God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1847: Passing through the blood

The first thousand eight hundred and forty-seven chapters pass through the killing of blood

Such an opportunity is very rare for Wen Yangyue. It is both a test and a cultivation, and it is also a great creation.

"Then we give them protection?" asked Don Sin.

"You come to give them a good law, I will go to other places to see." Qin Qidao.

Tang Sinuo looked at Qin Qi and apparently was curious about the actions after Qin Qi. The first thought in his heart was to keep up, but remembering the previous encounters, he was unable to make such a request.

Moreover, she did not understand why she was willing to follow Qin Qi’s actions and was obviously wronged.

"Well, I will protect them well, but as a condition, you will continue to help me to prove the road!" Tang Sinuo said.

She knows that people like Qin Qi must gain something when they put out her flames, and that is what she needs, a way of thinking about her later roads.

Can be said to be very important.

"No problem," Qin Qi nodded, his body shape flashed away, the next moment, has appeared in front of the flower.

Then, with the flower, it disappeared without a trace. At a fast speed, no one knew where he was going.

The flower suddenly left, although some people noticed it, but did not care.

A flower fairy, which is unpopular, is now taken away by Qin Qi.

As for Qin Qi’s departure, it is estimated that the flower fairy will lead the way and go elsewhere to explore.

This is also good, maybe there are other things that can be made.

Of course, these thoughts are just a flash, and now you need to pay attention to it. Only in front of you, this is the power at your fingertips!

"Gongzi, let's go and kill the **** flowers first?" Huali couldn't help but ask, some excitement.

"Well," Qin Qi nodded, flying fast in the **** battle.

Already in the realm of platinum, he has been able to slightly control the space law of the outer world. Although it is still very difficult to break the void, it can be blessed on the streamer to make the speed even higher.

On this road, there are still many dangers. It is more than just a strange mountain to kill blood and blood, and there are many dangers.

Many of them are marked in a deep red position, and the degree of danger is only as good as that of the strange mountain.

Of course, it is impossible to win.

After all, the night is not there, enough to overpower everything.

Qin Qi did not pay attention to this. He followed the straight line all the way, and in a day's time, he rushed out of the scope of killing blood.

On the other side of the bloody, it is not the area controlled by the Kingdom of Dreams. Here, it has returned to the hands of the indigenous people of the world of flowers.

It’s just that the special power of killing blood and blood makes the indigenous people dare not approach.

"The son, the future will guide you!" Huali excited.

Through the **** killing, she already knows how to go, and now I am eager to go back.

Qin Qi nodded and flew in the direction indicated by the flower.

Out of the blood and blood, the front can be said that there is no barrier, Qin Qi's speed reached the peak, almost like a phantom, such as teleportation.

Even if the world of flowers is much larger than the world of Tianyuan, but under the speed of Qin Qi, it is similar to shrinking into the inch, and will soon be able to arrive.

Not only the flower, Qin Qi himself is also excited.

From the Tianyuan world, he was divided into five. After he had lost his life and killed the people, he had no future news after he opened up the future for the Terran.

Now, finally, you can see the heroine, how can you not be excited?

"His Royal Highness, waiting for me, I will be here soon!" Qin Qi excitedly said, the speed increased by a few points, if the meteor, cut through the sky.

"It's the front, this is our stronghold. Here, we can find out the news of Wang Ting!" Hua Rui pointed to the road ahead.

The indigenous people of the world of flowers have risen up. Wang Ting is naturally the eye of the country of dreams, so it needs to be moved from time to time to avoid being sent to the country by the kingdom of dreams.

After all, in terms of top-level combat power, the world of flowers is incomparable to the country of dreams.

It flew over several mountain ranges, and the place where the flower is pointed is at the foot of Qin Qi.

There is a huge flower sea here, and a large tree is full of flowers, very splendid.

However, although the flower here is very different from the flower sea in the **** flower, it is much brighter, but Qin Qi can feel the crisis.

This sea of ​​flowers should be the power to guard the indigenous strongholds, and many laws are attached to it, and this land is born to shelter the indigenous people.

"This is a labyrinth of flowers. Once you get in, you will get lost!" Huali smiled. Since this flower sea is still there, then this stronghold should be safe.

"Gongzi, I will take you in." Huarui Road, flying into the labyrinth of flowers.

Qin Qi followed, saying nothing.

This kind of labyrinth flower has little effect on him. Don't say that using the powerful spiral type of permeation, it will not be lost at all. It is also easy to push by force.

However, there is no need to do this, first with the flower.

The flowery face was full of excitement. After being shackled, she fell into despair and never thought that she could return to her home one day.

And now, she is back, I only hope that my comrades, everything is fine!

Through the last row of trees full of flowers, the flower is full of expectation, and people have not yet arrived, have begun to call.

"I am back!"

The flower is excited and shouted, and all faces are happy smiles.

Only the next moment, her body froze, the smile on her face, instantly solidified, the contraction of her pupils, and the incredible look at the scene.

Broken wall debris, blood everywhere.

There are corpses everywhere, and they smell rancid.

The place where she lived in the past has been destroyed, all men have been killed, corpses are here, and women are not left behind.

They are afraid that they have been taken away, as goods for sale, as toys for people to enjoy.

"How could this be the case, how could it be like this!" The eyes of the flower were so wide that the tears of the two lines continued to fall.

She can't believe the reality at hand.

The entire stronghold was destroyed and all familiar people were dead.

She cried aloud and she couldn't accept it.

She came back with anticipation, she was so excited that she imagined that she was waiting for her, but it was a broken, dead body.

Too cruel.

Qin Qi's eyebrows did not expect it to be like this.

It’s just that the labyrinth outside is completely intact, not like being forced to break through.

Is it that someone brought in a different person?

Qin Qi blinked his eyes. It seems that the indigenous people in the world of flowers are not all hard bones, and some people have chosen to give in.

This should be the capital of the surrender as an invitation!

The flower was biting her lip tightly. She held back and cried, wiped away the tears with force and flew deep into the stronghold.

Perhaps there are survivors!

Qin Qi glanced at the small map and immediately stunned it. There was actually a slight fluctuation.

It’s just that this fluctuation is too weak, he just ignored it.

There are still people alive, but I am afraid that only half a breath is left.

When the Qin Qi figure flashed, the stamens of the headless flies were caught, and then they turned away in the direction of the volatility.

Just see the next scene.

The stamen tears are hard to suppress, and I can't help but grieve.

Even if Qin Qi, the eyes also ignited anger, there are amazing killings in circulation.

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