God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2079: Dark alien

These three stars are stunned and can leap across half of the country. Even if they can't fly, it is not a problem to move between the pillars.

Not to mention, there is also a flying beast, the speed is super.

Instead, it is a white diamond that excels at the power of the void, but in this small world, it will be more suppressed.

Qin Qi spit out a breath, he chose to continue to hide himself, behind the Tianyu Longxiang unfolding, but it fell to the abyss below the invisible bottom, and made rapid progress in the shadows.

Close to the stone pillar, Qin Qi clearly felt a few different atmospheres, one of which he was very familiar with.

Bailuo God!

She is also here!

Then Jiang is a whisper, I am afraid it is no doubt here.

Bailuo God first came out to find the Jiang whisper, and earlier found the Jiang whisper, and finally came here.

It is no wonder that the communication jade has no effect. This small world directly isolates everything.

However, the breath of Bailuo is not so strong, and the other breath above the stone pillar is to make Qin Qi sink.

I want to come, that is not a friend.

Above the huge stone pillars in the center, it is a plane, the area is not small, and there are several giant cities.

A beam of light falls in the center of the plane of the stone pillar, and several figures are surrounded by stone pillars.

Two of them are even more alien, not human, nor orc.

But the same thing is that their strength is incomparably dark, black is like a sticky ink, with a sultry meaning.

In front of them, in front of the light column, is a beautiful woman, can be called perfect, the world is unparalleled.

So temperament, so beautiful, no doubt is Bailuo.

However, her current state is not good, her breath is weak, and she is not at its peak. From the traces of battle on the ground, there have been several battles and it is fierce.

"White Luo Shen, continue, even if you are, you may fall down here, as the first beauty in the opposite world, it is so fragrant and jealous, unfortunately?" Deep and dark, indifferent.

Standing next to the two alien guys is the deep diamond!

His strength is still full, and I am afraid that I have not participated in the battle, but I am waiting for an opportunity.

Even if it is Bailuo, after the promotion, Wei Neng will surpass most of the stars and sings, but with one enemy and two, it is still a hard battle. Under such circumstances, it is indeed difficult to pay attention to the deep and dark drill.

"Deep in the sky, it seems that you are much more mysterious than expected." Bailuo's beauty was slightly picked up, and she couldn't help but be surprised.

Deep day, it is not what goes into the younger generation, and is almost the same era as Bailuo, but he obviously has to be much darker than Bailuo.

Although the two are only crowned before and after, but Bai Luoshen has no limitations, only by his own words, he has been promoted to the star.

It seems that the deep and dark diamonds are just ordinary star glory, only a few more powerful than the ghost valley.

But now it seems that the dark drill is not so simple.

At least the two people around him, Bailuo has no impression, I am afraid, does not belong to the outside world.

It is the strongest in a different world!

Deep and dark diamonds, when did you have contact with such strong people?

At this point, there is no record in the Monowang Building.

"I am flattered to hear you like this, but I still ask you to move. You really don't have to give life to the black queen's descendants." The deep diamond sighed.

After all, it is Bailuo God, who has the charm that no one can resist. Even if it is a deep drill, it is not necessary, and does not want to kill her.

Of course, if Bai Luo Shen insists, then he has to do it.

On the way to the king, he will not hesitate.

The darkness of the drill, the breath of darkness constantly rushing, is brewing his strongest blow, but also his diamond god, deep dark cone.

That is to concentrate all the power on one point, and have the power to ignore the defense of Qin Qi Kunlun.

Bai Luoshen did not dare to look down.

Not to mention, the other two alien stars are shining.

In the current state of Bailuo, fight up, ten dead without life!

Bai Luoshen’s face was slightly pale, and she glanced behind her, the little girl suspended in the light column.

Jiang whispered his head and looked at the black king's will with the king's will left by the black king. There was only one destination, and that was the battle of the fierce beast.

Here is the place where the Black King and the Black King first met. From then on, the fate of the two men was tied together until they both fell.

Jiang whispers are rarely close to Black King, because Black King is not a kind mother. The attitude toward Jiang whisper seems to be more used to tie the black king's chips.

However, when Jiang was less whispered, Hei Wangxi was also like a mother who should take care of her.

At that time, she learned of this little-known news from the self-report of the black king.

Therefore, she was in a state of low mood, suffering from the pressure of breathlessness, and when the spirit was about to collapse, she chose to come here.

She has no purpose in coming here, just want to see where her parents know.

However, later, it was the call of the four characters of Houshan. The will of the king in her body resonated with it and opened the small world that has been hidden.

However, the holy mountain is sinister, she can not board, but fortunately, Bailuo God found her in time.

However, the deep and dark diamonds were found almost at the same time, and all of them entered the small world.

With the will of the king in Jiang Qingyu, they do not need to destroy the four words, but they can also break into here.

"You shouldn't know, your parents know each other far earlier than me, and later, your mother brought the black king to my eve." Bai Luo Shen sighed.

Nowadays, when I mention such a past, I don’t know how to deal with it.

However, she can't always retreat.

This black king's only blood, how can she help the black king to hold.

"It looks like you made a painful decision." The deep diamond sighed, and the eyes were cold. "So, die here!"

The previous consumption has already caused Bailuo to slip off the top of the peak. Now, the three of them have shot together, and Bailuo is absolutely not spared.

Let this first beauty in the opposite world, in his hands, truly become history!

Deep scorpion cone!

The other two dark aliens are also shot out, and their respective means are similar to the strongest power of God.

The white light **** flashed, and a layer of white light appeared.

But at this moment, countless grotesque worlds suddenly appeared, shrouded all of them.

The dark diamonds changed his face, how could he not understand this power.

"During the day, have you succeeded in crowning?" The dark drill turned back and saw the white diamond on the stone pillar. "What is it?" The white diamond snorted.

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