God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2051: Stronger

Here, it was the place where the Black King was preparing to marry Bailuo, only because Bailuo liked the sunset, so he chose the address of the wedding.

Did not even consider the Black Palace.

It was only that wedding that had changed, and eventually it was not married, and the place was abandoned.

After that, the black king ordered the man to remove all the arrangements for the wedding, leaving only the house on the cliff, and no one has ever been here for millions of years.

I did not expect that someone had arranged such a ban here, even if it was Zhang Wang, it would take some time to get in.

"Xi Ya, named after one person, also because of that person, became a forbidden place." Zhang Wang sighed.

"Ji Shi is coming, now standing here, but suddenly understand that this so-called Ji Shi, it is the time when the sunset sees the sunset." The king of fire shook his head and chuckled.

In the face of the wedding, he also came to see the ceremony, but I still do not know why I got to the field.

How beautiful the sunset was at that time, the first Bailuo **** that day, disappeared in this sunset, I do not know how many people have a beautiful painting in their hearts.

It’s hard to forget.

Zhang Wang stunned. He used to think that Ji Shi was a bit strange, but he never thought about it. He just didn't expect it to be such a meaning.

However, no matter what it means, Kyrgyzstan is coming soon.

"Your Majesty, the younger generation needs to pick up the teacher to go to the Black King Palace. The time is too late." Zhang Wang took a deep breath and said so.

"I know, but you don't have to worry, those people should have arrived." The king of fire faintly said.

Zhang Wang did not know how to pick up.

In the end what happened?

In addition to Don Sin in this room, there are others who can't.

What are they doing?

The dawn of Zhang Wang gradually sharpened, and his body began to climb. He pretended what he was.

He wants to shoot and break into the room.

"Don't worry, it's too late to do anything now." The king of fire patted the shoulders of Zhang Wang.

"Xi Cliff, hey, it hasn't been here for a long time," said a voice, and also came by starlight.

Such a momentum, no doubt is the starry glory!

Dean of Ghost Valley College, Ghost Valley Diamond!

"This place is named after one person. Now that person has disappeared, the sunset of this cliff is how to stand alone and feel the lost soul." The ghost of the Valley of the Valley shook his head and felt a little pity.

He also saw the picture of Bailuo Shen standing on the cliff, and has not forgotten it.

"The younger generation has seen the King of Fire!" The Ghost Valley's diamonds condense in the air, respectful salute.

No matter how you think in your heart, respect is a must in front of the strongest king.

"Well," the King of Fire is just a slight behead, no other indication.

The Ghost Valley Drill is also interesting, and I dare not say anything at all. After all, the King of Fire should be very clear about his purpose.

That is the thing that angered Wang Wei.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang looked cold and suddenly cooled down, and the atmosphere that was rising was suddenly more intense.

The power of the King of Hunting has been greatly rubbed against the Black King. The Diamond Valley is an old rival. Zhang Wang saw him, especially at this time, how could he not respond?

The person who is said by the king of fire refers to the drill of the Ghost Valley.

Moreover, I am afraid that it is only one of them.

The stage has been built here, and since the king of fire has slowed down, everything is irreparable.

The starring has already completed the performance, now it is time for the audience to cheer!

"Xi Cliff, it is still like this, in the daytime, back to that day." It is star-studded, but this time, it is different from the Ghost Valley and the look.

The starry sky is very prosperous, just like the sky is coming, and the sky is full of stars, like the number of rivers in the Ganges, if it is everywhere.

Star Sand Diamond!

The only son of the king of sand, the same is also the strong star of the star!

A double father and son, both father and son are crowned, they are the strongest father and son in the whole world.

"Is the Hengsha Tower also coming?" The King of Fire faintly said, his look changed slightly.

"The younger generation has seen the King of Fire." Although the diamond of Xingsha is famous, it is a star-studded, enough to smash the world, but in front of the strongest king, it still has to be humble.

"Yin Yin does not need to be polite, but I don't know what to do here?" The king of fire faintly said.

The king of sand is the descendant of Hengsha, the most powerful alien in the world. Nowadays, the strength is also faintly reached the limit of the outside world.

Don't say that the king of fire is such a late king, that is, the king of the black king, or the king of the hunting king, is not the opponent.

However, the king of the sand has rarely appeared, and everything in the Hengsha Tower is handed over to the processing of Xingsha.

Therefore, the world sees the diamonds of Xingsha, and often does not simply regard it as a starry glory. All courtesy is almost equal to the strongest king.

What's more, the diamonds of Xingsha are the most likely to be Wang Yu's existence among the stars.

"The younger generation just got some news that people care about, and they have to come and witness it personally. It seems that something is really going wrong." The star of the sand is a bit weird.

However, he just came here as a bystander, nothing more.

The king of fire nodded and said nothing.

Because of the audience, there are more than these.

There is a sword, coming from the north, a glimmer of light, cold throughout Kyushu.

North Jianzong, Xing Yaozhen, Tianjian drill!

"The younger generation has seen the King of Fire!" The sword of Tianjian respectfully bowed, and the people were like swords.

The Northern Jianzong is the representative force of the sects, and it is enough to stand up against the peaks of the family of the Black Palace.

Since the North Jianzong has come, it is presumed that today's drama, the South will not be willing to be lonely.

Sure enough, there is a knife in the south, and there is a violent temper in the moment.

Southern knife door, star Yao Yan, mad knife drill!

"The younger generation has seen the King of Fire!" The knives of the knives naturally did not dare to lose the number of gifts.

Xing Yaozhen, now has a full five, plus the king of fire, this little cliff, the gathering of more than six people.

Moreover, the Supreme Princess of the Stars behind these stars has apparently fallen to this place.

The king of sand.

The king of the sword.

The king of the knife.

As well as Wang Zhong, the youngest and the most ambitious, the King of Hunting, obviously has already set his sights here.

This is why the king of fire, even if he knows this plan, has nothing to do.

Just because it can't stop it.

After the arrival of a few prominent background stars, there are also stars, and most of them are lone walkers, not willing to form forces.

Such as the bone drill, such as the unintentional drill...

Perhaps, even the coronation among the beasts has already been bet.

Even if you don't know any news beforehand, but so many people who are sturdy and sturdy together, the world will be discolored, and the vision will be constantly pushed out.

Just want to not know it is difficult, how can you not pay attention?

I thought that it is the Black King Palace that illuminates the world today, where a wedding that shakes the world will be held. I did not expect that the focus of the last world is this little cliff.

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