God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2084: Dark ring

At that time, the white diamond was still a girl, and it was rebellious at first. Once I went out alone, I entered an unknown space.

Together with it, there are deep and dark drills.

At that time, the depth of the drill was not too old, and it also inadvertently broke into that place.

However, the two are not natural to deal with, and they are not good at knowing each other. After knowing each other's existence, they began to brew their means, mixing each other along the way, recruiting them to the road, and not leaving their hands.

In the end, the two of them could not help each other, they could only give up, and temporarily reached several principles of peaceful coexistence. In the end, they set foot in the core area of ​​the mysterious area.

There, the two each got their own creation.

After that, the two people have risen up, and the white and dark days are definitely a powerful rising star. They have surpassed many predecessors all the way, until they touched the star.

But now, both of them have crossed, and it is obvious that both of them have made great achievements.

"Your heart of the void, there is still potential to be tapped now?" Qin Qidao, slightly raised his eyebrows.

After the white diamond was finished, Qin Qi could not help but ask.

To be so, it can be a bit of awesome. After all, the white diamonds are already star-studded, and they are already high enough, and the average genius can't be touched even in life.

If there is still some effort in this situation, then the level of this empty heart can reach the king level.

"There is still potential to be tapped. It is also very magical to think about it. After all, when the strength was weak, but it was such a creation, it can be said that it is against the common sense." The white diamond smiled.

She may, by this way, attack the king.

Of course, the time required can be very long.

However, she is already much stronger than some guys who are struggling in the realm of the stars.

"That ring, I am afraid that it has the same grade." Qin Qizhen measured the dark ring in his hand, and the perception gradually penetrated into it.

In a flash, he saw a darkness that was bottomless.

It is a world without light. Any light coming here will be swallowed up. It feels like a huge black hole, but there is no such horrible tearing power.

Indeed, it is somewhat similar to the power of the Black King.

Of course, it is just a similar one. It is still different.

On the contrary, it is a deep and dark drill. His strength is exactly the same. It seems that the original creation has directly affected the way the two will follow.

In the face of such deep and pure darkness, Qin Qi’s feelings are not good at all. The soul faces this darkness and only feels a cold silence, and even the passage of time is not felt.

If it is a long time, I am afraid that it will become a puppet.

This made Qin Qi feel a cold in the heart, could not help but scalp numb.

This darkness seems to have no power to perceive, but the darkness itself is already a huge danger. Once you get in, it is difficult to come out.

Qin Qi took a deep breath, the soul chain wrapped his soul, sometimes tightened, and sometimes relaxed, in order to stimulate himself, not to be swallowed up by the dark.

For a long time, what Qin Qi can see is not just darkness.

There are some special things in the darkness.

It is a cliff, very straight, as if it was flattened by a sword, and under the cliff, it is an endless dark abyss.

With the concentration of Qin Qi's attention, the danger of being swallowed up by the darkness is increasing, but at the same time, Qin Qi also vaguely heard some noises.

It is similar to the sound of metal tapping on a rock.

Something, crawling up?

Qin Qi looked a glimpse, but instead withdrew from the threat of being swallowed by the darkness, and after waiting for it, the things under the cliff finally climbed up.

Dark alien?

Yes, their limbs are covered with hard horny, so there will be metal-like percussion.

Is it hard to be the two helpers of the dark drill, is it from here?

Qin Qi is in a tight heart.

And the dark alien that climbed up hard, constantly screaming, and a dark aura appeared on the body, apparently bursting out.

However, they can't really climb the cliff. The edge of the cliff is like a ban, blocking them.

I saw the dark screams of the dark and screaming, falling directly from the edge of the cliff, and there was no sound.

This is exactly where it is. Qin Qi has no clue in his heart, but his intuition tells him that it is extremely dangerous, and those dark aliens are even more terrible.

Enough to make his scalp numb.

And the time is almost the same, continue to stay, Qin Qi will be swallowed up by the dark.

However, before the meaning of the exit, Qin Qi vaguely saw two figures in the darkness coming, and the outline of the skull was not a dark alien.

Someone here?

Qin Qi was shocked, but at the moment he had to withdraw.

When Qin Qi relieved, and once again sinking consciousness into this area, nothing could be seen.

The two people, hey, let's be a person, you should have left the area.

In this way, Qin Qi can only give up and retreat.

What is known now is that the Dark Drill gained this power and, through millions of years, released two dark aliens.

And no matter what means he used, it may be related to the road he has built, but there is no doubt that this is a huge danger.

Because Qin Qi feels directly, the sense of danger from the heart, and deep hostility!

Even if there has never been a real exchange with the dark alien, Qin Qi believes that there is no possibility of being a friend.

"This is really an unexpected situation!" Qin Qi Emei, there are too many possibilities that may need to be guessed or even confirmed.

But for the time being, don't spend too much time on this.

“In the history of the alien world, has this dark alien shape ever appeared?” Qin Qi put the ring away and handed it to Yi Kunlun for analysis.

"It has never been heard." Bailuo and the white diamonds are shaking their heads.

Even the white diamonds have a lot of intersections with the dark and dark diamonds, but it is also the first time to see such a terrible dark alien.

The power in them is too special, as if they were born with a natural repression.

"This dark alien, if I expected it is not bad, the realm is falling once." Qin Qi spit out a breath.

These two dark aliens, the state is indeed not full, although still strong, with the power of the star-level, but the weakness of power, but can be perceived.

Yes, it took a terrible price after climbing the cliff.

But even so, still have the power of starlight, imagination is horrifying.

"Isn't it the uninhabited creature?" The white diamond guessed.

Alien is already the top ten world. Before that, there are several other top worlds, although there are strengths and weaknesses, but there are also several.

Only the central and the Taoist circles are above the heavens. The Taoist circles do not say that there is indeed a lot of dark color power in the central area, but it is very likely.

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