God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1849: transsexual

The first eight hundred and forty-nine chapters of transgender

During the war years, the strongholds could not remain unchanged. After all, the territory was pulled back and forth, and strategic shifts were commonplace.

After all, even if the world of flowers is now in one piece, it has achieved a proud record, but it is a surprising result.

Nowadays, several major towns in the Kingdom of Dreams have contracted the battle circle, regrouped, and two powerful legions are sitting in the town. The pressure of the world of flowers is gradually increasing.

The lack of top-level combat power is a serious injury to the world of flowers.

With the flower spurting up, Qin Qi flew away to several strongholds, but in the end there was not much gain.

When Qin Qi arrived, two of the strongholds had already gone to the building, apparently transferred away, and the remaining few were broken, and the death and injury were heavy.

Even if Qin Qi does not understand the whole battle plan of the flower world, but now knows that the country of dreams is slowly eroding the power of the indigenous.

"Gongzi, what should I do now?" Huali couldn't help but worry.

"Since you can't find your stronghold, go to the battlefield, and the big flower world, you can't have no frontal battlefield." Qin Qi said lightly.

In the map provided by the officers of the Kingdom of Dreams, there are several markings on the front line. Qin Qi can only go to the battlefield to see.

Be careful, don't expose yourself, or you will have problems.

At the moment, Qin Qi and Hua Rui went to the nearest front.

After spending half a day, Qin Qi finally came to the nearest battlefield.

World-class wars are confined to a certain battlefield and seem to be no different from what Qin Qi had experienced in the past.

"This is the Western War Zone. At first, the adults led the people, and the country that counterattacked the dream, it started from here." Hua Ruidao.

Behind this front, the outsiders rely on the Dolan town that was destroyed in the past.

The country where the dream of the town was run for thousands of years, once destroyed, it is impossible to recover, but it is still possible as a frontline base.

At this moment, the Third Army of the Kingdom of Dreams is gathering here and fighting with the Legion of the World of Flowers.

However, it seems that it is the initiative launched by the World of Flowers.

Indigenous people should also get intelligence. They know that there are many strong people in the country of dreams who have entered the world of flowers from the mainland. If they do not remove this frontline base, their situation will be even worse.

I just don’t know if the gates are temporarily unable to open, and they know something about it.

"Gongzi, let's go down and help!" Hua Rui screamed, she was eager to kill the enemy, to vent their sadness.

"You don't show up for a while, and you can't change your hand!"

"Reassured, there will be opportunities in the future, let you hand the enemy!" Qin Qi Shen channel.

He is not eager to shoot, but intends to see the situation first, and then cut in from the key points, this is the best choice. Through a small map, he took the entire battlefield into the eye.

This time, the world of flowers has been at least a legion, and the number is more than ten times that of the country of dreams.

However, the battle is extremely glued. The military array that wants to impact the country of dreams can only be piled up with corpses, and this is still the result of the dispatching of the world of flowers.

In the final analysis, it is still the gap in combat power. One backbone is the order of gold. The officers are all the ranks of Platinum. It is not the ten legions of the legion that only the leader of the army reaches the level of platinum can easily be defeated.

"Indigenous people want to cut in from the south!" Qin Qi saw the intention of the indigenous commander.

The tremors of all this, the legion interspersed, the purpose is one, from the south to the third legion of the dream country.

This is undoubtedly risky, and it will be a painful price, but perhaps it can really achieve the goal.

"Then help them, create confusion on the back." Qin Qi eyes slightly picked up, his body suddenly changed, became and picked up.

Alice appeared again.

"Alice, I haven't seen you for a long time, sorry, let you suffocate in the space of Wuhun." Qin Qi apologized, the power of these martial arts, he really did not use for a long time.

Even in this world of flowers, Qin Qi is not easy to use, so as not to be perceived by the kingdom of dreams.

"Master, I haven't seen you for a long time." Alice smiled and she was still beautiful.

Or, it is more beautiful.

As the strength of Qin Qi continues to increase, these martial arts have long gained more than the power to go.

After all, they are all just the soul of Qin Qi.

They can give Qin Qi strength, Qin Qi can also give them, help them to constantly change!

At this moment, Alice has surpassed the peak of the past and has a stronger ability.

In fact, if they are martial arts, they may be stronger. After all, they are the most talented people in Tianyuan World. As long as they are given conditions, they will not be weaker than anyone!

Alice looked at the alien warriors in the distance, and there was ice and snow in her eyes.

At the beginning, she entered the outside world with the first taboo, and also fought against these aliens. Finally, the war died in the outer world.

And now, there are opportunities, and the results will be different!

"Do you want me to take it?" Alice asked.

"No, you now have a lot of ability to go beyond the past, to make a difference, so that my identity is recognized." Qin Qidao.

Alice nodded.

In Qin Qi's entry into the ranks of platinum, these martial arts have also changed. Different from the past, there are more new abilities, such as the integration of soul and martial arts!

The essence of Wuhun is actually to let the military use the power, and after the use of the soul-wu integration, the Wuhun and the warriors will not be separated from each other, the warrior, that is, the power itself.

This should be the most thorough use of the martial arts force. The efficiency is more than the soul and soul, and it is truly integrated.

Since Qin Qi was promoted to platinum, he also encountered a hard fight at night. Unfortunately, the other party was too strong. Qin Qi used the fusion of Wuhun, and he could not change anything, so he did not use it.

So now is the first time, Qin Qi faint and some expectations.

"Fusion!" Qin Qidao.

Alice nodded, and she radiated her hair and turned it into a light belt. She shrouded Qin Qi into an egg.

Immediately after the eggshell cracked, the shape of Qin Qi gradually became clear.

Sure enough, after using the fusion of Wuhun, Qin Qi felt that the power in the body had undergone a complete transformation, and the ice ability was more convenient, and the increase was huge!

Even behind, there are also the unique wings of the elves, which look very similar to the indigenous people in the world of flowers.

Presumably, no one will doubt his identity.

"The son, you..." The flower eyes widened and looked at Qin Qi in horror.

"Can't you see me?" Qin Qi smiled, satisfied with his heart.

However, I was about to act, but suddenly I felt a little bounce on my chest. I couldn’t help but want to bend over.

So heavy, how does the chest muscle become so big?

"I rely!" Qin Qi looked down, his eyes were round and round.

What happened to these two mountains!

"Alice!" Qin Qi was black in front of him and couldn't help but snorted.

Alice’s voice immediately sounded in her mind. “Master, I have no experience in integrating for the first time. I won’t do this next time.”

Qin Qi was speechless and angered.

Because it was the first soul-wu fusion, so that there was a mistake, and finally it was occupied by Alice, and Qin Qi is now a woman who is alive and beautiful, and beautiful.

"Let's find you later!" Qin Qi bite his teeth and turn it into an ice light, straight to the north side of the battlefield.

He wants to anger and pour on these enemies!

Oh, no, it should be her now.

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