God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1836: Woman in red dress

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-six chapters of women in red clothes

"This woman, how do you look like an indigenous?" Liu Yefei wondered.

Although the indigenous people of the world of flowers are generally humanoid, they each have some characteristics. For example, a flower fairy like a flower, with a pair of thin wings behind it.

Qin Qi is curious as to whether they are related to the elves.

In addition to flower fairy, such as bath flower demon, grass fairy, etc., there are also special organs different from humans.

But this woman is a normal human body.

"Maybe taking the alien fruit of our outside world is also possible." Pingshan guessed.

However, such a forest of guns, a strange mountain of blood, and a woman in red standing on the mountain, do not need any real breath to reveal, it is enough to make people feel jealous.

I don’t have to think about it, it’s definitely a bad one.

"Before the special induction, it seems to have turned into a real shape, and all the air is gathering in the red woman." Tang Sinuo's delicate brow slightly groaned.

She is distinguished and can be said to be knowledgeable, but this kind of scene is still the first time I see it.

She suspected that the appearance of the flower sea was because of this woman.

Only Qin Qi did not answer her.

Tang Sinuo was surprised. She noticed the look of Qin Qi.

However, in her eyes, Qin Qi should not have such a sinister attitude. From the first drift bottle, until now, the noble woman’s evaluation of Qin Qi has been rising all the way, which is enough to be comparable to Wang’s son.

Or, she didn't notice it all?

"Qin Gongzi, what did you find?" Tang Sinuo asked.

"Nothing!" Qin Qi noticed that she was somewhat out of order, shook her head, and the look at the bottom of her eyes was completely removed.

Then he looked at the killing and said: "Is this woman here?"

"The brothers did not mention, perhaps not before, or may not have come before people." Killing love.

Here, there is actually a person, so isn’t it already made by her?

This has never been heard.

Kill your heart and bite your teeth.

"The son, this is not..." The flower face is weird and can't help but want to say something.

However, Qin Qi waved his hand slightly, letting her not continue.

He glanced at the mountain, although it was not close, but he knew that the other party was watching it.

It’s just that there is nothing but a pervasive killing.

"The son, we have to go in." Hua Ruidao.

"Look first."

"The son, these are the grass blades, very aggressive, extremely hard and sharp, and some can even be used directly as weapons."

"But here is obviously different from the outside world, but it will only be stronger!" said Huali.

"It seems that there is only this grass blade outside, and it seems that I have to go in to see it clearly." Qin Qi nodded, even if the vortex-like perception was distributed, and the small map was not found, there was no existence outside the grass.

Maybe before the mountain, what you need to face is the bright red grass blades.

"Ready, let's go in." Qin Qi is facing the crowd.

The people nodded and took a deep breath, but their eyes were shining.

This place is not simple, but the more such a place, the more likely it is to have a big chance.

The presence of the leaders of their respective forces, able to grow to the point of today, naturally have received a lot of opportunities.

So especially for this kind of thing, even if you know that there is danger, you can't stop the heart that you want to move.

"What do you think?" He looked at Qin Qi with pity, then asked Zhao Wuying.

"It is the power of the night, but it has completely changed. I have no connection with me." Zhao Wuying said, it is incredible.

He found that his understanding of the night was not as complete as he had imagined.

At least in his eyes, the night is him, the reason why pity can have the power of the night, just because he was defeated by the black king, the power was divided.

And now it seems that this is not the case.

So this time, Zhao Wuying also wants to go in and see.

With a little preparation, everyone formed a battlefield. With the accumulation of previous battles, this time it seems more tacit.

Mu Lin also linked life and death with Qin Qi, and the continuous killing power was transformed into a life-saving force and became the guarantee of everyone.

As for Qin Qi and Tang Sinuo, it is natural to take the lead and enter the forest of guns.

As soon as Pu entered, Qin Qi felt a cold ice rushing to the brain, and these, like the guns and leaves, also instantly issued a "squeaky" sound, straight and straight toward the Qin Qi.

"You come to try the water." Qin Qidao.

Don Sinuo nodded, this gun blade will sooner or later, it is better to let the other party take the initiative, not as good as they first!

The flames burned in the hands of Don Sinuo, with a terrible power that never goes out.

Immediately, several fire lines burst out and shaped like a fire dragon, rushing into the jungle of the guns.

The raging flames ignited instantly, as the grass blades were covered with flames, but under the glare of the fire, the grass blades were not burned to ashes!

"These are fires!" Tang Sinuo's eyes flashed, and his eyes were horrified.

Then she went straight into the air, more flames ignited on her, and then fell, the more burning.

It’s just that these gun blades are obviously impossible for Tang Sinuo to attack at will. Their gun-shaped blades are skyrocketing in the flames, growing wildly, and numerous gunpoints are punctured and rushed to Tang Sinuo.

These blades of grass are filled with the power of blood. Although the fire of Donsino is not without any effect, it is impossible to burn them immediately.

The tip of the gun is pierced, and even the air is twisted. The speed and strength are all terrible.

However, Don Sinno is not only one person.

Qin Qi also moved, against the Kunlun in hand, countless Jianguang suddenly rushed out, collided with the blade of the grass blade, and then, the sound of gold and iron cross-talking is endless, "叮叮叮" suddenly if the rain plum blossom.

The sword light of Qin Qi is naturally not able to withstand the grass blades. Even if these gun blades are surprisingly fire systems, for Qin Qi, the wood system and the fire system are not different.

The branches and leaves are flying, and they are turned into ashes in the fire.

However, Qin Qi’s attack is strong, but the grass and leaves are dense, just like the flower sea before, Qin Qi opened a circle, and can not solve the problem.

Instead, it has ignited a more violent counterattack.

The leaves of the grass blades rose again, and the inch of blood was like a crystal, covering the leaves. Then, it was a crazy spur, and the roots were attacked by three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends.

Qin Qi crosses the blade, and the sword of killing is still sweeping, but there is still a fish that slips through the net.

And those, can only be resisted by killing people and others.

The battle was in a state of anxiety, and Tang Sinuo seemed to be inspired by the war, and the newly-understood fire method was integrated into the attack and poured down.

After all, her flame is extremely special, and the grass blades are gradually hard to resist.

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