God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1828: Killing blood

The first thousand eighty-eighth chapters kill bloody

"How come your sects will come here?" Yu Botao's eyes lifted slightly.

"This should not bother you?" Killing the heart and indifference, I will not put Yu Botao in my eyes.

Her gaze didn't even stop on Yu Botao, and she fell directly to Qin Qi.

And... Jiang light language?

She is actually there too.

There was some worry about killing my heart, and I didn’t dare to go forward.

Yu Botao snorted and laughed at this scene.

Not very arrogant, how can this be embarrassed?

Yu Botao experienced the feeling before Liu Yefei.

"Hey, the situation is not right, how is this little witch here?" You Xingzhou got together and his face was a bit unnatural.

He is following the killing.

After these newcomers settled down, they began to think about the future, and the minds similar to Yu Botao were naturally few.

What the world is facing is the indigenous people who spend the world. The two armies are extremely dangerous. It is necessary to find partners and unite forces.

And Yu Xingzhou is also ready to find a relationship between killing love and Min Min.

I did not expect that the killing of love went straight to the courtyard where Qianhu Prefecture was located.

Bipolar, intend to unite with the school?

In any case, You Xingzhou must have a foot, but now, but some regret it.

This little comet is not what they can afford.

In particular, killing love, when faced with Jiang whispers, decisively escaped, it is estimated that the character of the vengeance of Jiang whispers, still remembering.

"Shut up!" Killing his heart and screaming, his face is not very good-looking.

"I'm bored, one by one, when can I open the meal!" Jiang whispered completely, and the little tiger was grinding, obviously who would dare to talk nonsense is a brick.

Qin Qi shook his head, gave birth to a fire, while roasting the fierce beast meat, while watching the killing of love and so on.

"It’s not surprising that the Yu Xuechang will come, but why are you coming?" Qin Qi said lightly, how much is still somewhat curious.

These sectarians will not come to him to cooperate with him.

After all, the academic school is the object that both the sect and the family want to suppress.

"In the middle of the town, there is a senior officer who is self-bipolar, so I can get the information about the post task as soon as possible."

Some of her accidents were waiting for the whisper of Jiang, but it was obviously impossible to ask.

"Oh?" Qin Qi gave a slight glimpse, but did not pick up, apparently to kill his heart and say to himself.

"We are very likely to be sent to kill blood." Killing the heart.

"Spell the blood?"

Both Yu Botao and You Xingzhou are a glimpse, and obviously do not know where this is.

"Does this kill bloody, is there anything special?" Xing Shan asked.

"The killing of blood, for the indigenous people of the flower world, is a restricted area, the power inside has a huge killing effect on them." Killing the heart, said, then took out a map.

Since there are strong people in the Zongzhong sitting in the town of Tiantian, the information that can be obtained by killing the heart is naturally quite a lot.

Qin Qi can not help but look at the past.

The map is not too big. It is not a map of the world. It only covers the scope of the guardianship of the town, and other places are somewhat vague. It only marks the names of the big places.

Kill the heart and spread the map, then draw a few lines on it.

These lines connect the big towns in the dream sky, almost a circle, and the town is in the center of the circle.

"This is the current line of defense in the world of flowers?" You Xingzhou flashed.

"Good", nostalgia, and then marked the location of several important towns.

It is obvious that the few towns have been isolated from this line of defense.

"The connection between the towns has been cut off a few, so it is impossible to unite all. Is this the current situation in the world of flowers?" Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly.

"Yes, if these major towns are not supported, it will be difficult to continue to support under the invasion of the indigenous people, and will be broken by each." Killing his heart nodded.

"This is the defense line now set?" Qin Qi asked.

"Yes, this is the latest order issued by the head of the Second Army." Killing the heart.

This is strange.

"Why did you not send someone to support your dreams, even if there are signs of rising in the indigenous world, but connecting all the towns is the strongest line of defense?" Qin Qidao.

"This, I don't know, except for the former Wu Xianxi and other strongmen, it seems that His Highness has not sent the army-level combat power into the world of flowers." Killing his heart and shaking his head.

Qin Qi heard the words, his eyes flashed a few times.

He knows what is going on.

The United Kingdom is not only blocking the diamond-level powerhouse, but now, I am afraid that no one can pass.

The gates are destroyed?

Or is the world coordinate being tampered with?

It is possible.

This is definitely good news for Qin Qi.

Must be used.

It is for the time being that I don’t know how long the dream sky will be able to resume.

"If there is no support, it is indeed not optimistic to look at the situation, but the defense should not be a problem, and this has something to do with what you said is the **** blood?" Qin Qidao.

The indigenous people in the world of flowers are relying on quantity, and the top-level combat power cannot be compared with the dream country.

So after the initial defeat of the enemy, the indigenous people of the world of flowers are struggling to make progress.

It is not a fake for an ant to bite, but the price is definitely not small.

"Here, it is to kill bloody." Killing love draws a circle on the edge of the defense of Haotian Town.

"This place..." Qin Qi saw the position of killing blood and blood, and the brow wrinkled slightly.

According to the defensive circle that was just drawn by the love of the heart, this **** position is the biggest loophole in the defensive circle.

If the indigenous people can pass through here, they will drive straight into the hinterland!

"It seems that Qin Gongzi also discovered, here is the biggest flaw in the defensive circle!" Killing the heart.

"But for the indigenous people, it is not a restricted area. It should be our natural barrier." Youxingzhou Emei Road.

"It is true, but if the indigenous people have the opportunity to break into, then it is a big problem." Killing the heart.

"That is to say, the upper part knows this hidden danger, but does not want to invest too much force in such a place, so send us in the past?" You Xingzhou grinned.

"This is roughly the case." Killing his heart nodded.

"However, does this have anything to do with looking for me?" Qin Qi asked, and handed the roasted meat to Jiang.

Jiang whispered his eyes bright and bright, so he did not care about these people.

Even if you want to kill the blood and perform defensive or exploratory tasks, there is no need to come to him specifically.

"Break the blood, it is a forbidden zone for the indigenous people, but for us, it is also a dangerous place. There are countless killings in the heart, which can release a strong murderous spirit. Once it is open, it can even kill the soul."

"I know that your killing is extremely horrible. There, your advantage is great." Killing the heart and giving reasons.

Qin Qi slightly decapitated, this is a reason, but not enough.

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