God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2117: Rich and dangerous

Qin Qi became a woman through the fusion of soul and Wu. If this is seen by people who know the law of the Tao, I am afraid it will be even more shocking.

After all, the integration of soul and Wu has always been centered on the warrior. When can you let the Wuhun be the leader?

It’s incredible.

This is a very advanced way of doing things, you can do it!

"Qin Qi, you become a woman, is it just like me to transform shape?" Dream glass wide eyes, wandering in Qin Qi.

Qin Qi’s eyes were shaking, and the dream glass that was being drilled down to him was pulled out. Then he said: “The poison that was given to you before, how is it warm now?”

"It’s already done, it’s definitely more poisonous than when you gave it to me, and it’s added my own poison!” Meng Li spit out the snake letter, and in its mouth, there was a misty substance.

That is the poison they said in their mouths!

The real horror poison!

In the outer world, when the war is coming, Qin Qi has the power of the Stars level. How can it not be settled in the past?

Not to mention the green diamond and the black king smashed him and Tang Sinuo, it was the original green diamond drill to intercept Zhongzhou, he would die!

So there is no suspense, Qin Qi will kill the green diamond.

After all, the green diamonds at this time can't even be damaged by Qin Qi's fur.

Similarly, Qin Qi certainly cannot let the pharmacist drill.

This person has great use and great effect, and it also shows that it can be returned. Unfortunately, Qin Qi will not let her live.

Since the beginning of helping the black king to calculate Qin Qi, then it is necessary to know that there will be a day when Qin Qi was killed, there is no possibility of survival.

Killing two people, Qin Qi did not say much, but all kinds of toxins, but got a bunch.

It also includes the newly developed highly toxic green diamond and the toxic amplification agent developed by the pharmacist's drill!

These are all resources given by Black King, and if used, may affect the strongest king.

Unfortunately, Qin Qi did not give them the opportunity to display.

After obtaining the highly toxic and corresponding toxic increaser, Qin Qi gave it to the different Kunlun, and continued to analyze and purify the toxin.

At that time, Qin Qi just felt that such toxins were in the hands of the hands and could be prepared from time to time.

It is wise to think about it now.

Qin Qi this time, it is necessary to use this poison, send Jincheng City Lord to hell!

Isoquinol calculated the purification method of toxin, Qin Qi also did, and finally, it was handed over to the ever-evolving dream glass, which helped to refine stronger toxins.

Tianmenghuimei snake also has snake venom, but it is not known for it. The dream glass has been constantly evolving, and the talent for toxins has been greatly enhanced.

It has been more than a year now, and this poison has naturally strengthened again.

Even if it is the king, it will be affected and it is impossible to ignore it.

For the king of Jincheng City, such a poisonous king, this poison is probably the last straw to crush the camel.

Of course, there are risks. After all, even if this poison is colorless and tasteless, Qin Qi has the confidence to surpass anyone under the king, but it is not always easy to want to cross the city.

Need to look at the status of the city owner.

But Qin Qi said that he has to try it. After all, as long as he is, he is the king!

Not to mention these, Qin Qi at this moment, is a woman full of light, the richness of the light power, eye-catching.

At the same time, there is also the scent of flames. It is obvious that we have mastered the existence of two kinds of attributes, and it seems that they are not divided into primary and secondary, which is very powerful.

At the same time, mastering a variety of attributes is nothing, but can be cultivated to a deep level, not a special physique, that is the high talent, no matter which one, telling others is not easy to provoke.

Qin Qi is like this, wearing a cloak, but does not hide his breath, all the way to the city government.

The city's main government is magnificent, and this is like a king-level residence. It gives people an unattainable feeling.

The endless high-rise buildings, the extremely luxurious materials, and the craftsmanship of excellence have highlighted the taste of the city. It is an extremely elegant person.

Outside the city's main government, the guards of their own guards, the strength can not be underestimated, compared to one-eyed, only a difference.

During this time, the city's illness was aggravated and the reward was great. The people underneath did not dare to neglect. Therefore, when Qin Qi came over, he felt the breath of Qin Qi. This is a very vicious guard in the week, and he did not dare to let Qin Qi relax.

"This girl, I don't know what happened to my city's main government?" asked one of the guards.

"I will help your city owner overcome the disease!" Qin Qi smiled slightly.

Sure enough, it came for a reward.

The guards were more respectful to Qin Qi, one led Qin Qi into the city government, and the other, had already gone to the briefing.

Soon, Qin Qi stepped into the atrium of the city's main government, and an old man came face to face.

This old man is not angry and self-defeating. The momentum is like a mountain rising and falling. It gives people a feeling of great intensity. It seems that this piece of heaven and earth has begun to tremble.

Although this person still does not step into the yellow environment, it is much stronger than the one-eyed Zhou Qing.

"You are the woman in the next population who wants to help the city to cure the disease?" The old man said slowly, a pair of eyes seemed cloudy, but there was a flash of light shining underneath, to see Qin Qi in general.

This person's name is Ji Tan, but he is the great steward of Jincheng City's main government. It is a person under Jincheng.

"Yes, it is a small woman." Qin Qi replied.

Ji Tan snorted and said indifferently: "There are many people who have been attracted by rewards recently. Unfortunately, they are all a group of wastes, and they cannot cure the owners!"

"Even, there are also outsiders who have tried it. In the end, it is still disappointing."

"And they are constantly harassed, the condition of the city owner, not only did not improve, but there is a tendency to increase."

"So you'd better have the ability, otherwise..." Ji Tan sounded indifferent and did not continue to say.

Qin Qi sneered in the heart, did not care, just said: "The little woman does have some confidence, I hope Bo will once enter the road!"

Ji Tan’s light rose slightly and nodded. “You are honest, let me come.”

Followed by Ji Tan, Qin Qi went to the depths of the city's main government, all the way through the unknown corridor, how many ramps, and finally, stopped in front of a chic small courtyard.

Qin Qi’s heart was slightly stunned. The road was banned and the number was unclear. It seems that the city government has already martial law to deal with any accidents.

However, Qin Qi is still calm.

There is nothing to be calm, and when he walks in, he will not be able to return.

The only way to win is to kill the unlucky city owner!

"When I come in," Ji Tan until now, the tall and straight posture is only slightly smashed down, of course, not to Qin Qi, but to the lord of the city.

Pushing the door into the house, the inside is chic and elegant, I can see that I have spent a lot of thought.

There is a smell in the air, it smells sorrowful, and it has excellent anti-god effect. It is a top grade and its value is unpredictable.

After walking through the screen, Qin Qi finally saw the Jincheng city owner.

He is lying on the jade couch at this moment, and countless light spots are shuttled between the lines of the jade couch. It is the purest spirit. Through the guidance of the array, it radiates the power to nourish the body and mind.

This jade couch is just a baby, and similar things, there are no more than seventy-eight in this house, and they are all life-saving things.

It seems that this city owner is really not going to work.

The city owner does not look old, he is younger than Ji Tan, but this does not represent the age, and the city owner seems to be incomparably angry, even life, it is difficult to detect.

Qin Qi slightly decapitated Ji Tan, and immediately pointed out a line of light, wrapped around the owner's arm.

Ji Tan just stood, motionless, but Qin Qi is very clear, he is always concerned, as long as there is a slight change, it will be shot, it is impossible to show mercy.

Of course, the sacred power exerted by Qin Qi also makes Ji Tan slightly subtle, at least, this force is extremely pure, perhaps it may be helpful to the symptoms of the city owner!

"When is the city owner sick, what is the reason?" Qin Qi asked while feeling the state of the city owner.

"The disease of the city owner has been around for tens of years. As for the reasons, what we know is not exhaustive. I only know that the city owner once explored a star that has just appeared in the world, but he was seriously injured and returned."

"After that, the state of the city owner was unstable and did not recover. Even as time went by, the condition continued to increase." Ji Tan sighed.

"Maybe it is poisoned," Qin Qi suddenly said.

This is not his swearing, but the information that is fed back through careful perception at the moment.

Ji Tan is not unexpected, just saying: "Someone said this before, but unfortunately, in the end, I could not find the toxin, let alone remove it."

"To tell the truth, so far, no one has even said what this is poisonous!"

"With the status of the city owner, is it the star master, but also sit back and ignore?" Qin Qi was somewhat surprised.

"The star master will naturally not sit still, but even if the star master sits down the strongest physician, there is nothing to do!" Ji Tan shook his head.

"So, all kinds of panacea masters should have taken it, and the remedy in my hand is not useful." Qin Qidao.

"Yes?" Ji Tan’s eyes suddenly cooled down. "I don’t know if girls can have other good strategies?"

"To attack with poison!" Qin Qi said directly.

Ji Tan stunned, and then he laughed, his eyes staring at Qin Qi with indifference. "Is this a joke, do you think I will allow you to do this?"

However, at this moment, the seriously ill city owner suddenly extended his hand and grabbed Qin Qi’s arm. Qin Qi’s hole slammed and the dark road was bad!

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