God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1814: Nightmare tower

The first thousand eight hundred and forty-four chapters of the nightmare tower

Huai'an breathed a bit heavy and his body was already wounded. He still didn't know what was going on.

Is this black shadow in front of the eyes of the power of the nightmare tower, or is it real?

The Nightmare Tower can guide the nightmare of the heart, transform it into a dream, and want to climb up. These dreams are inseparable and must be defeated.

The nightmare, triggered by negative emotions such as fear or remorse, the stronger the emotion, the stronger the strength of the dream.

Therefore, in this nightmare tower, people with simple minds can climb up as soon as possible.

Huai'an intends to have its own nightmare, but the things that are transformed are beyond imagination.

It is a scene of horror that I have seen.

At the beginning, he and Du Yuwen explored a monument, and there were many gains in it. The most memorable one was the corpse found in the center of the monument.

The corpses were originally intact, but after they entered, they were directly weathered and turned into powder, but in the process, they saw a horror scene.

But it must be described, but it can't be described. I only know that it is a kind of horror. It is a darkness that cannot escape. It is a dark night, enough to suppress people's breathlessness and suffocation.

That is the fear that I feel from the bottom of my heart.

I can't remember it at all.

At that time, Huai'an and Du Yuwen were both horrified and did not dare to stay, but in the end they found that there was no real harm except for the sense of horror.

Also forcibly calm down and search for treasures.

The final harvest is not small enough to make them go further and become a person, and the golden heart that has been condensed has surpassed the expected strength.

In this way, they will not have to deal with that dark fear.

And then there was no problem, and naturally it was forgotten.

Only now, this fear is coming back. Not only that, but this fear has turned into a dream, and it has come out, so that his heart is almost on the verge of collapse.

I knew that I should not take this black bone at the beginning.

The corpse at that time, although turned into ashes, left two bones, because there was no danger for a long time, and because of curiosity, the two each received a bone.

Indeed, there are no problems after that.

Huai'an intended to let the elders see the bone, but found nothing, only knowing that this bone is extraordinary, but where is the extraordinary, what is the use, but know nothing.

In this way, Huai'an intended to stay, and later almost forgot this, until now, only to recall all of this.

Huai’an was horrified at the shadows in front of him, facing the existence led by the power of the Nightmare Tower, filled with fear.

"Hey, fresh flesh."

The shadow, a hoarse voice, it is all dark, smoke, no real, but a pair of eyes, but the noble purple gold.

This is even more unusual.

"Who are you, what do you want to do!" Huai’an bite his teeth, and he calmed down.

"This seat will give you a new life." The shadows whispered, and the purple gold in the eyes became more and more intense.

And an indescribable sense of danger, completely ignoring the peace of mind, he wants to resist, but the fear in his heart makes him unable to do anything.

As night falls, there is thick darkness everywhere.

Above the shadows, countless tentacles appeared, reaching out to Huai’an, to wrap him up.

However, halfway through, it stopped.

“Hey?” The shadow made a scorn.

He felt another bone, but he could not summon the bone.

"What power is it that can block the call of this seat?" The shadow slowly becomes illusory, he can hide in this nightmare and guide.

As long as the dream of the person holding the bone is guided out, the bone can naturally be obtained.

On the other hand, Qin Qi and others have indeed entered the Nightmare Tower.

This nightmare tower is somewhat different from what they think. The space inside is very large. It is not the size of the outside. It is obvious that there is a space law in it.

Recently, what I saw in my eyes was a statue of a god, but it was a demon, but like a ghost, the face was very embarrassing.

Give people a sense of oppression.

At this moment, the eyes of these statues are all red and radiant, and when they come into contact with these rays, a feeling of light shines from the tail of the spine to the heavens.

Can not help but shudder.

"This is the nightmare tower, it feels a little scary!" Wei Zinan unconsciously squeezed his palm, and the forehead saw a slight sweat.

"I hope there is no danger." You Jingshan snorted.

Everyone is stepping into the space of the first floor, and when they come in, the first time there is a force that touches the soul directly.

It is the dream power of dreams that is famous for it. Any soul has the danger of being lost in this power.

It seems that if you want to climb the top of the nightmare tower, you need not only strong combat power, but also the cooperation between the two.

"Energy is hard to concentrate." Liu Yefei's frown has been affected by the power of dreams, the soul is disturbed, and even the senses become illusory.

And this is only the first layer.

"Come on the heart, don't be led by the illusion." Xing Shan shouted, although he was also affected, but able to support.

"The stairs to the second floor are over there, let's go." Wenyang Yue pointed to the stairway at the center.

Her heart is tough, and this illusion can't interfere with her.

The crowd looked at the central position of the first floor, where there were six pillars that were listed as support for the stairs.

There were no obstacles there, and there were a lot of contestants there, slowly moving up.

However, it is clear that their status is not very good, and there are constantly illusions in their minds that interfere with their judgment.

But overall, the power of the first layer is not enough to stop people, and most of them can persist and go to the second floor.

Of course, some people can't go up, they have completely fallen into the illusion, and it is difficult to get out.

"Let's go, don't have too much pressure, the more you care, the more easily you fall into your heart and relax." Qin Qidao, with his words, everyone relaxed a little.

Walking all the way to the stairs, there is no obstacle to Qin Qi.

And Liu Yefei, they can also support, not to fall behind in such a place.

However, the students in another state are somewhat unsupported. Someone has already fallen into a illusion, and Qin Qi naturally does not do anything.

This is your own test, or you need to beat yourself to do it yourself.

And this is a kind of inner test. It is helpful to recognize your own path and to condense the heart of gold. As long as it is passed, it will certainly benefit a lot.

This is also the reason why Dreamland carried the Nightmare Tower, and it also means to carry it.

Other teams saw Qin Qi coming in and did not react. They just walked forward from their own feet. Here, it is best to stop the water, not to have a wave of fluctuations. Otherwise, it is likely to be the power of Dreamworld. Go deep into the soul.

Qin Qi, they did not intend to shoot in this place, after all, everyone has the same concerns.

For the time being, it is better to get along with each other.

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