God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2114: Get information

"It's bad!" Zhou Qing knows that this time I am afraid it is really miscalculated.

Who can think that people from other worlds can actually practice the laws of the Taoist world, and it seems that the integrity is above him!

Qin Qi took out the sword, and the shape of Kunlun condensed out. The power of Kunlun spread throughout the body. Even if it is spiritual, it is impossible to have any advantage.

Invincible sword!

There is no need to use the Tianxu, Qin Qi this sword, enough to completely crush the green ghost.

"This is!" Zhou Qing’s exclaimed.

He saw Kunlun on Qin Qi and couldn't help but be shocked.

Such power, they have heard about it, it comes from the Tao, and even in the realm, it is also the top power.

How is it possible to appear on this person?

It’s hard to be true that this person is not a strong person in other worlds, but a realm from the Tao?

Zhou Qing’s heart was scared, but Qin Qi’s speed was faster than he expected. The sword not only caught his strongest knife, but also took Kunlun’s knees.

A sword broke his arm.

Zhou Qing screamed and slammed his arm and quit, and there was only one piece left in his eyes.

Not an opponent!

Qin Qi is stronger than him and has begun to approach the battle of Huang Jing.

The one-eyed Zhou Qing was defeated, and it was indeed far beyond the expectations of Knife and Man. After all, even if the idea was put together, Zhou Qing could not be so defeated.

The other party is not a master of the yellow world, nor is it a person of the Taoist world. How can Zhou Qing be unable to match it?

However, Zhou Qing has been defeated. The facts are in front of me. I don't believe it.

Lost Zhou Qing, Knife Man and so on can not support, has gradually been pulled back by the situation of Bai Luoshen and others, and they have become barely supportive.

However, there are Qin Qi, Knife Man and others who have no chance to turn over and can only continue to serve as a sparring.

Qin Qi pays attention to the war situation and ensures that there will be no accidents. On the other hand, Zhou Qingyi is suppressed and he does not give him any possible opportunities.

"I didn't expect that there are people like you who are traveling outside, and I have planted it this time!" Zhou Qing gritted his teeth.

He admits that unless he is a Taoist, he will not be able to fight as long as he does not get to the Yellow.

"I am not a person in the realm." Qin Qi is indifferent.

“Are you not?” Zhou Qing’s pupils shrank and immediately sneered: “There is nothing to hide now, your strength can’t be hidden!”

"With you," Qin Qi shrugged, and Zhou Qing believed that it was not important. Anyway, it was already a dead person.

After Qin Qi, the dark wizard appeared, and then merged with Qin Qi.

With the dark wizards to carry out the soul and martial arts, Qin Qi's temperament is one of the changes, a pair of eyes, it seems that you can directly penetrate the soul!

"Another martial art!" Zhou Qing screamed in horror, but unfortunately the next moment, was entangled in countless soul chains.

Qin Qi did not intend to ask what, want to get information, just search for the soul.

Zhou Qing trembled to the ground, his face was gray, his eyes lost his light, and his body to the soul, he was completely wiped out.

And Qin Qi, also got what he wanted.

One-eyed, young, in the chaos collar is not a powerful figure, just a leader under the seat of the Tianquan Star, responsible for part of the inspection mission of the southern border of the Tianquan Star.

In the south of the Tianquan Star House, there are three similar teams, but the strength is not much stronger than Zhou Qing.

Of course, this is just the outer circle of the sphere of power of the Tianquan Star. It is still very desolate, just acting as a buffer for the forces.

The area that is truly guarded by the Tianquan Star House begins with the middle circle.

There, there are cities where people live together, and there are many, and there are masters of Huangjing.

Of course, because the laws of the world are relatively rich, the middle circle begins, and some weak creatures can survive. Unfortunately, most of them are slaves and are dominated by others.

Combining the content that Zhou Qing knows with the map of different Kunlun, Qin Qi has a comprehensive understanding of Tianquan Xingfu.

I also figured out a lot of the doorways, not to be unfamiliar with life and encounter unnecessary troubles.

"It seems that it is not an easy task to get into the realm by the way!" Qin Qi took a deep breath and learned that half of the outsiders could not enter the Tao, and his heart was even heavier.

"Unfortunately, Zhou Qing did not enter the inner circle." Qin Qi shook his head.

The area that Zhou Qing knows, that is, the middle circle and the outer circle, and the inner circle inside, too little contact, there is no useful information at all.

The inner circle is where the Tianquan Star is located. The ones that can enter it are the important figures of the Tianquan Star House. The real shackles, like Zhou Qing, are dogs that are gatekeepers, and naturally they are not qualified to set foot.

Another point is that the warriors in the inner circle are the methods of practicing the Taoist circles. Although they are still incomplete, they are much more powerful than what Zhou Qing has mastered.

The entire Tianquan Xingfu, mastered by the complete Taoist inheritance, only the star owner and his core system.

And these inheritances are passed down by the Taoist circles.

It seems that the law of the Tao is the most powerful, and the strongest of the heavens and the world come here. In the end, they will all be the same and integrate into the system of the Tao.

"So far, only people who are not dead have succeeded in going to the border?" Qin Qi blinked.

Although Zhou Qing is only a leader of the bottom, but wins well-informed, knows a lot of gossip news, and for Qin Qi, the undead powerhouse who arrived in the Tianquanxing area before is the most important information.

The undead world is also one of the top worlds. The creatures seem to be taken care of by God and claim to be immortal.

Although it is not really undead, the life expectancy is indeed very long, which makes their strong, extraordinarily powerful, and more than the rest of the world.

Ten days ago, the strongmen of the undead world had already arrived at the chaotic collar, and all those who used them as fish were killed and almost killed the city.

In the end, the Tianquan Star Master personally met them and opened the way to the Tao.

Not dead, it is really strong enough.

Of course, the alienation is not weak. If you act with the king, I believe that the Tianquan Star House will also measure the amount and will not do too much.

It is a pity that the saber-toothed pirate group has been stirred up, and the kings have their own actions. Even if the stars are gathered together, there will be no weight left in the fifth round of the encounter.

Nowadays, it is still necessary to consider the matter.

After all, if there is no strength in the undead world, Tianquan Xingfu will not have any hands to stay. Now a saint of a higher world is under the guise of a master of the yellow environment.

Knowing this, Qin Qi is more cautious in his heart, knowing that this chaotic collar is a Longtan Tiger Cave, and it is not allowed to relax. Another point to note is the information about Kunlun.

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