God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2138: Entering the road

Ayi Nassau has been strangled, and his soul is tempted by Qin Qi. Although there is no life, but the memory, etc., Qin Qi can still master some.

However, most of Ayi Nashua’s memories, Qin Qi can not snoop.

Qin Qi knows that it is probably related to some supreme existence, including taboos, and by his means, it is impossible to open it.

But fortunately, Qin Qi wants to know, not those parts.

"It turned out to be from the eternal Buddha!" ​​Qin Qi eyes picked up.

This Ayna Nathro said earlier that it was not true. He did not want to board the eternal Buddha, but came out from it.

Even accurate, it is escaped from the inside.

The Bodhi tree can be said to have been robbed by him. It is not the Bodhi tree that was created and flew into the universe. He was met by him and finally brought to this place for treatment.

The linden tree is hurt in his hands.

Is the eternal Buddha not calm?

Unfortunately, Qin Qi did not know the reason why Ayna Naluo was separated from the eternal Buddha.

However, some of these may be known after the Bodhi tree is revived.

"To calculate the time, the time limit set by Tianzun is coming soon. It is better for us to enter the Taoist world first." Sheng Qian Mo said.

Qin Qi is undecided, just saying: "You want to walk with me?"

"I have this intention!" Sheng Qian nodded his head, his eyes were calm, not pretending to be false.

"I think it's okay," Qin Qi shook his head.

"Why, I am not hostile to you!"

"Perhaps this is the case, but in fact, you and I have all the inductions. We will not get along with each other. The holy thousand is the trajectory of fate that appears in advance." Qin Qi whispered.

It is said that Sheng Qian is somewhat silent.

He gave the opportunity to the Holy Spirit, and the path taken by the Holy Spirit is not the way he wants to go, but the final direction, the trajectory, may be similar.

The Holy Thousands, in his own way, walked ahead of the road of holy and silent.

The results at the end of the road are now well known.

Sheng Qian sighed, some lost meaning, but still nodded: "I have no hostility to you, but maybe one day, I will eventually be involuntarily."

"So don't have too much to do with it!" Qin Qi said lightly.

"Of course, I really want to thank you this time, this person, I will return." Qin Qidao.

St. Qian’s bitter smile, some troubles said: "I only hope that the day will come later."

"I hope so." Qin Qi did not say anything.

Sheng Qian nodded and immediately left, he also had to go to the Tao as soon as possible.

After Sheng Qianmo left, Qin Qi could not help but sigh.

This holy silence, the feeling of giving people is indeed very different, Qin Qi does not want to be an enemy of him, but some things, not their own will can change.

Perhaps Sheng Qianmo has never shot Qin Qi.

But there will always be an opportunity to appear.

Let him have to make a choice against his heart.

Of course, the same thing is the same for Qin Qi.

As the complete body of the Holy Spirit, the true traverser will repeat the same mistakes, and Qin Qi has no grasp.

Everything, first enter the realm and say.

Qin Qi shot and removed all the Buddha nails under the roots of the Bodhi tree. The Dark Wizards provided uninterrupted soul energy and helped the Bodhi tree to fill the soul.

It’s just that time is too late.

It is impossible for Qin Qi to wait until now. Only the Bodhi tree can be forcibly pulled out and squatting toward the depths of the Capricorn.

In the depths of the Capricorn, the magnetic storm is incomparably violent, and even condensed into a meta-magnetic capricorn, which is composed of countless meta-magnetic arcs. If it is met, Qin Qi can not benefit.

In case of accident, death is inevitable.

Therefore, Qin Qi is extremely cautious and does not dare to care. Fortunately, different Kunlun has opened a large number of computing cores to help Qin Qi simulate the power of the surrounding magnets.

In this way, Qin Qi can walk relatively easily.

In this way, after half a day's time, there is not much left in the final time limit, and Qin Qi finally came to the Taoist Palace of Capricorn.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the Taoist Palace is not at the center of the Capricorn.

Otherwise, Qin Qi may not be able to pass.

"The road is finally here!" Qin Qi took the Bodhi tree and stood before the portal.

I only hope that Bailuo and others who had previously entered did not have an accident.

I also hope that the old people, everything is well!

Qin Qi took a deep breath, outside the Dao Xing Palace, the Yuan magnetic line arc cut everything, and there was already a head of magnetic friction to control the magnetic storm, but it was the sneak of Qin Qi.

In this way, Qin Qi no longer hesitated, stepping into the portal.

When you blink again.

It is already a road!

"Is this the Tao?" Qin Qi took the Bodhi tree and fell straight out of the void. Immediately, he only felt that he was sinking, but he could not control the balance and fell a dog!

Moreover, it was still pressed on the body by the Bodhi tree, and it seems that there are some wolverines.

This is also in Qin Qi's expectation, the Taoist world, the first in the world, the world's pedigree, all the rules are the most advanced.

In the realm of the Qin Qi Huang Jing, it is not enough to say that even flying can not be done.

However, it will be extremely difficult, and if it is consumed alone, it is not as good as running.

At this moment, when he entered the border, Qin Qi was prepared in advance, but he still had some insignificance in the strength of the Taoist law. It was not unexpected that he fell down.

Of course, there is no injury.

"So heavy?" Qin Qi shook his eyes.

Because of the damage of the soul, the Bodhi tree could not control the body shape. At this moment, Qin Qi was pressed by a giant tree, and because of the Tao, the weight could not be light.

"Forget it, dig a hole and go out." Qin Qi rolled his eyes.

It’s not that you can’t stand up, just don’t want to use the power. You can dig a hole in the ground and you will be able to drill out.

Thinking in my heart, Qin Qi did not delay, and inserted his hand directly into the earth, just like breaking the tofu, it was cut open.

Even if it is a road, the soil is only, can not stop the Qin Qi who has the body of the dragon pulse?

Qin Qi pulled two times and climbed out from under the trunk.

"Weird, how is this soil like this?" Qin Qi stood up and found the strangeness of this place.

Here, only the area under his feet is muddy. It looks like a piece of farmland. There are still many seedlings on it. It should be a kind of crop.

However, Qin Qi suddenly appeared, and he fell down with the Bodhi tree. The death and injury of these seedlings have been destroyed.

These seedlings are extremely extraordinary. There are also Baoguang Yingying, which has a period of spiritual flow.

"This soil, it feels that the rocks are piled up and piled up." Qin Qi rubbed the soil with his fingers, and the particles were not small.

Artificially ground soil, then made into farmland?

Qin Qi’s brain is a little bit of a turn, isn’t this road so desolate, there is no soil? Qin Qi walked outside the farmland, pedaling on the rock, and then the body's dragon power fluctuated and stepped down heavily.

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