God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1865: The oriole is behind

The first thousand eight hundred and sixty-five chapters of the yellow tits

Wen Yangyue et al., who have been fighting in the jungle of gun grass for a period of time, accumulate grass stones.

There are such treasures, of course, everyone wants more, so they are all going all out, and now they have already left a lot of them. When they go back, everyone will have a huge harvest.

All the way to the platinum level, there should be no problem, the only difference, that is, time.

It’s just that, but it’s not so easy to get it.

The threat is not just from the grass, but also some guys who want to make the oriole.

At the moment, the field is facing.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Killing his heart and sinking his face, his face is not good-looking.

They have been surrounded, and the ones who surround them are the brothers who kill the heart.

Although the two sides have not yet played against each other, it is clear that killing the heart of the brother is not good, otherwise it will not present a trend of encirclement.

Jia Hao smiled and said: "Sister, I don't trust you, so I will take someone to look at it. After all, you are a proud disciple of my bipolar, and you can't lose it!"

"I am very good, the brothers are relieved." Killing the heart.

"Oh, it's best, but you can rest assured that it will be handed over to me. As long as I am there, I will not let these monsters fight for bloody!" Jia Hao laughed and tried to take over.

Yu Botao and others have changed their faces slightly and can understand each other's meaning.

Although I am not happy, I don’t want to let the future earnings go hand in hand.

However, Jia Hao has a strong fighting power and is already the existence of Platinum III. The people brought this time are also the strongest people in the town, and the average combat power is far above them.

In platinum alone, it is more than six people.


However, they have stepped up their time to harvest grass stones during this time. Now they have gotten more than half of them. Even if they give up, they are not unbearable.

Let's leave and talk about it.

"There is a brother-in-law, and I am really not too expensive to spend, and I need to go back and take a break." Killing the heart, the look is dignified.

Even if it is the same door, this time, it is absolutely untrustworthy.

And now it seems that this brother is not at ease at first.

"Well, let's go first, but in accordance with the regulations, I still hope that I can hand over the spoils and submit them to the top!"

"Of course, if you put in so much effort, the top management will definitely reward you!"

"Senior brothers may wish to congratulate you in advance. I thought I had just come to this world of flowers, but I didn't make a mistake. How can you make a performance like this?" Jia Hao laughed.

He actually wants to kill his heart and wait for someone to hand over the grass stones!

"Nonsense, the country of dreams has ever had such a regulation, the private income of the world, there is no need to turn in!" Yu Botao shouted.

How can the other lions open their mouths and how can they agree?

Jia Hao looked at Yu Botao indifferently, and the voice turned cold. He said: "There is no part of your speech here. What regulations are there, are you more clear than me?"

"Let you turn in, it's for you, don't know what to do!" Jia Hao, another platinum strong cold channel.

The strength of platinum has risen enough to suppress the love of them.

"Brother, do you want to be like this?" Killing his heart and biting his teeth.

"Sister, you can see this outside, you and I are the same door, how can the brothers harm you, rest assured, it is yours, it will never be less." Jia Hao laughed.

"Sister..." Mullin was in a tight heart and couldn't help but look at the killing.

Jia Hao’s words are very clear, that is, let the killing of love be rebellious.

The feeling of killing love is constantly changing.

Some are hesitant.

"Sister, don't be confused." Jia Hao said lightly.

Killing his heart and laughing, said, "Senior brother, you really gave me a problem."

"What is the difficulty of this, and the last benefit is our bipolar!" Jia Haodao.

"I see, you are benefiting from your brother!" Killing his heart and shaking his hands, the two spikes are like a fierce beast showing his teeth, and the gas of killing has already been rolled up.

She is only half a step away from platinum.

"Sister, you are so confused, why bother?" Jia Hao shook his head, but his heart was somewhat disappointed.

This time, he will not care about the friendship of the same door, he will get all the stones in his hands.

If you are killing a betrayal, you may be able to leave them a life. Now it seems that they can only be dealt with together.

"Brother, you want to succeed, afraid that it is not that easy!"

Jia Hao disdainfully smiled and said: "The performance of your days, I have already seen it in my eyes. There are no uncertain factors. You, there is no possibility of resisting, why bother to die!"

Wen Yang, Yu Botao and others are sinking in the heart.

The other party has not just arrived here, but has already come here to observe everything.

The so-called uncertain factor should be Qin Qi, and the terrible existence of this area.

But in a few days, Jia Hao has determined that these uncertain factors are not here.

Moreover, during this time, he basically saw through what kind of combat power this group of people possessed.

To be honest, it is not simple, it is better than their group of people.

However, the time that Jia Hao chose was just to kill them and they ended a battle, so no matter what, no accidents could occur.

"Jia brother, since they don't appreciate themselves, I don't want to delay it!" There are platinum masters who are faint, and their eyes are extremely hot.

So many grass stones are enough for them to give up the principle bottom line.

"Well, but if you want to shoot, then don't leave alive!" Jia Hao was cold, showing a fierce color, he did not intend to stay alive.

It’s really embarrassing.

Since there is no other choice, then killing others and others, and giving up other ideas, concentrate on a battle.

After so many days of running-in, they have already been tacitly acquainted with each other, instantly forming a battle formation, inspiring power, guiding each other, and continuously strengthening.

There is almost no waste.

Jia Hao's face sank, but even if the other side knows how to understand it, in the face of absolute strength enough to crush, it is nothing but resentment.

The battle started, and the platinum gas rose like a gas column, and it rushed into the sky.

In the face of this power, how pure gold gas is, it is also weak.

If it is not the heart of the heart, the heart of gold is generally stronger, I am afraid that it will not be supported at the beginning.

"Hey, I don't see the coffin without tears, I have to look at it, how long can you hold on!" Jia Hao cold channel, suddenly shot, killing the gas is more intense than killing the heart.

He had a **** sword in his hand and slammed it down. The strength was too strong and it was almost impossible to resist.

Although it was finally offset by the battlefield, it was obviously too much pressure. The faces responsible for the resistance were already pale.

On the other side of Jia Hao, at the moment, they also formed a battlefield, apparently intending to end the battle as soon as possible.

Almost the situation has already presented a one-sided situation.

Although Wenyang Yue and others struggled together, after all, the gap between the realms was too large, and it was too much to consume.

However, at this time, a fire line suddenly appeared, and all the forces along the way were burned, that is, the defense of the battlefield could not withstand and was penetrated instantaneously.

This line of fire, take Jia Hao straight!

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