God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2081: Instant kill

However, the consumption of Bailuo is too big, and it is no longer at its peak. Even with the kaleidoscope of white diamonds, it is not the opponent of these many powerful players.

The most is to support it for a while.

The battle started instantly, the power of terror burst out, and the thousands of worlds that the kaleidoscope was condensed were all distorted.

However, the power of Luo Shenfu has also penetrated into the kaleidoscope. If it is not careful, it may also be injured.

However, they are not in a hurry to drill them in the dark, and they are determined to ensure their own safety so that they can have more advantages in the competition.

That is to say, in their hearts, it is meaningless to resist the shackles of Bailuo and the white diamonds.

Destruction is just a matter of time.

The kaleidoscope is more distorted under such power, almost broken, but this world still has the power to block.

It has blocked the power of the six major stars, and at the same time, it has blocked other breaths.

Under such conditions, it will be extremely advantageous for the assassin.

Of course, the shot must be awkward, must be strong, otherwise there will be no second chance.

Qin Qi is hidden in the dark.

He knows that the white diamond is not deliberately creating this kind of environment, she is just trying to resist the enemy's progress.

However, she has invisible cooperation with Qin Qi.

Especially in her virtual power, it is actually related to the situation that Qin Qi has.

Qin Qi can sense more atmosphere inside the kaleidoscope through the word "宇".

This is the difference!

Against Kunlun!

Qin Qi is brewing a sword.

The opponent is a starry singer. Even though there may be a weaker existence than Qin Qi, it is absolutely impossible to have any small look. It must be done with all strength.

Xing Yao kills the stars, as long as the other party is not the idiot of the Ghost Valley, it is not so easy!

The battle is fierce, two stars, how to resist the six strong?

Even if the six stars are not fully shot, it is enough to crush the white **** and the white diamond.

The kaleidoscope has been distorted and it is almost ruined, and the Luoluo of Bailuo God has turned into a terrible light belt, but it cannot stop the enemy's footsteps.

They are very close to Bailuo and white diamonds.

Each of them is brewing a diamond **** and a sacred magical power, which will give the two people a final blow.

That is the power that is absolutely impossible to resist.

If you want to live, you can only retreat.

But in that case, Jiang Lanyu will die!

"The beauty of the Terran, let this seat to destroy it!" Qingyan blood lion roared, the body of the blue flame burning, above the claws, but revealing blood.

Green blood and light claws!

The sacred power of the Qingyan blood lion, the horror power, no time.

The dark drill was slightly slower.

He does not want to kill Bailuo with his own hands. It is better to let the beasts do it for you.

The claws fell, and the white Luo Shen and the white diamonds were shrouded in.

Can't resist it.

Even if it is blocked, how can it be resisted after several attacks?

The white diamond bites her teeth, she doesn't want to die here.

She had been favored by the black king, although it became the black king to call her, let her want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But after all, it was millions of years of friendship, and Black King is already dead. She naturally does not want her only daughter to have an accident.

However, it is not enough to dedicate life to it.

Can only retreat, as Bailuo does not retreat, it can only be pity for her.

The Qingyan blood lion apparently thought of this layer, and the attack was even more unscrupulous. It has been outlined in the brain, and the first beauty of the human race died under its claws.


The flesh and blood are directly penetrated.

However, it is not Bailuo, but the Qingyan blood lion!

A sword, a mountain, directly penetrated its huge body.

Even if the beast is far more powerful than the human body, it can't resist the power of this sword.

This sword came too fast and too strong, and the killing of the game made the whole small world feel the cold.

After a sword was worn, the sword did not stop a little, with the peerless sharpness, crosscutting out and smashing into the other two beasts.

Of course, if this is still being smashed, it will not be worthy of the realm of Xing Yao.

But helpless, the other two strong beasts' offensives were blocked.

However, they are not a good match, and the long-awaited blow has turned to the sudden uninvited guest.

How to dodge in time, it is impossible to completely avoid these attacks, the blood that has been crushed, the blood is floating, has been seriously injured.

This sudden change did indeed surprise everyone. I didn’t expect an assassin to exist in the dark.

They were disturbed by the kaleidoscope and the Luoshen, and it was difficult to reach the level of perceptual awareness on the weekdays. The assassin, however, accurately grasped the timing of the killing. In this case, it is extremely difficult to avoid.

As long as you can't avoid it, Xingyao will be killed directly.

The reason why Xing Yaozhen is difficult to kill is that once everything is gone, it is too difficult to escape, and it is not easy to want to stay.

But if you hit it, it will still die.

For example, now.

The Qingyan blood lion was killed in an instant, and there was no chance to make a sound. The flesh and blood flew, and the whole body was broken into two sections.

The blood splashed and made people jump straight.

The offensive of the beast was instantly disintegrated, but the strength of their drills was still coming, but the lack of half the help, the white diamond also bite the teeth, did not retreat.

She and Bailuo, madly crushing the strength of the body, forcibly resisted this attack.


Both of them vomited blood, and the power declined. However, there was no death, and no Jiang whispers were exposed.

"趁胜追追!" The deep diamonds sighed coldly and never gave Bailuo their chance.

However, a sword, but squatting down, Kunlun Dasheng, even more than just killing the green blood lion, even stronger!

Can it be stronger?


In that case, it must be an unreserved blow, how can you deliberately keep it.

Unless, his power at the moment has increased again.

"Qin Qi!" Drilled in the dark, squatting the cone of the cone, blocking the Qin Qi attack.

"It's me!" Qin Qi's voice came out.

The power of chaos converges, Qin Qi half body has been destroyed, and was hit hard by the two great beasts, but one hand is still there, the sword in his hand is still there.

The **** water splash can only make the killing wolf more hungry and more addicted to killing!

Not to mention, Qin Qi killed the Qingyan blood lion and once again lit a star!

Qin Qi looked at the deep diamond, grinned, and then licked his lips.

In front of these stars, it will undoubtedly be a feast for him! No reason, looking at this Qin Qi, the deep drill actually felt a cold chill in the bottom of my heart.

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