God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2102: Some preparation

The war-free cards distributed throughout the world have disappeared with the departure of the Taoist messengers.

However, because of the strong intervention of the Taoist world, the turmoil in the outside world has been unable to continue.

If the coroner is about to leave all the way and go to the Taoist world, then the gap between the various forces will not be as big as it used to be, and the advantage of having the king will be lost.

I am afraid that for a long time, the war will not be easily opened, and the income of this war will be digested first.

Speaking of it, this war is indeed unusual. It opened up in the sudden fall of the Black King. Beforehand, no one ever thought that this would happen.

The outside world that has led to peace has entered the era of war.

Now, with the intervention of the Taoist world, it is much more unexpected.

People suddenly have a feeling that this war is like a play.

But the existence of the coronation is clear, this war is actually just a war of the King of Hunting.

He provoked everything, this is what he wants war.

Others are clamoring for war, fighting for countless resources, and strengthening their own bodies, but in the end, they are all pieces of the Hunting King.

It is Hengsha Tower, and I did not think that things would be like this.

Previously, Qu Zhongyao once said that there is a world-class smelting squad in the outside world. No one knows this, and no one notices it.

Knowing this, the strong people naturally figured it out.

This war is the smelting of the big array of nourishment, and the killing of all forces will eventually turn into power and be absorbed by the Hunting King.

This is why, even if he regrets, he still wants to kill the Black King.

At that time, the pattern of the outer world, the black king was prosperous, and the fire king was old. As long as the black king was killed, a comprehensive war will surely come.

Originally, everyone thought that the hunting king shot because the black king threatened him too much, and the two were equally savvy, and they would definitely fight, so they would be worried.

In addition, it is also a chance to expand the school.

As a result, everything is just a piece of chess. What the Hunting King wants, I am afraid to break through the ceiling of the strongest king through this comprehensive war!

When I think of this layer, anyone who is in the heart is cold, even if it is the king of sand, it is said that the best outside world is the strongest, and can not help but shake the heart.

This game is too big.

The image of the hunter is beyond the imagination of all.

Moreover, if it is not for the Taoist messenger to come without warning, perhaps the Hunting King can really complete the plan.

It is a pity that people are not as good as days, and the Taoist Tianzun has a decree to let him run the long-running situation and pay for it.

Of course, even so, in the two years of the terrorist war, the fire king and the black king fell, the king of the sword was seriously injured, and the dead star was almost two hands.

And the rest of the diamonds and other strong, countless, the blood flowing down, can be gathered into the sea.

This has already given the Hunter enough benefits.

I am afraid that the wound left by the Black King has already healed and even further.

Such a hunting king, although an opponent, had to serve.

It’s just that now, it’s no longer meaningful to think about it. For the courageous, the next challenge is the most important.

They returned to their respective territories and destroyed the smelting squad in the field for the first time. They could only sigh and then make arrangements very quickly.

They are about to leave, have a great impact on the outside world, and naturally have to prepare for future generations or the same door to prevent any eventuality.

The same thing happens in every big force in the outer world, and so is the inside of the beast.

Knowing all of this, the earthquake in the outer world, the army at the border continued to retreat, with defensive as the main tone.

Now the top powerhouses are about to leave, but the ghosts know what they have left, and there is no coronation to counterbalance. If the war is to fight again, it is very likely that both sides will suffer.

Still waiting for everything to stabilize, then do other considerations!

This kind of tacit understanding has every major power, and Qin Qi is also the case. It has left a lot of powerful means for the emperor's kingdom. The country is full of people and it has been strengthened again.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, or else, I will go with you, we will say that we have to go to the border!" Green Road, want to leave with Qin Qi.

But this time, Qin Qi refused.

The original plan was indeed to go to the border together. This has already been fixed. Even without this coming of the Taoist messenger, Qin Qi will go to the border.

But now the situation is different.

One of the Taoist priests suddenly gave such an order, in an incomparably tough stance, forcing the strongest of the heavens to go to the border.

This is really unusual.

After all, the Tao has always been powerful, but it has never been to force people's history. This is the first time.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon.

At this stage, if the green radish has not been crowned, it is better not to go to the border to join in the fun.

After the coronation, it is not too late.

"That's fine. We have laid down such a large territory. We haven't had time to digest it. If the green radish is gone, it will lose a lot of help. It is better to stay."

"And with the resources we have now, and the cultivation conditions of the outside world, it is not difficult to add a star to the future. It is not too late to go!" Red Lotus smiled.

Such a big thing, she naturally wants to come back from the border.

"It is also right, and the current alienation is only temporary and stable. Within a few years, the war will surely start again, and if we can succeed in the first step, then in this alien world, it is the strongest!"

"At that time, it is not difficult to build a bigger emperor country!" Green Rose nodded.

She also knows that this time the event is too strange, with her strength, should not follow the past.

And if that's the case, then it's a good thing in this outside world.

This is very likely.

The talent of the green radish will not be worse than anyone. If you go all out and cooperate with the vast resources of the emperor's kingdom, I am afraid that the first one will succeed in the coronation after the sturdy.

"At the time, this girl is the king of the opposite world!" Green Luo forked his waist, haha ​​smiled.

Looking at such a green radish, Qin Qi couldn't help but laugh and feel more cordial.

After all, the chest is not flat to the world, my radish is the woman who can flatten the world!

Of course, the necessary warnings are still needed. After all, it can be seen from this war that the outside world is still Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and cannot be underestimated.

Qin Qi does not expect green radish to sweep the outside world, but it is still possible to account for it.

After that, I was serious about discussing the situation with Yu Botao and killing my heart. I set the guidelines and finished all of this. It is time to leave.

On the third day, Hengsha Tower sent a message to all the squatters, ready to use Hengshata's king-class vanity ship as a tool to go to the border.

This is a bit of an accident, but it is reasonable.

I want to be the king of sand. I want everyone to leave together to prevent the time difference.

After all, if someone leaves first, isn’t the emptiness of the outside world, what should be done by which unqualified guy sneak into the base camp? Just in case, it is more appropriate to leave together.

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