God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2106: No solution

As the strongest king, he dominates the outside world, even if it is impossible to straddle the starry sky, but it is impossible to be overwhelmed.

What a saber-toothed array, even if it originated from the Tao.

What is the fear of the king?

The king of the knife smashed his hand, and the knife light shone, that is, the starry sky was dyed with a layer of snow, and the snow and knives swayed out, writing the king's prestige, peerless terror.

This knife, the tremor of the glory, may be killed when it is a little closer, but it is an incompetent power.

The king of knives is the strongest in the world.

However, the strong enemy is on the side, everyone has no bottom in mind, and I don’t know how much this knife can do.


A loud bang, everything was smashed along the way, but the bombardment was on the sword's teeth, but only the starlight shook a bit.

It is impossible to break through.

The king of the knife smashed his face, and he was the first to contact such a powerful array.

From the Taoist world, can you really be so unreasonable?

"I will try it!" The king of the sword snorted.

His state is not full of prosperity, but with only one blow, it is still possible to explode all the power. A sword is cold for 90,000 miles, and the starry sky also feels that kind of icy cold.

Just like this sword, it is still impossible to break through this large sword.

The two kings shot, and the rest of the hearts, there is a concept, the face is not good, and the king of sand, is a sigh.

When he saw that the saber-toothed squad had been completed, he expected to think so.

However, the king, but this can not be overwhelmed.

How to do it all at once.

At the moment, the kings of several kings, including the beastmasters of the fierce beasts, all shot, even revealing the body, the fierce beasts raging, and all efforts.

The seven kings, without reservation, the cosmic laws of this moment are trembled and spurred.

And that power is even more terrifying.

No face changes, such a big fish, it is not so easy to swallow, but who let them occupy the land?

At this moment, all three warships and one ship began to shine, and countless spirits broke out from it and injected into the swordstooth.

At the same time, no phase and three other Huang Jing masters, but also have to shake the power, strengthen the power of the sword tooth big array.

The light belt in the road shines in the universe, and it does not know how much darkness, and each one is like a long sword. The sword has teeth, as if it can tear everything.

The saber-toothed squad is not only a cage, but also a terrible attack.

The saber-toothed teeth collided with the power of the king and could not be described as terrible. For Qin Qi, it was only a difference between the realm, but it was like a **** fight, and it was impossible to understand.

It is even more impossible to intervene.

They can only watch their powers raging.

The Qin Qi and Xingsha drills may be a little bit more involved, but they are just a little bit.

But even such a powerful seven kings, under the joint force, seems to be able to smash a series of big worlds, and even this real universe can break a large piece.

However, after all, it is impossible to break through the saber-toothed squadron.

Can't break!

Really can't break.

Even if the former self-sufficiency, the self-confident strength of the king of the world, is really heavy at this moment.

The Saber-toothed Pirates can't always maintain a large array of operations. As long as they keep mad, they can break through, but what time?

There is no time.

The original itinerary was very full, and it was not an easy task to cross the chaotic collar into the road in half a month.

If you continue to delay, it will reduce the chance of success again.

The Saber-toothed Pirates can afford to wait and they can't wait.

"Sha Wang, you make it clear, are we going to break through?" The King of Knife sighed.

"Unless I wait for the cost of life." The king of sand sighed.

However, it is impossible for someone to be so stupid.

"In this case, it will be meaningless to continue to hesitate." The Hunting King spoke up. The power he had shown was extremely powerful and there was no injury.

It seems that the smelting of the big battle has already made him heal, even stronger.

"Smart, you are very right!" No one laughed.

"When do we let us go?" Hunting King said indifferently.

No eyes are bright, it is inevitable: "You are really smart enough, I can give you preferential treatment, let you leave early!"

"Early, when is it?" The Hunting King is still calm and standing with his hands on his back.

"Five days later!" There was no cruel smile.

Five days.

This is nothing to be true, and it is delayed for five days, so the chance of crossing the chaos can drop by 50%.

"As for other people, I will continue to live your life, it will be five and a half days!" No smile.

The time limit of no phase is obviously not casual.

The base of the Saber-toothed Pirates was in the secret zone of the chaotic collar. He saw more outsiders entering the border. It was clear that this time point just happened to hold the king's throat.

This prevents the kings from turning back to deal with him.

The behavior of the Saber-toothed Pirates Group is already a conspiracy, but unfortunately no one can help him.

After five days of stagnation, the Saber-toothed Pirates can still do it.

After that, there is only waiting.

The king sat in the void, silent and right, they are brewing strength, ready to cross the huge cosmic starry sky.

As for the Stars, they are gray-faced, because the performance of the kings is simply giving them up.

When robbed by pirates, the consequences can be imagined, they will become slaves and be sold to the mysterious zone of the universe.

The universe is so big, it is not only the heavens and the world, but also many areas, full of mysterious and unpredictable power, many detached from the world, the universe and the vastness of the universe, all have such a layout.

And to get a strong resource from that place, labor can be indispensable, and Xingyao is the best labor.

When I got to those places, there was no return.

As for people like Bailuo, I am afraid that the end will be even more miserable. Most of the pirates can be without humanity.

"Is hetero-Kunlun, can't you solve this saber-toothed array?" Qin Qi himself tried, but the level of this big array is too high, and he can't shake it with his level of Master.

"It can be cracked, but, in five days, it can't be done." Yi Kunlun's response made Qin Qi could not help but sigh.

It seems that it is really a dead end.

And it is clear that the kings have already recognized the status quo. For them, it is the first place to go to the Tao, and the rest of the stars are not those who cannot be abandoned.

Of course, Qin Qi believes that when the king will ask to take away some people, it is clear that Qin Qi is not here.

In general, the diamonds of Xingsha will be taken away.

Bailuo should be the candidate that the king wants to take away, but whether the other party will agree, but it is hard to say.

After all, the value of Bailuo is likely to be higher than everyone else. In the black market of the universe, an ever-increasing transaction record is broken with beauty.

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