God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2059: Bailuo

"Pity!" Qin Qi squinted.

He felt that the figure was familiar.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be compassionate.

The pity of identity has always been fascinating, but she does not want to say that Qin Qi never asks. Now it seems that it is far beyond imagination.

Pity, naturally there is no beauty in the world.

It can even be said that the world’s first ugly.

"So ugly?" Some young people saw it and couldn't help but call it out.

This is also true.

But this sound, in a flash, knows that it is wrong, and quickly licked his mouth, and this moment of experience is simply more terrible than hell.

Almost all the kings of the aliens are gathered here, and a single thought is enough to make him die.

"Mixed things, here in which round you get to talk, give me back!" Tianjian's drill is very embarrassing, can't wait to beat his son.

Although the sword of Tianjian is a starry glory, it is not too old, and has not experienced the era of Bailuo.

Therefore, he himself is also very curious about Bailuo, not to mention his son.

The sword of Tianjian is so fearful that he is afraid that the kings around him will be unhappy.

At this moment, Xing Yaozhen is nothing, and the king is several, where does the round get him to speak?

Fortunately, no one has ever compared with one year ago.

In other words, no one is willing to pay for this effort. After all, no one wants to look away.

They are very clear that this is just a disguise of Bailuo.

Compassion came over and looked at Qin Qi, sighing slightly.

"How did you get this?" Pity shook his head.

"I don't know why it's so bad." Qin Qi smiled, this matter, where to blame him, this is completely innocent.

"It is you, I should call you Bailuo now, or compassion?" Qin Qi looked at pity.

Pity smiled, it looked really shocking, but Qin Qi can see that the scars on her face are gradually turning away.

I looked at Qin Qi with pity, and then I regained my gaze. "Let's follow you."

Then she looked at the black king and others, and the disguise on her face was completely opened.

First of all, the corner of the eye gradually became as clean as jade, and a tear appeared. It was one of the marks of Bailuo God. I don’t know how many people love this faint cockroach.

A little tears, not awkward, but make Bailuo even more amazing.

And when all the disguise disappears, the first beauty of the past will finally reappear in the world.

The sunset glow has gradually subsided, and the most beautiful moment has passed.

However, as long as Bailuo is still here, the scenery here is the first in the world!

Young people, those who have never experienced the era of Bailuo, at this moment, finally understand why this woman can have such tremendous energy.

Just reappearing the world, you can let the king gather, even the king of the sand is going out, only for her.

Every exaggeration, at this moment, has an explanation.

Those people finally understood and understood why Bailuo is the first beauty recognized by the outside world. It is not a word that can be described at all. It is not as simple as having a beautiful face.

Because at the first sight, the soul has been deeply trapped, and the heart has to stop beating.

"Jiang Zhe, I haven't seen you for a long time." Bailuo faintly whispered, every look, every subtle movement, was so charming.

She is still her, millions of years have passed, and there is still such a goddess temperament, almost no men can resist.

"It’s been a long time..." The Black King saw Bailuo again, couldn’t help but swallow his mouth, nervous, and somewhat frustrated.

This time, not in the dream, but in the real thing, just in front of me.

Rao is the strongest king and it is difficult to stay calm.

But he hasn't finished yet, the king of the knife will step forward, hehe smiled: "Luo Shen, where have you been in these years, if there is trouble, come to the brothers, why should you hide for so long, hard work yourself?"

"My brother and I are relieved. I have had a good time in these years." Bai Luo Shen smiled slightly.

The king of the knife, if you want to count it, is indeed the brother of Bailuo God, but in fact, the relationship between the two is not intimate, and even the time to enter the division is a million years apart.

Moreover, Bailuo left the division after a month.

It is only the king of the knife that wants to draw closer to his relationship with Bailuo, so he is not ashamed, he has always been a brother, and Bailuo God has gone with him.

"If you have a good time, you can't do it. You must have a good life. If you have anything wrong with it, tell your brother, the brothers will support you!" The king of the knife is full of arrogance.

The King of Knife is so concerned, as always, he is not ashamed, so that other kings can't help but scream.

"Hey, what can you do, you are wrapped up, it is called trouble!" The king of the sword screamed coldly.

"Lu Jian, for so many years, you are still so annoying, how do you do what Luo Shenshi and sisters do, and you get to say something about it?" The King of the Knife is unceremonious and cold.

"I see you are not enough to be beaten by me?" The king of the sword, Shuguang, suddenly sharpened.

"Lu Jian, are you getting out of heart? Who doesn't know that Lu Jian is not as good as me. That year is, now is also!"

"Give me shut up, Luo Shen is coming to see me, less noise here!" But the black king opened, and he was overbearing.

He has been a king of knives for a long time. This shameless thing, when he took advantage of the little brothers and sisters, has been running to the cliff.

The Black King has always been full of hostility towards him.

Now, Bailuo has finally returned, this is in response to his long wait!

Bailuo God came for him.

What is someone else?

And this **** knife king, even interrupted his dialogue with Bailuo, itchy skin!

"Jiang Zhe, it was because of you that you disappeared without a trace. I advise you, so far away from Luoshen!" But the king of sand opened his mouth.

"Yes, all kinds of things that year, what are you doing to Luo Shen, damn, today, you better give me an account!"

"Jiang Zhe, you should not think that Luoshen is your unmarried wife?" The king of the sword screamed coldly.

The most powerful kings, the most powerful group of people in the outer world, are now jealous of being a woman.

This is simply unimaginable.

Many powerful people swear that their Wang Ping is not the case, each one is a heavenly place, a legendary hero.

They are definitely worthy of the name of the strongest king.

Have the power and wrists commensurate with it.

They are the strongest generations, located on the top of the nine days, with endless majesty, not to be rebellious, unquestionable!

They...this should be like this.

Now, how has it become like this?

Looking at his own king, the strong people have some ignorance of what to show, especially some Wang Hao and even the Queen are still there, even more ugly.

Bailuo is the dream of all men of that era.

Then, she is the nightmare of all women of that era!

Seeing the number of kings who are not willing to give up, it is like a peacock who is estrus, is opening the screen, showing his bright feathers.

They are absolutely impossible to fall in the momentum of the woman in front of their favorite, big deal is just a battle, but not in the past!

And these levels of fighting have been since the days of the war, and have not appeared for too long.

It’s simply stunned.

Is there any reason for this group of kings?

"What are you doing back, Bailuo, what do you want to do back!" Black King, finally broke out, madly picked up.

Men lose their minds because of their love. Woman, why!

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