The second thousand and eleventh chapter

The dragon of Erlong has been late, his dragon fighting skills, the will still exist, but it is difficult to enter, and Qin Qi inherited this magical power, but it can make the wish of Erlong diamonds satisfied.

With the Dragon King, this is the original intention of the dragon to create this magical power.

Qin Qi gave a low drink, and the Dragon Fighting King technique cooperated with the killing of the wolf. The attack became more and more fierce. Kunlun ups and downs seemed to kill everything.

Qin Qi possesses the optimization of the magical power of the different Kunlun, and he himself is the genius of the martial arts. Through constant fighting, the understanding of the Dragon King is also deeper and he has already grasped the will.

After the fighting style, it has become more unrestrained, and the Dragon Fighting King has become more and more powerful, and the faint has already suppressed the battle.

Coupled with the characteristics of killing the wolf and getting more and more brave, in the face of such Qin Qi, the battles of the kings finally began to suffer.

A pair of fists are unmatched, with the king's doctrine, but they can't compete with Qin Qi.

After all, it’s just a battle that doesn’t take the power of the king.

It is impossible to really block Qin Qi.

It’s just Qin Qi’s heart, but I can’t help but give birth to some doubts.

The battles he encountered were obviously different from others.

In the distance, there are also diamonds in the war, but the battles they encounter are relatively strong, and it can be said that they have chosen the directors of each family. This is the battle of the kings.

They have the power of some kings.

But Qin Qi is this one.

There is only one king's power.

The power of the Black King!

Qin Qi has never seen the Black King, nor has he seen the Black King's shot, but the information about the Black King is not seen in a few, at least understand the black king's usual way of fighting.

A pair of fists, one day.

All his things are based on a pair of fists.

Qin Qi brow could not help but wrinkle.

But at this moment, there is no other way, no matter why it becomes like this, Qin Qi wants to pass here, he must first defeat the black king's battle avatar.


After hitting several rounds again, it was a fierce confrontation between force and force. At this step, Qin Qi felt that it was possible to end the battle.

Under the Dragon King, Qin Qi’s blood and fog are like a dragon, a sword and two Kunlun!

This blow is to destroy this battle.

However, the next moment, Qin Qi could not help but shrink the pupil.

The battle was split out of the boxing, and behind him, there was a vaguely shadow of Kunlun!

This punch, peerless horror!


A loud noise, the fist was finally opened by Qin Qi, it is difficult to fight against the two great supernatural powers of Qin Qi.

It’s just Qin Qi’s face, but it’s hard to look.

As soon as he was born, he was able to suppress it, but it made his breath weak.

Secondly, Qin Qi also noticed that while he continued to deepen his understanding of the Dragon King, the other side was also confirming the power of Kunlun.

This is the status of this battle, only the power of the Black King?

These avatars are indeed unconscious, but the power is condensed, but for the strongest kings, it is not difficult to be physically present, and even the name can come.

"Oh, in this way, it is really disregarding the dignity of the king." Qin Qi could not help but sigh.

The honor of the strongest king, where the diamond can be compared, really wants to prove this power, directly calling Qin Qi to the past.

The king, why do you have to tell the truth to the weak.

However, the Black King is condescending to descend, and he is coming, oh no, it is not a fall, but the power of Qin Qi is only perceived by the battle.

Losing his generation of kings can also do this.

And this way, from another level, illustrates the power of the Black King!

All-round powerful!

There is no doubt that if it is an enemy, it will be a great enemy!

"However, it is a man who is a king. This ability to comprehend is really powerful." Qin Qi whispered.

The last punch of the black king's battle, the power of Kunlun, has been mobilized a lot, although not more than Qin Qi, but whispered than Jiang, but it is much stronger.

This also makes Qin Qi somewhat strange.

Black King, is it really the power of Kunlun from Jiang’s whisper?

Qin Qi body, with the Kunlun heart and the body of the dragon vein, coupled with the anti-Kunlun this is the power of Kunlun, this has the power of today.

His black king is strong again, and it is impossible to master such a Kunlun power in just two months.

Not to mention that this is indirectly understood from Jiang Wenyu.

It seems that the secret of the black king is really quite a lot.

However, as a veteran king, the breadth of his involvement is indeed beyond doubt.

These thoughts have only passed through Qin Qi’s mind and will not delay his time.

Regardless of how much Kunlun mastered his black king, anyway, for Qin Qi, the power of Kunlun is still far from enough.

In front of you, going to the Blue Star is the top priority.

Qin Qi has successfully survived the physical difficulties. He can't stop to rest and recover from the injuries in his physical difficulties. He is moving forward, and not far from the front, it is difficult.

However, even at the speed of Qin Qi, it still falls behind.

Feeling that it was placed by the black king, if the normal kings fight, they will not stop Qin Qi for so long.

A heart is difficult, and the heart is not strong enough to pass.

It’s just that in this realm, there are few people who are weak inside. It should not be difficult to pass through this place.

Therefore, Qin Qi is still full of confidence in passing the heart, and he has never had a heart to be defeated. Even if compared with the strongest king, Qin Qi does not lose them.

The heart is hard, can't stop him, and can even recover more time for him.

However, Qin Qi did not expect that the black king still gave him a blind man.

The heart is difficult to pry into the heart, and the purpose of the Black King is naturally to get more about the will of Kunlun.

In a way, it is easier to get the power of Kunlun than the physical difficulty!

This undoubtedly increased the difficulty of Qin Qi's passing through the heart.

But it is helpless.

One of the strongest kings is so unobtrusive about you, then you have to be patient except for patience, unless you don't want to live.

"You wait, nothing to give Laozi mix, do not want to let the daughter marry, is it, I will accept you!" Qin Qi is also worried.

It is clearly a difficult time that can be spent in a second. It was stirred up by the black king, and the progress of Qin Qi was seriously slowed down.

It seems that I have noticed the maliciousness that Qin Qi’s heart has just flashed. The black king gave Qin Qi the pressure and suddenly increased!

However, Qin Qi is also annoyed. Since it is a collision inside, then Qin Qi is really worthy of anyone. How about the Black King, so that you can't get anything.

Qin is fully capable of fighting against the Black King and does not want the other party to get anything from Kunzhong to him.

And such a tough confrontation obviously angered the Black King.

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