God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1872: The victory has been set

The 1878th chapter victory has been set

For the body of the dragon vein, as long as the feet are on the ground, where is the home.

Not to mention Qin Qi condenses Kunlun heart.

For the use of the earth's veins, it naturally increases again.

All the veins, the psionic spirits all flocked to Qin Qi, as if there were countless dragon shadows around Qin Qi, those are the power of the local veins.

"Useless!" Wu Xianxi burst into the water, the giant sword squat.

"It's useless, you can't count it, use your sword to feel it!" Qin Qi cold drink, with the earth power of the sky, how to resist?

King Kong sword and sword into a monument!

Wu Xianxi is also crazy.

Jianlin is like a forest of stones, the meaning of King Kong, under the sword, long, with a monument to achieve the limit of power!

Diamond-level magical power, crushing all the power!

Wu Xianxi emerged as a sword, and numerous swords such as the monument, a stock of King Kong, completely integrated into this sword.

The Tianxu market is strong again. In this case, it may also be invincible.

After all, this is just a sky market, just a shadow of Kunlun, not a real Kunlun.

Qin Qi looks the same, this sword in his hand is not Kunlun, but against Kunlun.

He reversed the sword and Kunlun overturned it.

Positive and negative two Kunlun!

The all-out swordsmanship and the explosive force have inevitably hit the core of the town, regardless of what it is, and it is impossible to resist this force.

Become nothing.

It was the fierce battle in the town of Tiantian, which was all overwhelmed by the sudden screaming and killing.

The military strength of the flowering Wang Ting is indeed far above the town of Haotian, but the number is large, but the quality is a little bit, not to mention that this place is still the opponent's home.

The numerous big battles opened, and the pressure on the flowering Wang Ting was too great.

However, the command of Hong Lian has reduced this disadvantage to a minimum.

The counter-attack of the Alien Legion was completely resolved by the Red Lotus and used, but it was given to the other side.

After two times, the Alien Legion never dared to confront the legion, and only dared to use the defense of the fortification to counterattack.

And Hong Lian also knows that he can't wait, he can only eat, but the speed is faster than expected.

After all, in order to support the battle with Qin Qi, Wu Xianxi's consumption is too great, and many arrays of law are mainly blessed in Wu Xianxi, it is difficult to consider other strong.

But this is also helpless. After all, everyone knows that once Wu Xianxi loses, then this war is likely to end soon.

Only, desperately!

Shouting and killing, killing sound, blood splashing, where the battlefield is pushed, where it will turn into red.

Someone is falling down.

Whether it is the outside world or the indigenous people, the death and injury are heavy. In order to change a different practitioner, the life of two royal warriors is often needed.

However, it is miraculous to be able to compress the battle damage to one to two.

In the past, it was all a battle loss of more than ten.

Above the warship, Honglian stood on the side of the ship and looked at the entire battlefield.

Nowadays, there are already more than half of the heavy towns in their hands, but the remaining part, but step by step blood, the difficulty of attack will be more and more.

Of course, Honglian has the confidence to attack, but it is difficult to catch up before the arrival of the reinforcements.

"You are watching here, I am going down." Honglian is facing the Taoer Road around.

She is hunting in a red battle suit. For her, she will never be satisfied with the command behind the scenes. It is the way she can reach the limit.

"There are many strong players in the platinum world, you can't come out!" Taoer quickly said.

"No problem, I will let them not give me a shot." Red Lotus smiled.

After all, regardless of the peach opposition, the soldiers have been recruited into the battlefield.

There is no her wolf-smoke regiment here, but she has a smoldering wolf, and any army will be embarrassed by her army.

The last reserved Wang Ting Guards, followed by Honglian, they were like a knife tip, directly into the battlefield.

The realm of Honglian is indeed a little worse. Even if it is a battlefield bonus, it is the core of the Legion, but the existence of the Platinum level is still enough.

However, the legion she led, is not to confront the front, but every shot, is the weakness of the enemy.

Under the eyes of Hong Lian, there is no flaw in it.

And they are not strong, can't let the enemy's strong players distract them and shoot them.

After all, the main battlefield will be out of balance instantly.

However, if they are not restricted, the speed of the offensive of Wang Huating is obviously accelerating, so that they may not be able to wait for reinforcements.

A dilemma.

And this is the art of Honglian's war. Every shot is just right, so that the other side can't make up his mind every time.

In this way, it will only accelerate the defeat.

If all the regiments are a war machine, then the guards led by Hong Lian will act as oil to make the war machine work more smoothly!

They are by no means the mainstay of war, but they are significant.

Feeling this kind of change, the morale of the indigenous people is greatly unstoppable, and the smoldering wolf of Honglian is constantly inspiring in the battle.

It can not only improve morale, let the soldiers become fearless, but also strengthen the power of the battle, it is extraordinary!


The bombardment bombardment, the entire Haotian is almost ruined.

At the legion level, the town of Haotian has been completely at a disadvantage. They can hardly imagine how the fighting power of the indigenous people will become so strong.

The offensive is in flames and cannot be controlled by them.

And once they respond, the Aborigines will make rapid changes, so that they have nowhere to do, only to be eaten.

The outsiders are very clear, the indigenous side must have a powerful commander, with unparalleled command skills, let them be controlled everywhere, step by step to defeat.

When the situation is over now, it is hard to recover, and what they can expect is only Wu Xianxi.

Because the speed of defeat is really unexpected, the reinforcements, I am afraid that it has not been able to arrive in time.

The battle between Wu Xianxi and Qin Qi was not over. After the earth-shattering confrontation, the momentum of the two men was weak, but no one fell.

And only if they stand still, their battle will not end.

At this moment, Wu Xianxi’s face was pale, not only after the ban, but also after the sequelae began to appear. At the same time, it was indeed injured.

He really did not expect that it would become like this.

The home court advantage, coupled with the banned drugs given by Fantasy, he felt that he could even hold the diamonds for a little while.

Qin Qi, the realm is not as good as him, and he has missed four stars, but he has pushed him to such a level.

Although Qin Qi's state is not so good, he has been injured, his face is also pale, but not as sick as he is.

Wu Xianxi knows that he has to hold it.

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