God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1886: Daegu Heaven

The first thousand eight hundred and eighty-six chapters of the big dream heaven

A trick into the dream.

Qin Qi’s soul was suddenly affected, and he was to be dragged into a dream.

However, Qin Qi’s body, the infinite killings, suddenly burst out.

Such a strong killing, any power that affects the soul, I am afraid to be broken.


Not dreaming.

Qin Qi this sword, still smashed up.

However, the power of dreaming has finally affected Qin Qi. This blow has not been rewarded.

"This kind of killing is indeed resistant to the ability of this seat, but this is just an appetizer." Fantasy cold.

"The fart is really much!" Qin Qi has a body, has come to the flank, a sword squat.

The dreamy face is ugly to the extreme. This **** little hybrid, hurting him, will not put him in the eye.

Provocative again and again, he can not tolerate.

"Dream Heaven!" Fantasy days whispered, and truly cast their own diamond gods!

Big Dream Heaven.

Being able to force people into the dreams they have built, and everything that happens in the dream can eventually be fed back to the ontology.

For example, if you are killed in a dream, then in reality, you will also be killed!

A terrible diamond **** is also the biggest support of the dream day.

Because of the existence of this ability, even if Qin Qi has an advantage, the Black Yao Diamond is not optimistic, because it is destined to be temporary.

As long as the dream day is a great dream, the moment can be reversed.

Qin Qi, the sudden stop in midair.

His eyes gradually became a godless and have been drawn into the Great Dream Heaven.

"This **** is too perverted, in the dream of dreamy days, can someone be his opponent?" Jiang whispered a little worried.

"It’s me, but I won’t be trapped in a dream, but it will feel a bit tricky.” Black Yao’s drill.

"That's not a fight!"

"Maybe, but no matter what the result is, the challenge is his own, and any result will naturally be borne by himself."

Fantasy Tiandong used the Great Dream Heavenly Kingdom to pull Qin Qi directly into the dreams he constructed.

Here, the dreamy sky is like a god, the gods are full of light, the body is even more enormous, as if you can open the world.

And Qin Qi, in front of such a dreamy day, the small cockroaches are like ants, can be directly crushed.

"In the dream of this seat, you are just a cockroach ant." Dreamy day overlooking Qin Qi, the voice is like Huang Zhong Da Lu, shaking in the dream.

Qin Qi’s eyes picked up slightly, and it felt that the whole body was very sticky, and it was difficult to move.

In the dream, Qin Qi’s strength has been weakened too much, and the dream world itself has been strengthened, and the strengths and weaknesses are known at a glance.

"Death!" Fantasy Heaven, like God gave the law.

Then, a long gun was directly stabbed out of the void, turned into a cage, and Qin Qi was imprisoned.

And the palm of a dreamy sky, with it falling, is like a god, with one hand, you can crush Qin Qi.

Fantasy days sneer again and again.

Under his ecstasy, he will be an absolute force, and no one will want to challenge his authority!

Covered with one hand, like a five-finger mountain.

However, this is not a mountain, the real mountain of God, under this palm!

Sky Market!

On the anti-Kunlun, the Kunlun sacred pattern is completely lit, and the body, the Kunlun heart and the body of the dragon vein are also fully linked, so the increase. At this moment, this sword sky market is absolutely completely two concepts.

What about Big Dream Heaven, this is Kunlun Shenwei!

"What!" Fantasy days are furious.

Among his gods, Qin Qi had more than enough power to even open his palms.

What is this power.

Which is this mountain?

The dreamy sky is shining brightly. Although he does not know the strength of this power, he feels that kind of power.

Just right, put it in the bag!

In the big dream day, he can do whatever he wants.

"This power, give it to me, I have a hunch, this will be more important than a world!" Dreamy sky is indifferent, the voice is beautiful, like Tianwei.

This is his dream.

Qin Qi was suppressed by death, and even if this force is stronger, he cannot be defeated.

However, the dream is fortunate, if Qin Qi used this move before, perhaps, it would really cause fatal killing.

Of course, it’s just about it.

His dream day has the ability to transform the true meaning of the ontology.

If it is a fatal injury, as long as the conversion, you can naturally avoid.

But now, he doesn't have to think about it.

Qin Qi is already in the big dream heaven, just slamming the fish.

Dreamland once again pressed the palm of your hand, and this time, there were countless chains in the void, and Qin Qi was tightly locked and could not move.

“Is it feeling powerless? This is the power of diamonds, the gap that you cannot overcome!”

"In the dream of this seat, you have more cards, all of them are vain!" The dreamy day laughed and he was already winning.

Qin Qi is locked, and it is really difficult to move.

In the dreamland of Dreamworld, it is indeed too much to suppress him, and once injured, it can become real, which is even more unreasonable and placed in an invincible position.

However, Dream Day is a bit wrong.

The dream here is not just a dreamy day.

Big Dream Heaven!

Qin Qi’s Great Dream Heaven has also dragged the dreamy sky into it.

The colorless diamond of the diamond god, the ability to copy everything, at this moment, like a **** of heaven!

The chains around Qin Qi were broken, and the Kunlun mood above the Jianfeng was once again condensed.

Sky Market!

The dreamy gods have changed greatly, and his huge body like a **** has begun to shake, just like the mountain that is about to collapse.

This is not his dream, but the superposition of the dreams built by the two!

how is this possible!

This is his unique diamond god.

Fantasy days are wild and almost unbelievable.

However, Qin Qi and Jiantian Market have already come over. At this moment, he has not had so many advantages, and he dare not take this sword.

Only the dreams can be forcibly broken, together with the Qin Qi.

But this is not good for the fantasy world, because Qin Qi's dream is not as strong as his, or a little worse, but under the sky, he has no choice.

Can only choose one for one, the dream is offset.

"It’s hard to be..." What Dreamworld thought of.

Diamond gods are always unique, because it is impossible to have two identical people.

However, in the history of the alien world, there is one person special. The diamond **** that he awakens is a copy, which can replicate the magical power of anyone.

Have a colorless diamond?

"What happened, they all came out of the dream!" Long old frown, do not understand why this is so.

The black Yao drill and the Yan Jun drill, the face is changed greatly, and the eyes become extremely serious.

They saw the clue.

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