God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2019: Enter the blue star

The second thousand and ninety-nine chapters enter the blue star

"It's even harder to cross the realm." Qin Qi sighed.

Previously, I did not expect it to be so difficult.

Those who can reach this realm, there is no weak, as long as they are slightly careless, they may be taken to death.

However, Qin Qi is still alive.

Living, it represents everything!

"You, you actually killed the Thunder's drill." The pharmacist's drill came over, and his look was a bit complicated.

After all, from her point of view, I never thought about killing the Thunder.

At most, it is expulsion, just like the Thunder Diamond is only going to expel her.

Unexpectedly, Qin Qi was so hot, and did not give the Thunder the opportunity to survive, killing directly.

A generation of diamonds I fell, the pharmacist's drill is used to life and death, but also can not help but feel cold, difficult to calm.

Such a person, such killing, is tremulous.

"Why, aren't you seeking to cooperate with me?" Qin Qi was sneer.

The pharmacist’s breath was stagnant, only a smile.

Indeed, in the final analysis, it is also because of her, so the crime of killing the Thunder diamond, she also needs to take half!

"Reassure, this is the end of the matter, I will not pick it out. This Thunder diamond is the killing of you and me." The pharmacist's drill whispered.

Qin Qi is undecided, not entangled in this issue, just asked: "You just said that you can detoxify me?"

The pharmacist took a deep breath and calmed himself down, then nodded: "I have a lot of research on nails, and I have almost mastered the poison."

"Live give it a try." Qin Qidao.

A battle with the Thunder, it is too fierce to play, even if Qin Qi, there is no spare capacity to take into account the toxicity of this nail shuttle, at this moment, has spread.

Treatment must be done as soon as possible, otherwise the impact will be great.

"Good." The pharmacist did not hesitate to drill. She knew the toxicity of the nails and even felt that Qin Qi could support it until now. It was a miracle.

After all, this thing has been poisoned by the stars.

The pharmacist's look became very serious, and she was a little dignified. She took out a bottle from the space ring, which contained various unknown drugs.

Some are powders, some are liquid medicines, some are pills, or even the medicine itself, and are not treated.

These drugs, all of which have been used by the pharmacists, can be sensed, and the exquisite medicine in her body is spinning at a rapid speed. Every time a drug is dispensed, there will be a force injected into it.

The pharmacist's drill is so the pharmacist's drill, the power of this exquisite medicine, fear is the top priority.

In this way, it took a quarter of an hour for the pharmacist to complete all the drugs and inject them into Qin Qi.

The feeling of Qin Qi is also very obvious. Where the drug passes, the toxins of the nails are rapidly shrinking, and they are not opponents at all.

It seems that the pharmacist's drill is really able to solve this poison.

In the end, the pharmacist's drill took back the hand, and in her hand, it was a drop of dark toxin, which is the poison of the nail.

"Unfortunately, the toxins that have been released are extracted again, and the toxicity is inevitably attenuated. However, there is also research value." The pharmacist’s drill smiled. "This poison is given to me."

"Please feel free." Qin Qidao.

This thing is not useful to him. Since the pharmacist’s drill wants it, it’s good to save it.

Not to mention these, the poison of the nail shuttle has been solved, Qin Qi suddenly feels a smooth body, the current flesh and blood creeps, began to recover quickly, after a few breaths, it has restored the complete human form.

The state of killing the wolf was also collected.

The pharmacist's drill looked at Qin Qi, and the eyes couldn't help but shine.

"How?" Qin Qi was puzzled.

"To tell the truth, seeing your body, I have some heart itch." The pharmacist's drill breathing was slightly rushed.

"What?" Qin Qi was a little surprised, this pharmacist's drill, not so hungry.

The pharmacist drilled a bit and suddenly understood that Qin Qi was in a bad position. Some did not say good things: "I am just curious about special physiques. I can't help but want to study them, for example, anatomy or some experiment. ""

Looking at the pharmacist's getting brighter eyes, Qin Qi couldn't help but feel a cold.

He swears that he must not fall into the hands of the pharmacist.

"Our cooperation, stop here, then you will try your luck." Qin Qi took the space ring of the Thunder and then turned and left.

Of course, he will not take the pharmacist's drill, otherwise he will have to go to the exit. Isn't it a bit of trouble?

The pharmacist drilled his mouth and finally said nothing.

It was not until Qin Qi left the folding space that the pharmacist's look of the diamond changed.

She suddenly became a bit strange, and the gentle temperament of the pharmacist slowly turned into a different kind of madness.

"This is a task that has been completed. Really, it took a lot of work." The pharmacist's drill stretched out.

"I have to say that the diviner is really powerful, and this can be predicted, but unfortunately, just after the prediction is over, I don't know the value is worth it."

"What if he really enters the gates?"

"Unfortunately, I have died, I can't predict it."

"Well... forget it, these have nothing to do with me, I just have to do it." The pharmacist's drill faintly laughed.

Immediately, the pharmacist’s drill was quite self-deprecating and laughed. “This afternoon tea is really hard to drink, but it must be drunk. It’s really boring, not as good as my bodies.”

"Oh, I hope that in the end, I can leave this body to me. I really want to study it!" The pharmacist drilled up and immediately took out the heavenly order and left the labyrinth directly.

And, directly left the road of Tongtian.

Promoted to the second-star diamond I, Qin Qi's strength is undoubtedly skyrocketing, although it may not be able to beat Samsung Diamond I, but escape is absolutely no problem.

However, Qin Qi’s air transport seems to be good, and no one has ever met anyone.

I want to come. At this point in time, those who are slightly weak have already been expelled. Only the powerful ones, or the guys who are really lucky, can stay.

It took a day to go aimlessly.

During the period, I did not encounter the existence of Samsung Diamond I, which made Qin Qi believe that his own air transport is indeed good.

Qin Qi finally came to an area where he had never set foot before.

"Here is..." Qin Qi’s eyes jerked.

Is it here outside the maze?

In front of you, it is clearly a border!

He finally walked out of the maze, passed the gas, and came to the end of the road.

Standing here, there is already a starry sky in front of you. It is a foreign country outside the realm.

And the blue star is so close, as if it is in front of you.

Unfortunately, it is still so vague that it cannot be seen clearly.

However, as long as you pass through this gate, Qin Qi will be able to reach this blue star.

And the questions he has always had in his heart can also get the answer.

"I was even one step ahead of him. This kind of talent, this kind of air transport, it seems that it is a king!" The Black King Palace, standing tall and black, stood in a plain courtyard.

There is no projection in front of him, but between the scorpions, you can see the end of the road to heaven.

He was somewhat surprised, but that's it. Just then, there is no concern.

"Oh, it is still the first one to come here. It seems that the air is in the air, it is really unstoppable." Hunting King College, the symbol of the school, His Majesty the King, is sitting in his office.

He still looks very young, and he is no different from ordinary students when he does not release his breath.

His pair of eagle-eyed eyes, looking into the distance, naturally saw the end of the road to heaven.

"President, do you think it is..." By his side, the college sent another giant, and the Ghost Valley drilled.

He is a strong star, and in some senses, he can already sit with the King of Hunting.

"Ghost Valley, it should not be before, now, it is even more impossible, I am waiting for the existence of coronation, can not tolerate a younger boy?" Hunting King faint, and can not hear any emotions.

"It is him..." The Palace of Fire, even the power of the strongest king, has not concealed the old king of fire, and is also looking at the end of the road to heaven.

When I saw Qin Qi, it was him, and I couldn’t help but sigh a little, for the unspoken thoughts that had appeared in my heart.

"It’s a pity that it’s not that easy to add, and it’s a wrong time!” The King of Fire sighed and stopped paying attention.

At the end of the road to heaven, in fact, the strongmen who are crowned by the outside world can see clearly.

If anyone is willing, it can even prevent Qin Qi from entering the gate.

However, no one will do this.

Adding the face of the stubborn can't be lost.

Qin Qi could not sense these concerns. Before he reached the boundary gate, he determined that the gates had not been used passively. That is to say, he was the first person to come here.

"I finally got here, let me see, on the other side, where is it!" Qin Qi took a deep breath and stepped into the gate.

Above the boundary door, the light flashed, and a mysterious power loomed to the projection of the blue star.

Immediately, the entire road to the sky began to dim, and the strong ones in the maze were all expelled.

At the moment, they also understand that someone has successfully crossed the gate.

And that person is not them.

When he blinked again, Qin Qi had already arrived in another world, and when he first arrived in the world, he seemed to have hit a person.

Very hard, it should be the back of who hit it.

"Sorry, I bumped into your back, I am very sorry!" Qin Qi did not look at it. He apologized first and said, "Which Qin Qi is a qualified young man."

"Who told you to hit the back, and your eyes are clear, this is Miss Ben's chest!" A sigh of relief, passed into Qin Qi's ear.

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