Not a dragon, but an authentic fire dragon!

It was trapped, and it was on the lamp post, and the flame was sprayed in the mouth, becoming a lamp!

This is simply subversive, and the handwriting is too big.

Under the lamp, it is a table with red in the dark, if there is a flame burning in it.

This is the top black fire mahogany. It is an extremely precious treasure for any fire repairer. If it is refining and chemical, it can greatly enhance the firepower.

The usual black fire mahogany, even if it is just a branch, is worth the price.

But now, this black fire mahogany, and the top, was actually made into a desk.

Unimaginable luxury.

At the moment, behind the desk, a woman wearing a casual dress is sitting here, even if she is dressed casually, it is still difficult to hide her noble and elegant temperament.

It is innate, as bright as a star.

She is looking at a piece of paper in her hand at the moment. There is nothing written on this piece of paper. I just drew a lot of circles. It seems that there is nothing to watch.

"It's really interesting. Who is it? You can have a diamond jade, but your own combat power is less than platinum." The woman spoke, and the voice was very beautiful. If the empty valley is yellow, it is a girl's unique youthful atmosphere.

"And, his understanding of the power of the fire department is extremely unique. It doesn't seem to be achievable in platinum. It's weird!"

Just thinking, the girl was slightly moving, the smile of the corner of her mouth was instantly converge, and a flame in her hand ignited, igniting the piece of paper and burning it into nothingness.

The next moment, an old man walked down the stairs, an ancient costume, very incisive, on this line, a little changed into a popular style, I am afraid that the platinum strong will have to break the head.

The old man came to the girl's side, bowed to the ceremony, and the action was meticulous.

"Miss, the lord asked me to invite you to the banquet in the living room." The old man said.

"Grandfather should know that I have a new understanding of the power of the fire system, and the breakthrough is imminent, and now it is inconvenient to leave." The girl replied, the voice was missing a little bit of joy, more restraint and machinery.

"But the lord let you go." The old man did not leave, but insisted.

The girl is silent and apparently hesitating.

"Miss, there have been three times over there. If you don't come out again, it will not be good." The old man softly said.

"I know, I changed my clothes and passed." The girl was silent for a moment, only to whisper.

"Miss as soon as possible, the old slaves will retire first." The old man respectfully bowed and then retired.

"I won't have time to take care of you later, hope, you don't die in the Dragon Palace." The girl looked at the communication jade and whispered.


"It’s finally out.” Qin Qi exhaled a breath, and he followed the man’s method and successfully walked out of the previous room.

But here, Qin Qi is even less dare to care about it. After all, according to that person, only the platinum strong can resist the strangulation in the room.

That is to say, unless it is the same as them, the organ is opened out of the room, otherwise it will be the existence of platinum.

Can platinum be played?

Make a wool!

"Everyone is careful, if there is a vicious beast, etc., I am afraid that there is the existence of Platinum." Qin Qi Shen.

“Platinum?” All the students are sinking their faces, revealing the color of fear.

A golden thunder has made them feel desperate, let alone the existence of platinum.

The only thing that can be done now is to pray that it is not so bad.

Qin Qi does not care about them, first find out the surrounding situation and then say.

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