God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2044: Reverse Kunlun

The second thousand and forty-four chapters against Kunlun

The new Kunlun, at this moment, is in the midst of which side of the growing troubles, the aura of the world comes together to help its growth.

But whether it is going up into a mountain or going straight down to the ground, it is not certain.

Of course, Qin Qi knows that the final choice must be turned into a Kunlun peak.

But in the entire evolution of Kunlun molding, there is indeed such an instant, hesitating how to grow.

And now, this is the time.

The strength of Qin Qi's body constantly trembled. The Kunlun heart and the body of the dragon vein were united in an unprecedented way. He stepped out and came to the bottom of the already formed part of Kunlun.

He stood upside down at the bottom of Kunlun.

Of course, if the whole world is turned over, then he is the one that stands upright, and the foot is the inverted Kunlun.

At this moment, it seems that it is actually two Kunluns, but it is a positive one.

In fact, even though the watch is connected at the moment, the distance through time and space cannot make Qin Qi really touch Kunlun.

Even more uncomfortable, it is possible, but it is doomed to be counter-Kunlun.

However, at this moment, Qin Qi has another power.

That is the ability to reverse the creation!

The egg of creation.

It is not as powerful as causality, but not as good as time, but the egg of creation has its own unique ability.

Reverse the creation!

The power of the egg of creation is helping Qin Qi, through the barrier of time, to take this anti-Japanese creation into the hands!

Qin Qi closed his eyes and his body was up and down. At this moment, he was against Kunlun!

"Reverse Kunlun!" Green Luo eyes picked up, knowing that Qin Qi is grasping this only opportunity, taking himself as the direction of Kunlun's reverse growth.

Qin Qi can't stop Kunlun's choice, it is destined to be a **** peak.

However, his appearance has carried the will of Kunlun's reverse growth.

That is also Kunlun!

It is only destined to not appear.

Qin Qi, can become the anti-Kunlun that can not appear.

Calling the king machine?

What is it!

This process did not last long, and Kunlun continued to grow and gradually became a real peak.

It is connected to the earth, and the 999 dragon veins come together. Kunlun is no longer an embryo, but is completely formed.

Qin Qi naturally could not stay at the bottom of the formed Kunlun, he flew out, but the breath of his body was very different from before.

His realm has not changed, but his strength and potential have been greatly enhanced.

This is the power of the anti-Kunlun.

Never appeared in this world, but it is destined to be powerful and powerful enough to compete with Kunlun.

Qin Qi got what he wanted.

The passage of time continues.

It just got faster.

Not enough for Qin Qi to see the history after.

I only know that for a long time, the earth has re-emerged, and the strong races of all major races have reappeared and competed for the world.

It should be a long period of time. Although it was not as strong as before, but it was as wonderful as it was, many great people were born.

Even for a moment, Qin Qi felt that he saw the world of Tianyuan.

In the midst of it, the two worlds are so similar.

It is clear that different landforms are different, different patterns, which are different, but Qin Qi still feels that the two are very similar.

In the midst of it, it seems that there is a kind of connection.

It is a pity that the passage of time is too fast. Qin Qi can't see anything, and when the aura is exhausted, the practitioners are becoming scarcer and have reached the age of science and technology.

It is also this era that mankind has created nuclear bombs that almost destroy themselves.

As time went by, nuclear explosion, Qin Qi naturally also realized.

He saw that the Kunlun Mountain, which was already inconspicuous, became the center of the nuclear explosion, and the fire of the explosion covered everything.

Qin Qi suddenly entered and wanted to witness the disappearance of Kunlun.

Only, he only saw one hand.

A huge arm pulled up the Kunlun roots and pulled out the earth.

At the same time, under the cover of the perfect nuclear explosion, there are countless small invisible arms that sample the entire earth.

It is like a researcher, preparing to conduct the most rigorous investigation of an area, and taking countless samples in general.

Qin Qi’s face changed and she couldn’t help but pale.

He suddenly remembered the name of the Tianyuan test site.

That is the original name of Tianyuan World. It is just a test field codenamed "Tianyuan".

Is this why Qin Qi thinks that Tianyuan World is similar to Earth?

The test field was built using sampling from the earth?

The dragon vein is derived from this Kunlun!

The power of the jade is finally over.

Qin Qi and Green Luo returned from the light back at that time, and Qin Qi, also a sigh, was strongly rebelled.

Before that, he forced the suppression of the law, which enabled the jade to be driven. Now it is natural to bear the counterattack.

Moreover, it is especially heavy.

Fortunately, Qin Qi traveled this time, a lot of new insights, but it can be temporarily controlled, not to be unconscious, unable to act.

"First take a break." Green Luo worried.

"Well," Qin Qi nodded.

He does need to recover.

Fortunately, even without the support of Aura, the body of the Dragon Vein relies on its own resilience to support his recovery.

Even so, Qin Qi still spent a whole month, and finally recovered more than half.

"You finally recovered. I have a long grass on my head, and I am bored!" Green Luo drums and swears.

"Heavy radiation area, what grass is long." Qin Qi laughed.

"This experience is also bizarre, what I have seen and heard, far more than imagination. Up to now, I think of that scene, it is still shocking, it is difficult to be self-sufficient." Green Luo exclaimed, no longer joke with Qin Qi .

"Yeah!" Qin Qi nodded, and he felt the same in his heart.

"You said, where is the existence now?" Green eyes flashed. "He has to fly, even after tens of millions of years, it is impossible to die!"

"I don't know," Qin Qi shook his head.

But in fact, he already had a conjecture in his mind, but he was not willing to say it for the time being.

Even, they are not willing to touch.

After all, such a presence, Qin Qi's thoughts and thoughts once touched him, may be sensed, this is very dangerous.

Especially in the case of Qin Qi really mastered the reverse Kunlun.

This is not the name of a sword, but a will, a kind of avenue.

"But forget it, who is he? Anyway, I don't like him anyway!" Green Liao grinned.

Qin Qi is dumb, I don't know what to say.

A person who has only one heart for the sake of seeking for it, and who has given up all this, is really hard to get a good impression.

However, he is undoubtedly a strong man.

"Don't say this, let's take the premise, or leave the earth." Qin Qidao.

"There is no other harvest here." Green Luo shrugged, it looks like, is it really going to go global?

"It is not like this." Qin Qi is laughing.

During these days of cultivation, he also had more insights into the anti-Kunlun, and in the process, he perceived a wave that could not be captured before.

Just here, this underground!

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