God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1808: Anti-encirclement

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty chapter anti-encirclement

The power of Wen Yangyue gradually became flat.

Pure gold gas, naturally flowing on the side of the body, and between the surging, the moonlight is getting thicker, these figurative gold is really enviable.

Xingshan is already a good thing, and the mountains and seas are ups and downs, but compared with the Wenyang month, it has become somewhat inadequate. It is indeed not the same level.


The ranking of eighteen is enough to explain everything. It is not surprising that the current Wenyang month becomes what it is.

Because no one knows what level of the moon can be strong.

"Yangyue school girl has become so beautiful, she is very beautiful. Now, it is like a fairy. The whole country of dreams can't find anyone who can beat her." Wei Zinan sighs, actually It is envy.

At the same time, I feel a bit different.

This feeling is not as ugly as a swan, but it is not far away. From now on, the world of Wenyang will be completely separated from the average person.

She will go to a higher level, the level that I can't even think about on weekdays!

"Yueyue Palace Heart!" Wenyang Yue slowly opened his eyes, among the two eyes, if there is a moon, the meaning is clear.

She can feel the power she has at the moment, it is simply incredible!

She couldn't imagine it at all, she could achieve this level, just like a dream.

But she is very clear that this is not a dream, it is true, and it is Qin Qi who gave her this.

"Qin Hao, thank you, from now on..." Wen Yangyue was grateful to see Qin Qi, such a big grace, indeed did not think.

"I have done it," Qin Qi directly interrupted. Similarly, he almost heard the scorpion come.

"You can succeed, most of it is due to your own inner tenacity. This is the most important thing. All foreign things can only be regarded as auxiliary."

"And, this is just the beginning, your road is still growing, don't let go." Qin Qidao.

Wenyang nodded, but she did not say anything, but her heart has already decided, she will be like Xingshan, and Qin Qi will be respected in the future!

Even now, it seems that Qin Qi’s ten-party dragon heart can’t compare with her, but it can’t change her mind.

Xingshan and Wenyangyue have successfully condensed the heart of gold and officially entered the ranks of gold. The strength of their team has also increased a lot.

Especially in the Wenyang month, the power of the moon is extremely strong. If it is used properly, Wenyang's combat power can be compared to gold III.

Of course, this is in the case of her initial mastery of the heart of the moon, waiting for the power of the really familiar Haoyue Palace, further excavation, then power, this is not the case.

At this point, the time has been delayed a lot, Qin Qi they have to go to the nightmare tower, otherwise, may not be able to get a place.

"In any case, you should first look at the situation there, and then make plans." Xing Shandao, this is not a practice in the weekdays, this is in the selection.

They can't take all the time to cultivate.

"But the family and the sects are now encircling our school, and it is estimated that we will not let us go." Liu Yefei smiled bitterly.

The other side has a lot of people. At this point, it is estimated that other colleges have been eliminated. The situation has not changed much.

"Nothing, they want to encircle us, then we will fight against the encirclement." Qin Qi smiled slightly. "You can accelerate the compaction through battle, so the battle is good for you!"

It is said that everyone is bright.

They saw that Xingshan and Wenyang were promoted in the month. They had already had an upset and were eager to promote.

Wenyangyue does not dare to think about it, but it is promising to approach Xingshan and even surpass it.

Fight, they need to fight.

In time, everyone is war-oriented, and there is no fear of it. Instead, I look forward to the upcoming coffers.

The vision of Wenyang Yuefang is really earth-shattering. It has already attracted a lot of attention. Qin Qi can clearly see from the small map that more and more contestants are gathering.

At least there are ten teams.

"Go, let's give them some surprises." Qin Qi laughed, and flew out first.

And Liu Yefei, etc., all followed closely.

Another academic team, not to mention, but also followed up, they also found, followed by meat.

Moreover, if Qin Qi is merciful and gives them some promotion, then their future path will also undergo tremendous changes.

This thigh is too thick, can't help but hug!

Now the most embarrassing, but the same team of Zhao Wuying and Jing Xiaomeng, especially Zhao Wuying, he has condensed the heart of gold, can not be changed, Qin Qi's existence for him, in addition to the eye, heart thorns There is no expectation anymore.

And Jing Xiaomeng, maybe look forward to it, after all, she did not promote gold.

Jing Xiaomeng did have some heartbeats. When she saw the achievements of Xingshan and even Wenyang, she couldn’t help but imagine whether she could.

The change of Jing Xiaomeng’s look also made Zhao Wuying’s heart more distorted.

He will definitely surpass Qin Qi, no matter what method!

With Qin Qi in their area as the center, there have been more than a dozen teams surrounded by them. They have added a lot of anger, and obviously experienced a lot of battles.

"Senior brother, is it necessary to be cautious? We are so many people, it is not good to directly smash it in the past?" said a disciple of Xuan Yangu.

"The vision is not the same, or be careful."

"Now, this monastic hospital, in addition to the sporadic colleges are still resisting, the rest, have been eliminated, we are not in a hurry." Xuan Yangu's master Yu Xueyi said.

"Senior brother, this school, this is not a big enemy, that is, Yu Botao, and will eventually be eliminated, our sectarian opponents, only the family!" The disciple did not care before.

"Moreover, the vision was very strong, but it was stronger. It was just a step forward to the promotion of gold. One star gold IV is stronger, and where can it be strong?"

Yu Xueyi heard this and basically recognized this statement. After all, it is true.

His realm is already a five-star gold III, plus a lot of brothers and brothers, and another ten teams, a person who has just entered the gold, even if the heart of gold is going against the sky, it can't do anything.

"Well, speed up, don't let them run!" Yu Xueyi gave a low voice.

At the moment, the ten disciples of Xuan Yan Gu, the speed suddenly increased, and quickly rushed to the area where Qin Qi was.

Just just getting started, I saw a head-to-head, such as the rolling of mountains, the strength is long, and the ocean is vast.

The power of this palm is really not weak, and the disciples of Xuan Yangu are shocked.

They did not expect that someone actually intercepted.

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