God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2119: Seventy-two roads


The double swords are staggered, and the anti-Kunlun in the hands of Qin Qi is suddenly broken, and it is difficult to resist the gods of the Jincheng city.

"In the dream, you are still not the opponent of this seat, remember, the yellow environment is not what you can imagine!" Jincheng City, the cold and cold road, once again scolded a sword.

Jianguang started from a single point and burst open in vain. He rushed to Qin Qi with the star pendant, and each of them had a terrible kill.

Although it is the dream of Qin Qi, but it is a big dream heaven, death in a dream, that is really dead!

Qin Qi felt the threat of death, and the blood in his eyes suddenly rose, and the gas of killing was like a wind.

Kill the wolf!

Qin Qi volleyed a grip, a different handle Kunlun once again, immediately mad out of the sword, even if it will be crushed every time, but Qin Qi has an infinite sword.

Then, the endless battle is going on.

The look of Jincheng City is slightly ugly. He is now sane and knows that he can't continue to delay.

You must leave the dream right away.

Outside of the dream, he only needs a blow, and even without his personal shot, Qin Qi will be annihilated by the fly.

However, this is how Qin Qi is not clear.

Numerous swords lighted up in an instant, and Qin Qi blocked all the attacks of the Jincheng City Lord. On his body, the blood fog was fascinated and the kendo was killed. It has also been fed violently.

In the eyes of Qin Qi, the blood was lightened, and it was his unparalleled speed. A flash of his body was already deceived to the side of Jincheng City.

"Do you dare to be close to the seat?" Jincheng City Lord roared, but he couldn't touch Qin Qi.

Qin Qi has the dominance of dreams, which is equivalent to his world.

Dodge attacks can be simpler than imagined, at least, there will be no obvious gap with Jincheng City.

Avoiding a sword, Qin Qi's backhand is a sword, Jianguang penetrates out, and the momentum of Kunlun moves with it. It is the owner of Jincheng City, and they feel that some scalp is numb.

The power of Kunlun is enough to make him pay attention.

"This is not enough!" Jincheng City Lord drank, and it was swaying in a moment, it was a dream obstruction, and it could not slow him down.

But presumably, consumption will inevitably grow.

"Seventy-two roads!"

The Jincheng city owner drank low, avoiding the Qin Qi sword, while the sword suddenly burst into flames, and the whole dream began to make a crisp sound, as if the next moment would be fragmented.

A strong breath, a strong sword!

Jincheng City took the initiative to use the strongest force.

This is extremely burdensome for him, and even if he kills Qin Qi, he will not be able to.

But as the beginning of the yellow environment, he must say that he is not willing to die like this.

Before you die, you have to kill a small number of people!

Qin Qi’s eyes suddenly smashed.

He feels strong.

Stronger than expected!

Obviously, his understanding of the yellow environment is not complete.


It doesn't matter.

Now, he just needs to throw everything away and defeat the opponent.

The coldness in the eyes gradually dissipated, and the blood color condensed. Qin Qi’s killing swordsmanship also rose to the top.

"It is an insult to kill you with this god, but it is better than death in your hands!" Jincheng City chief sword pointed obliquely, looks like a peak of the era.

Qin Qi will pay attention to what he said, already shot.

"Seventy-two roads, the hustle and bustle of the sky!" Jincheng city master scorned cold, suddenly came out of the sword, greeted Qin Qi.

And when he came out of the sword, the sword was lifted, and that feeling was like that of Peng Peng’s nine thousand miles, the breath of the breath, and the whole dream seemed to be turned over.

Qin Qi's home advantage is constantly being compressed.

Jincheng City Master has already attacked, and when this sword comes out, it will go to the seventy-two swords. One sword is stronger than a sword, and finally it can be a heaven!

Of course, this is naturally a matter of consideration. The vast world of the world is not a problem, but the Taoist world should not be able to do so.

Or, you need the full version of this sword.

But no matter what, the Jincheng City Lord is determined not to give Qin Qi any chance, the sword is getting more and more, and a sword is heavier than a sword.

The dream began to collapse.

And this is the strong yellow.

At the end of the battle, it is not the object of easy killing.

However, Qin Qi is not so easy to be defeated.

Even if the opponent is the beginning of the yellow environment.

Qin Qi body, the dragon gas vibrates out, the power of Kunlun is naturally one of Qin Qi's reliance, but Qin Qi repaired, is Kunlun to the dragon.

The body of the dragon vein is the most powerful capital of Qin Qi.

Huangji Tianlong Road!

The exclusive practice of this dragon vein body seems to be invisible after entering the outer world, but in fact it is not Qin Qi that has not been used, but the moistness is silent.

After all, the martial arts is the driving force of the martial arts, and the powerful exercises can raise the power of the martial arts to a stronger level.

Qin Qi is now a powerful martial artist. For this emperor, Tianlong Road is naturally constantly groping, and there are different Kunluns in the non-stop improvement.

Today, when the Emperor Tianlong Road and the previous generation of Longmai passed on to him, it was very different. Especially after Qin Qi realized the Kunlun to the Dragon, the Emperor Dragon Road has been completely sublimated.

Since the main method of Jincheng City is so strong, then Qin Qi, it is better to practice the exercises!

The heart of Kunlun is pulsating, and the endless power goes along the veins to the Qijing eight veins of Qinqi. The growth of the dragon veins, the Longwei shock, and the power of the imperial dragons, the power is even more extraordinary.

Qin Qijian Jianrulong, and the seventy-two roads of Jincheng City, the scorpion violently collided.

"The way of the road!" Jincheng City, the main light of the sky.

How can he not see that the power of Qin Qi's display is the practice of the Tao, and that it is so perfect and innocent, not incomplete.

Even stronger than his sword!

"How about that, the weak is the hand holding the treasure, that is also the violent nature, how much power can be exerted?" Jincheng City, the strength of each sword is growing violently.

Qin Qi is also the means to do it, even the various gods that have been copied before, have also been used to resist the seventy-two roads.

The dreams are constantly broken, and there have been countless cracks, and I don’t know when it will be supported.

However, at this moment, the two have already had only one thought of defeating the opponent. Besides, nothing can be taken care of.

The last sword!

Seventy-two roads, the sky, finally came to the last sword, but also the strongest sword.

The whole person of Jincheng City was wrapped in a terrible sword, and people and swords were not separated from each other.

The realm of the beginning of the Yellow Emperor, his understanding of this practice has reached a very deep level, and the power of this last sword can be called horror!

Only, deep understanding, after all, is the practice of others, not to mention that it is still ruined.

How can we compare Qin Qi’s exclusive practice, and is it still profoundly understood by myself?

Qin Qi, killing kendo has also come to the extreme.

A sword, the sky market!

The two powerful swordsmen collided together, and the Great Dream Kingdom could no longer support it, and it was completely broken.

"Do not enter the yellow environment, you still can't!" Jincheng City main cold channel. Qin Qi this sword did not defeat him.

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