God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1789: Three-person discussion group

The first seven hundred and eighty-nine chapter three-person discussion group

In the end, Qin Qi couldn't stand it anymore. He could only say: "If you want to eat, you can eat it."

"Since you ask me to eat, I am embarrassed..."

"Then don't eat."


No matter what the river whispered, I took out the tableware and started to eat it. I didn’t care, and I was so happy.

"Oh, delicious, this is delicious, I want this, I have to get rid of the whole leg!"

"Wow, what is this, so good and crisp!"

"This soup is also delicious, this...how is there only soup left, meat!"

"Fast meat, hurry up!"

"You add it yourself." Qin Qi was speechless for a while, and this girl was too ate. Since the admission, he was all in one, and he didn't have his share.

Qin Qi didn't want to bother, he simply sacrificed the artifact - hot pot!

Modulated a bit of a hot pot, Qin Qi began to simmer hot pot, and Jiang whispered his eyes and looked curiously, and also ate the meat in the way of Qin Qi.

"Wow, it's so hot, so sweet, so delicious!"

Jiang Liangyu was so hot and flushed, but his enthusiasm was even stronger. He squatted on the side of the hot pot and ate wildly.

In the past, Qin night with Catherine, they played mahjong in front of the ghost gate.

Now, Qin Qi and the black woman's only daughter are simmering under the ground.

Don't have a mood.

I don’t care about the river whispers that have been eaten up, even the wines are touched and drinked. Qin Qi’s heart is slightly moved, and the communication Yuxi has news.

It was the woman who had explored the power of fire.

She did not ask whether Qin Qi had successfully left the Lake Dragon Palace, but directly thrown another problem in cultivation.

This time her problem is even more savvy, and there are already some swords that are slanting.

Although it can be seen that her understanding of the power of the fire system has reached a higher level, she can also feel that her urgency to pursue strength is even stronger.

Qin Qi carefully looked at her problems several times, thinking about it, and at the same time transferred the database of different Kunlun, adding a large number of fire system methods to the comparison.

In the end, Qin Qi got a plan.

The subject is the same as before, but it is also the system of Tianyuan, but it has made more detailed modifications to match the power of the outside world.

Qin Qi will return the plan to the other party, hoping to help her.

This person and Qin Qisu did not meet, but after several exchanges, but also feel like a friend, when he encountered difficulties, the other side to help each other, there is no hiding, Qin Qi also self-sufficiency.

I am planning to continue eating, but I am sure that the other party has already responded.

Qin Qi looked at him and found that the other party had already understood his thoughts. On this basis, he raised several questions. Each one was very unique and absolutely profound.

At this point, you can understand this level and ask the most critical issues.

"Grandpa's, this world is not in the top ten world, really can not be underestimated, talent is too strong." Qin Qi could not help but sigh.

There is already a little **** the side who has a big drink and no image. The opposite of the communication jade, the talent is only not bad.

Qin Qi thought for a moment, did not answer the first time, but said: "You are too radical, so there will be danger of self-destruction. What you need now is time accumulation, not constant charge!"

"I know, but unfortunately, time is not on my side." The other replied.

Qin Qi is a little surprised. From the images I have seen before, the other party should be very young, how can it lack time?

However, Qin Qi did not know that there is no need to ask questions. The other side is very strong and talented. It is very clear what he is facing. In this case, he persuaded it once again.

It is the other party who makes the decision.

When Qin Qi is on the new question raised by the other party, you will continue to deepen your discussion.

Qin Qi is not a fire system, but the dragon road is inclusive, and the fire is one of them.

Coupled with the database of different Kunlun, and Qin Qi's own insight, it is enough to keep up with the pace of the other side, and give advice.

Just a problem to solve, will soon usher in the second, the other party may not really have too much time, so more and more paranoid, the road has been trending to the past.

Only in this way can we earn time back, or how can we overcome the passage of time?

The two are like this, you come to me, Qin Qi keeps checking the information, and that side, on the huge bookshelf, flies back and forth, flipping through the ancient books.

By now, there are no precedents to be found, and any step will become extremely dangerous.

They don't have time to prove the avenue, but directly outline the possibilities of the future.

In other words, there is no practice.

And the practice of true knowledge, the ancients do not change, the cultivation is also the same, the two must go through countless discussions and contrasts, save practice to gain time, the courage needed is not leisure.

It is because I know that one step is wrong, I am afraid that it is impossible to turn back. Therefore, Qin Qi does not dare to have the slightest intention to prove it more carefully.

It is only the strength of two people, especially Qin Qi is not specialized in the fire track. After all, it is limited in ability. When it comes to the back, it has begun to be stretched.

Although it is still possible to move forward, the risk is too great.

They need a new idea.

"Hey, Qin Lan, who is the one who talks about it?" It was Jiang Ganyu, and he walked over with a light footstep, and his face was red.

It is spicy and drunk.

Just a little girl who is only a decade old, I am afraid that it is the first time I drink alcohol.

However, Jiang Qingyu himself likes the current state very much, and feels that he is getting into a fairy.

"In the discussion of the fire, but encountered a bottleneck." Qin Qidao.

"I want to explore, let me help you break the game!" Jiang whispering is obviously drunk, and squatting to the side of Qin Qi, while drinking, while the big tongue asked: "said, I will solve it!"

Qin Qi suddenly has some self-blame, let such a little girl drink, will not go wrong?

"Do you do it?" Qin Qi is now a big head, but it does not exclude the participation of Jiang whispers.

"Cut, look at people, I tell you, although the Tao of my family, although not completely defined as the fire system, but also from the fire system, I am so genius, how can it not?" Jiang whispered his chest.

Qin Qi nodded, then come together, maybe this drunken girl can provide whimsy!

Jiang whispered the contents of the two people's confirmation. The finger pointed to the end of the day and pointed out that I didn't know where, and then said: "Here, there is no coordination, change one, let it burst!"

"Hey, don't you mess up, we don't have much time."

"Why don't you have time, why, rush to get married!"

"You wake up the bar first."

"I don't want it, this feeling is great, I want to keep it!" Jiang whispered his head and waved his arms and said: "Reliably, if I am, whether or not I will escape, I will help you!"

Just, looking at her like this, it is really not with the word.

"I told you, I am not talking about it, it is to explode, my home's Tao, it is explosion, although you are not the same, but as long as it can be controlled after the explosion, will not solve it!"

"Which is so easy." Qin Qi frowned, carefully thinking about one or two.

"Perhaps it is feasible, we overturned the solution to the two problems before, after the revision as a basis, perhaps it can be controlled." There was information.

"Let's try it first."

After that, there is no end to the testimony. In the middle, there will be an astounding language from time to time. They give Qin Qi their new ideas. Of course, they sometimes fail. Sometimes they succeed in bringing them out of the dilemma. .

On the way to the big dream country, Qin Qi passed the testimony. In addition to eating and sleeping, it is the fire.

In the end, the three of them joined forces and took a new path.

"Thank you, then, it's up to me." The news came over there, and the next step is to verify that this road is feasible.

"I hope to chat with you." Qin Qidao.

This also means that I hope that the other party can succeed. After all, if it fails, there may be no chance to continue chatting.

"Well, I will."

"Right, I don't know your name yet."

"Qin Wei."

"Tang Si Nuo."

Jiang Qingyu held the jars and rolled around, but when they heard Qin Qi’s conversation, they suddenly froze and couldn’t help but jump up.

"Hey, Don Sin?"

"Well, I am dead..."

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