God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2111: Arrived chaotic collar

"Here, is it chaotic?" Jiang whispered his eyes and flickered, looking curiously at everything in front of him.

Their understanding of the chaotic collars is all from the intelligence of Hengshata, but that is only an approximation. If it is in person, this is the first time.

Alien, although keen on the battle of the gods, but not much contact with the chaotic collar, even the king, rarely rarely leave the outer world to chaos collar, not to mention the following roads.

Therefore, compared to other worlds, the understanding of the chaotic collar by the outside world may not even be as good as some higher worlds.

It’s just that the reason is long gone. I can only say that it has been so in ancient times, and the latecomers have not broken this.

As for this chaotic collar, history is also very long and will not be shorter than the history recorded in the outer world.

In essence, the chaotic collar is a star band that surrounds the Tao and consists of countless huge stars.

But the stars here are different from others. Most of them are broken, and they are not scattered, but gathered together, but even the complete stars do not form their own world of the planet.

Therefore, this chaotic star belt is extremely desolate, and even the living spirits are not, but it is a dead silence.

However, since the strong have broken free from the world barrier, they have come to this real universe, and the road has become a bright light, constantly attracting the strong.

Until the days of the war, it reached its peak. I don’t know how many people want to enter the Taoist world and get the supreme law.

However, the Taoist circles are eager to enter.

Those who could not enter the Taoist world, and did not want to leave here, lived in this chaotic star belt.

Later, those people discovered that there were countless creations in this chaotic star band.

The chaotic star belt is made up of countless stars, most of which have become fragments.

Among them, there are many broken stars.

These big stars, even those who are supreme, can't move, but they have become fragments, exposing the peerless gods that are bred inside.

That is amazingly big!

Moreover, the stars of the chaotic star band are a mystery, and the whole process has experienced countless rules, and many unexpected things have been born.

Some are extremely dangerous, some are big ones!

And some people ate the first crab, and later, naturally flocked.

Even later, those people are not for the sake of the Tao, but for the chaos of the stars.

After that, more and more strong people came here, all races, and not only to explore the treasure or enter the Tao, but other fields have gradually stepped in.

For example, chambers of commerce, such as pirates, such as world-class wanted criminals, have gone to this place to discover the myriad treasures here!

The chaotic star belt has become more and more chaotic, and after numerous battles, the final pattern is settled.

That is, the initial state of chaos.

However, it is not what you see now.

The dominator of the Taoist realm perceives the situation of the chaotic star belt, but seems to be so happy that they have not been expelled from these people. Instead, they have given some people a reward for them to be separated from the chaotic collar.

Almost, it means letting them act as a gateway to the border.

After that, the pattern of chaos is really set, although it is still chaotic, but the general division of power has been completed, and for many years, there has not been much change.

The position where Qin Qi landed was between the pieces of stars and the outermost part of the chaotic collar, but did not see the existence of the port.

It seems that this route is not a regular route.

But there should be a big city nearby, not a remote area that is inaccessible.

Today's chaos, good places are all occupied, and the rest is not barren or dangerous. If you don't know anything, it is not good news to come to a remote area.

From the treasure ship, it falls on the large pieces of stars.

Qin Qi and others look around and are also familiar with the chaotic environment.

There is a very thin world rule, like a film, wrapped around this area.

But this should be influenced by the strong, not the natural state of chaos.

Of course, although these laws are very thin, they are incomparable to the world's powerful world barriers, but they are very different.

With the existence of the laws of the world, the chaotic collar will be suitable for the survival of lower-level life, and it is impossible to plant some plants with excellent tolerance.

I think that there are strong people in order to develop chaotic collars, so they have been transformed, and these means are not idle!

Qin Qi glanced at the small map, and the situation in the surrounding area was unobstructed, which was larger than the range of perception.

In addition, although there are no detailed chaotic maps for different Kunlun, there are still simple maps, and most of the areas that have been explored have been marked.

At this moment, Qin Qi also roughly understood their position.

Within the chaotic collar, there are seven major forces to separate the evidence. Because in the past years, they have been rewarded by the Taoist circles, so their status is difficult to shake.

The forces they operate are the seven different stars in the chaos.

It is also the seventh of the complete stars in the chaos.

As for their sphere of influence, they are based on these stars and continue to radiate until they touch each other.

At this junction, fighting is inevitable.

From the map point of view, now they are closest to Qin Qi, it is the Tianquan star, and according to the person of Tianquanxing himself, Tianquanxing is the center of chaos.

Of course, other forces do not think so.

"Double Big Dipper?" Qin Qi's light flashed slightly.

This naming should come from the Tao.

But the earth has the same name as the heavenly world.

Tianyuan World does not have to take care of it. Qin Qi already knows that it is a world that has been stolen from the earth and rebuilt.

So, what is the relationship between the Tao and the Earth?

Will it be, the road, is the Kunlun after the flight?

Qin Qi’s light flashes slightly, I believe that all this will be known after entering the Taoist world.

"First go to Tianquan Star, there should be a way to enter the Tao." Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

The chaotic collar is the gateway to the Tao, and the seven stars are the ones that hold the chaos and lead the way to the road. If you want to go in, you will always have an intersection with them.

Of course, it is not impossible to not go.

There are still a few complete stars in this chaotic collar, which can lead to the Tao.

Just, that's not what ordinary people can do.

It is not a last resort, Qin Qi certainly does not want to take risks.

Everything, wait until Tianquan Star to see the situation and say!

But before that, it seems that there are some troubles coming up!

Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly, and then they said to Yan Lin: “Two, I feel that I should not split up before I become familiar with the situation of this chaotic collar.”

Yan Lin nodded.

It is indeed not the time to separate actions.

"When you go there, you should be able to meet people who are chaotic. Everyone must be careful, it is best to be easy to conflict!" Qin Qi Shen.

Take the lead and fly quickly.

Others are not suspicious of him, and they have followed suit.

After they left, a few figures appeared behind a huge stone.

These people are all old people who are chaotically led. They are very familiar with the surrounding environment. Once they are hidden, they will not be exposed even if they show up. Newcomers who have just arrived here, unless they are masters of Huang Jing, can't detect their existence.

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