God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2064: Generous forward

Black King was seriously injured, but still not afraid of the challenge.

As the strongest king, even if it is so seriously injured, it is not without the possibility of avoiding the war.

Even though, Hunting King must have laid down countless backhands, but for the strongest king, how can it be foolproof?

However, Hunting King does not choose to avoid the war.

In the case of Bailuo God, the Black King may have given up his pride, and he is willing to humble.

But beyond that.

He is still the black king.

His pride will never let him escape this battle.

Hunting King, hiding behind, using the black king, forced today's game to such a level, how can Black King, how to tolerate?

Knowing that there are many evils, they are also generous.

This is the black king.

This may not be sensible, but the Black King is able to achieve today's achievements, that is, all the way.

"I can see you again, and it is very good to remove some hidden dangers from you." The black king looked at Bailuo and smiled slightly. "I want to come to someone like me. You don't love you, but you will never forget this life. I am."

"This is enough", the black king chuckled, and immediately turned, the breath of his body, and instantly pulled up to the extreme.

"Teacher, no!" Zhang looked anxiously.

He understands the character of the Black King and will never reject this war. However, this battle is really fierce and he can't let the Black King fight.

"You take care of me for a whisper." The black king is faint, no doubt.

Zhang Wang squeezed his fist. He knew that no one could stop the Black King, even if it was the white Luo Shen.

The breath of the Black King has reached its peak. It seems that there is no injury. He took the lead and jumped into the starry sky. Immediately, the whole starry sky began to tremble.

Only the extraterrestrial starry sky can carry the power of the most powerful king.

The Hunting King also broke out of power and went straight into the field. In the face of the already black King, the Hunting King did not dare to have the slightest scorn, and will go all out.

Otherwise, it may be him who died at that time.

The king’s showdown has always been quite a few, but it will be divided into births and deaths, but it is rare.

After all, there are only a few kings in ancient times. If you really die, you will count one hand. In the long years, perhaps every few million years, there will be a fall of the king.

Moreover, most of them are too old and lost to the years.

Such as the Black King, or the Hunting King, etc., the king of the prime of life, as long as you are willing to die.

"Go, we are also gone!" The king of the knife screamed and rushed into the domain.

The other kings did not delay, and all rushed out to witness the war.

The war, directly opened, without any buffer, and reached the most violent level in an instant.

Exploratory attack?

It won't appear in this battle.

The black king has been seriously injured. When he shot, he was full of strength and had no reservations.

And to counter such an attack, Hunting King, it is absolutely impossible to have the slightest hand to stay, all the way to learn, from the first hit, it broke out completely.

The evening glow has already been lifted, and night falls.

It’s just the starry sky of today, but it’s extraordinarily bleak, it’s a starry sky, and it’s impossible to compete with the king.

The black sky is divided into two halves, generally darker and deeper, and the other half is reflected in orange-yellow color, and the barbaric airflow turns.

That is the power of the Hunting King, which is biased towards the wood system, but it is the ultimate battle manifestation, and the gentleness of the general wood system is completely extreme.

The king's supernatural powers, the starry sky, the annihilated stars and fragments, emerged.

Even the grounds of the outer world are far apart, but they are also affected. The weaker people in the realm, the general diamond powers, must lie on the ground and do not dare to move.

Qin Qi did not fly into the domain, but even here, you can still feel the power of the horror.

It only takes a little bit of aftermath to make him annihilate.

This is the strongest king, the strongest force!

Qin Qi can clearly feel that the power of the entire outer world is stirred up by the collision of the two powerful, and even the laws of heaven and earth have begun to fall into the hands of two people.

The king, this is the one hand to lift the foot, you can borrow the power of the world.

Collision is even more horrible, and it is worrying whether it will break the entire starry sky.

However, the battle will not last long, and the Black King cannot fight a long-term battle.

After the most violent collision, the outcome will be fixed.

And this collision, come!

The black king's deity, the tenth black hole!

Even in the starry sky with the dark background color, ten darknesses like the black sun are still clearly recognizable.

It is ten black suns, and once it bursts, it is ten black holes.

The Black King, the strongest means, is also his diamond god, and gives the king the will.

In the face of the black king's last and strongest blow, the Hunting King did not hesitate in the slightest, belonging to his half-piece sky, orange-yellow color will all touch.

Among them, a long gun emerges, and at the moment of appearance, all the people in the world are tight in the heart, and there is a feeling of being locked.

As if the next moment, there will be a disaster.

Hunting King's diamond gods, hunting the world!

It also gives the king the will.

The picture that can be seen afterwards is a blur, and the black hole broke out on the tenth day, turning a large piece of starry sky into nothingness and being swallowed up by the black hole.

And the orange gun seemed to penetrate the black hole until it disappeared.

This battle has already come to an end.

"He is still proud. He has been proud of his life. Unfortunately, for that person to let go of his pride, this has become his fatal weakness." The King of Knife sighed and suddenly became somewhat embarrassed.

"If this is not the case, today's result may be another scene." The king of the sword whispered, and they witnessed the battle with their own eyes. Naturally, they also knew what the result was.

"唉", the king of the sand sighed and sighed, and some of his heart was awkward. "Another familiar person has passed away."

The king of fire is speechless, his Yang Shou is no more, and it will not last long.

And the younger generation, such a strong rise, the future of the Fire Palace, what will happen?

The original marriage was intended to join forces to make the Black Palace a new level and allow the Fire Palace to continue.

Now, how can the two kings of the future support each other in the future?

Yes, in the end, the result of this war, the black king fell.

Hunting King, ending the life of the Black King, in a sense, is also a kind of gram.

After all, the Hunting King can be counted as a young king compared to the Black King, and he succeeded in killing the Black King.

Who can think that the King of Kings, who is only a million years old, can have such achievements.

Black Wang Hao, even among the ranks of the strongest kings, can be regarded as a powerful existence. Except for the king of Kaisha, he may be able to slightly press him. Who dares to win?

Hunting King, but did it.

The youngest king has achieved the most proud record!

No matter how he did this, there is no doubt that his way forward was completely broken in this battle, and he already has the potential to challenge the outside world.

"Unfortunately, I can't compete with you."

"Which way, this way, going against the sky, I don’t know how many regrets are dotted around. All I can do is keep going forward and not stop."

"Otherwise, don't you ruin these regrets?" Hunting King whispered.

His chest has a huge gap, and he has been bleeding, even if he uses great powers, he can't stop it.

That is the killing of the black king's power against him. It is extremely terrifying. If he can't enter again in the realm, then I am afraid that I will not be able to get rid of this injury in my life.

Killing a king, will you pay no price? However, everything is worth it.

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