God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2017: Join hands

Chapter 2,017

The shadowless invisible was copied.

Only Qin Qi can do this step.

The pharmacist's eyes were stunned, and it seems that the cooperation proposed before the period is now the time to implement it.

The pharmacist's drill did not say much, only when it was a shadowless drill.

She screamed, "There is no shadow, I will help you!"

At the same time, there were several bottles in her hand, which contained various liquid medicines, which were being driven by the power of the pharmacist's drill, and the medicine was already boiling.

Immediately, the pharmacist's drill quickly knotted hundreds of handprints, and a road printing method was pressed into the liquid, and a heavy halo suddenly spread.

The Thunder Diamond does not know what this means.

However, he does not need to know.

Because no matter what the power, as long as it is not displayed, there is no use.

When the thunder of the Thunder was cold, it was no longer possible to keep a hand. The huge Thunder, which was extremely incomparable, smashed the world and swooped toward the pharmacist's drill.

All the Zhoukong was destroyed by the Thunder. This time, the Thunder's drill was directed at killing the pharmacist.

Of course, he will not forget the existence of the shadowless drill, the thunder of the body, and the lions rushing out, the lions rushing to the sky, the Thunder to drill themselves, to protect in the corner of any attack.

A total of thirteen lions were used, and it was obvious that the Thunder's drill paid attention to the shadowless drill.

Of course, in fact, what he values ​​is not a Thunder drill, but the nail in his hand.

That thing, even the stars can be degraded, although the Thunder's diamond confidence will not be hit by the shadowless drill, but do not want to have a case.

These lions have already taken shape and do not need to spend time to condense. It is a bit tricky.

However, the Thunder's drill is wrong.

Qin Qi, just copied the magical power of the shadowless drill, he is not a Thunder drill, he is stronger than the Thunder drill!

The soul of the dark dragon rides a fusion.

From Kunlun, a sword came out.

Dragon Fighting King with the killing of the wolf, full force shot!

I like to be a target, thinking that there are those few lions that can be invincible?

I think it's too good.

Under the sword, Kunlun is more clear. In the body of Qin Qi, the dragon chain is squeaking, and the Kunlun heart and the body of the dragon vein are all madly resonating.

For every additional star in the realm, Qin Qi’s control over these forces is also a strong one.

The sword falls, the sky market, and the two Kunlun!

Thunder's diamonds are discolored.

This is not a shadowless drill, this is Qin Qi!

The kid who came from the world of Tianyuan, the guy who defeated the diamond of Erlong and mastered some kind of power of the mountain.

But shouldn't he be weaker than a shadowless drill?

It’s too late to think about it. The Thunder Lion around the Thunder’s Drill can’t afford Qin’s complete sword and it will be destroyed.

The blood is shining, it is the Thunder, and it can't reflect other colors.

This is killing the wolf.

And the violent dragon power, the pressure of pressure from the face is the Dragon King!

Once known as the Olong Diamond, I want to rely on it to fight with the king, but in the end it is a joke, now it is so straightforward, but it is so terrible!

The indescribable sense of oppression is even more impressive than the gap between the realms.

"Damn!" Thunder's drill shouted.

The Lei lion was completely shattered, and the rest was his own.

"Lei Jun Zhendun!" Thunder in the hands of the drill, a shield stood up, the gods on it lingering with terrible lightning, followed by endless thunder bombardment.

Just like a thunderbolt shell, it blasts directly in the air.

Numerous thunders fell like big nets, and the space shattered. This hit, successfully let the Thunder drill block the Qin Qi that sword.

However, in order to deal with Qin Qi, an attack that is enough to threaten his life, the Thunder's drill can only relax the suppression of the pharmacist's drill. The Kirin just was blocked by the pharmacist's drill.

In this regard, the Thunder diamond is also helpless.

At this time, the pharmacist's drill has also been completed.

She throws a few bottles directly into the air, and does not need any strength from her. The bottle is instantly crushed by the thunder, and the liquid in it is evaporating instantaneously.

Diamond gods, magical fog!

The magical fog of the gods is itself a unique diamond **** of the pharmacist's drill. In the fog, her strengths will be improved, and the effect is very good.

In addition, under the looming cloud, the pharmacist's diamonds are recognized as their own, and they can get extremely powerful healing power. This healing is not only the physical body, but also the soul.

If it is identified as an enemy by the pharmacist's drill, it will be subject to a strong toxin attack, almost pervasive, and a wide variety, there are soul-oriented, but also for the flesh, and even for diamond gas.

Such a diamond god, in most cases, allows the pharmacist to protect himself.

However, the pharmacist's control of this **** is not limited to this.

She can enhance the power of this **** through the means of the day after tomorrow.

The liquid medicines just now are the pharmacist's drills added to the fog of the gods.

Detergent vine juice can greatly weaken the power of Thunder.

The special sap of misty flowers can greatly disturb the soul of the enemy.

The special juice of Tianma can greatly paralyze the enemy's nerves.

There are many other medicinal liquids that help to restore the spirits, etc., all of which are specially refining the pharmacist's drills, and refining the efficacy to the most violent level.

It is the pharmacist who is drilling himself and wants to supplement this consumption. I am afraid it will take hundreds of years.

However, this is all worth it!

The magical medicine is scattered, and the Thunder’s diamonds are out of heart, but how can Qin Qi give him a chance?

The killing of the wolf came to the strongest form, and the vitality of the body was attributed to one place, and it immediately went out of madness, regardless of the damage it suffered.

In the face of such a play, the Thunder's heart is also full of anger, some difficult to cope, can only continue to invest in the Lion.

However, the thirty-two Lei Lions group, where can withstand such consumption, waiting for him to warm up for a long time, a Lei Lion was also annihilated by Qin Qi, the Thunder Diamond, truly recognized the current situation.

He is very likely to be killed!

In front of this monster, the body is not even irritated, even the heart can not.

And this body is too strange, any organ burst, can be recovered with a very fast speed, which is not what the magical fog can do.

Is there no harm?

As the pressure to kill the wolf and the Dragon King is getting stronger and stronger, the Thunder's drill began to look ugly.

And he, not only to face the terrible offensive of Qin Qi, the interference of this magical fog on him, can not ignore.

Under the circumstance, even if it is a star's realm advantage, it must be tied by Qin Qi.

Moreover, Qin Qi himself has undergone a tremendous change in his form. He has abandoned the integration with the Dark Dragon Ride and turned into a soul-wu fusion with the Dark Wizard.

In this way, all kinds of negative conditions will be combined with the fog of the gods, causing greater interference to the Thunder drill!

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