God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1890: Tongtianling

The first thousand eighty-nine chapters

"This is really a treasure!"

Qin Qi's eyes are bright, and the magical power obtained from the source of the animal bones is the flying magical power of the air dragon, the air dragon dragon!

After getting the airspace Longxiang, Qin Qi can not only increase the speed, but also get the dragon road of the air dragon, which is enough to swim the dragon.

The chain formed by the two types of Long Island is a bit thicker than the average, second only to the basic nine chains.

With such strength, Qin Qi’s mood is naturally good. This dreamy day is innocent and the diamond is strong. The help to Qin Qi is really too great.

Qin Qi could not help but display the airspace Long Xiang.

I saw two Weiwu dragon wings open from the back of Qin Qi, and it is not uncommon to sell the merchandise alone.

Above the dragon wing, there is a dragon pattern extension, and each road seems to be able to penetrate into the void. Every time it moves, there is a force of vanity.

If these forces reach a rapid speed, they can even be faster than the broken void!

"Different Kunlun, help me continue to optimize this airspace Longxiang, I need faster speed." Qin Qidao, the wings were closed.

"Yes." Different Kunlun has no objection.

The airspace Longxiang is already a diamond-level magical power, and there is an optimization of different Kunlun, I believe that when the time, Qin Qi's speed can reach the fastest under the king!

This will be a big life-saving trick!

After all, at the diamond level, the power is violent. Even in the outer world, the solid void is no longer an obstacle, and it can be shuttled and controlled.

Therefore, once you encounter a master, Qin Qi's shadow sword transmission, may not be able to display it.

If the opponent is a white diamond, this martial art is basically void.

For a white diamond that is proficient in space power and even a diamond **** is a space capability, it can be used as a home anywhere.

Unless it is a basic situation, Qin Qi does not want to use the shadow sword to do things.

Of course, in addition to the number of diamonds such as the white diamond, Qin Qi has such a speed, but also full of confidence.

This airspace Longxiang, Qin Qi is satisfied with the heart, the secret of his own luck is really good, perhaps a diamond that is stronger than the fantasy day, not necessarily this collection.

And this is not all, there are many powerful supernatural powers, and all kinds of attributes are available. Qin Qi took a cursory look and found that he did not agree with himself, but he did not learn again.

Many of them are used to enhance their strength in Wenyang, and should be a very good choice.

In order to support the country of dreams, Qin Qi must have some of his own ties, some people who can rely on them, and their strength can not be low.

With the aid of sloping stones, it is not difficult for Wenyang to hit platinum all the way. Give the opportunity, and diamonds are no exception.

And if you have a powerful supernatural power, you can naturally exert more power.

This kind of thing, Qin Qi will not be embarrassed.

And accepting everything in Dreamworld, a country's resources, Qin Qi can also tilt it to Wenyangyue.

There are also red lotuses and peaches, who will sooner or later enter the world from the world of flowers.

With their ability, as long as they have resources and are not suppressed by the laws of the world, the speed of growth will not even be worse than the genius of Wenyang Yue, which has the top ten golden hearts.

Just give time!

Vaguely, Qin Qi has already had a blueprint in his heart. He will start from the dream country and sweep the world!

Of course, for the time being, there is no urgency. Let’s stabilize the existing situation first.

Putting this batch of resources aside, Qin Qi’s eyes are concentrated on a special token.

"This is?" Qin Qi looked a move.

This token, different Kunlun made a special logo.

"Tong Tianling?" Qin Qi could not help but whisper.

He didn't know what the role of the Tongtian order was, but if he listened to the name, he was afraid of being associated with the road to heaven.

"This is a voucher to enter the road of the sky. Only the diamond-level powerhouse is eligible, but because of the limited number, it is not all diamonds, and they all have this order." Yi Kunlun explained.

"What do you mean, if you have a heavenly order, you will be able to board the road to heaven?" Qin Qi’s light suddenly rose.

What he needs is exactly this!

"Is the road to the sky already restarted? The information you got before, is there a situation about the road to Tongtian?" Qin Qi asked quickly.

"In the past few years, the road to Tongtian has indeed been repaired, but when I got the information, the road to Tongtian was not completely repaired. As for now, I don’t know."

Because of this, he did not specifically mention this before.

"As for this heavenly order, it is indeed possible to let you board the road to heaven. If you want to go back to the outside world, you will have an answer." Different Kunlun Road.

"How to say?"

“Where the holders of the Tongtian Order can grasp the situation of Tongtian Road for the first time.”

According to the different Kunlun, the Tongtian order has no certain attribution, and can be arbitrarily robbed, but the holder must be the existence of the diamond.

At the same time, after getting the pass, you must pay the corresponding specifications for the construction of the day.

This is a good rule and even helps to repair the road as soon as possible.

Of course, this is also a hidden danger.

The road to heaven is a king, and no diamond will give up such opportunities.

This heavenly order is undoubtedly a toon, the holder, may become the eye of other diamonds.

Qin Qi remembers this point and will always be wary, but he is also fearless. If someone really wants to shoot, it will kill!

In any case, Qin Qi must return to the outside world as soon as possible.

If you miss it, you can't regret it.

"Hey, what is this?" Qin Qi will receive the order, and finally took out a strange thing.

For this thing, Yi Kunlun did not make a special logo, but it was not classified into ordinary resources, it should not be simple.

Qin Qi looked left and right, but there was no answer.

This thing is an osteotomy, but there is no doubt that it is not the original animal bone, or even the animal bone. After the exploration of the gods, Qin Qi discovered that this is a human bone.

Human bones?

A vertebra.

Qin Qi frowned, but apart from being a human bone, Qin Qi did not feel any special power in it.

It seems to be the bone of a mortal.

Qin Qi thought about it and probed it again, but this time it still did not induce any special fluctuations, but it was not nothing.

This bone is very old.

The bone age can be estimated from the bones and should be more than 10,000 years.

In other words, this bone has grown for more than 10,000 years before leaving the owner.

Qin Qi has never heard of anything that mortals can live for so long.

Obviously, after the bone broke away from the owner, it has been a long time since then. Although it can't be calculated as accurate as bone age, it will never be whispered.

It is indeed a very strange bone.

I don't know how its owner is now.

For the mortal, losing a bone in the spine is naturally mortal, but the owner of the bone is not afraid of being a mortal.

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