God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2145: Killing blood

Qin Qi did not know if there was anything in his hand, but he did not move.

But it is clear that the night, suddenly became even more terrible, a more intense sense of suffocation, wrapped up Qin Qi Qin Qi, to kill him!

This is a confrontation.

Qin Qi constantly inspires strength and resists the invasion of the night. Just this way, I am afraid it will be a replica of the previous night, Qin Qi can not afford.

Because of the distance from sunrise, there is still a long time.

The leaf fish fell asleep on the bed and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Adventure will infiltrate the power into the house, it will only expose yourself to more from the night." Ye Shenyu said to herself, she suddenly stood up and walked to the door.

But she did not go out.

She wants to wait a second time to see what Qin Qi can do in the dark, and to what extent.

Even though the outside is the night of isolation and perception, Ye Shenyu clearly knows what Qin Qi is doing now.

And this is what surprised her the most.

Qin Qi repeatedly pulled the air in front of the neck. There seemed to be nothing there, but Ye Shenyu knew that there was an arm that was pulled by Qin Qi.

It is not a false one, but a real existence, even if it is not seen by Ye Shenyu himself.

The breath of Qin Qi began to weaken.

The soup that I had previously drank had already been exhausted, and the rest was Qin Qi’s own match with the night.

How can a small human being confrontate this endless night?

Losing is inevitable, only to see to what extent.

Qin Qi is getting weaker and weaker, and his body is stiff, and the vitality is passing by.

In this case, Qin Qi also went out, he directly opened the killing of the wolf, the vitality of the whole body instantly condensed in one place, even if it is something in the night, it can not be found immediately.

And Qin Qi, but no longer have to worry about the coldness brought by the night.

Even if his neck is cut off, he can live!

Qin Qi began to force, crazy pulling the air in front of him, faintly meet, he seems to really see the arm with the naked eye.

It is very pale, but it is a bit soft. If it is from a human perspective, it should be a woman's arm.

However, Qin Qi does not think that there is any gender in the things in the night.

"This guy, there are still such tricks!" Ye Shen fish eyes bright, whispered to himself: "I only saw it before, he killed the martial arts, but did not expect to reach this level."

"Killing, a good road, and here, it is really appropriate!" Ye Shenyu whispered, actually faintly a little excited.

At the same time, that night, it seems to have been stimulated by Qin Qi's killing wolf.

Qin Qi’s eyes widened and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He was still insisting, but the spirit had begun to be awkward.

He is ultimately a rival.

But in this embarrassing state, his consciousness seemed to be out of the flesh and began to blend into the night before him.

Follow the arm that he caught, and keep moving forward.

Qin Qi was caught in the neck, but the things in the night, Qin Qi grabbed the arm, they are connected at the moment!

Qin Qi’s consciousness drifted, and the degree of entering the night was getting deeper and deeper. Finally, Qin Qi saw something different.

It was a **** lotus blossoming in the endless night.

Black is just a cover for it, it is something hidden in the night.

Qin Qi wants to move on, but his arrival has already been noticed.

The **** lotus suddenly released endless blood, and the meaning of killing, even if it entered the Qin Qi who killed the wolf, could not be compared.

For the word killing, Qin Qi felt that his understanding for the first time was so weak, it was only a fur.

He thought that he was going to the extreme, and now thinking about it is simply a joke.

The blood came in, and Qin Qi could not resist.

Maybe it will die or not.

In the Qin Qi consciousness, the last scene was the blood coming to the body, but it seems that before that, there was a warm stream of water wrapping him up.

After that, there is no more consciousness.

When Qin Qi wakes up again, what he sees is no different from what he saw when he woke up yesterday.

He went to the house of Ye Shenyu again.

Looking back, the close-fitting clothing on the bed was still hanging there, and it was not taken down at all, and even the movement did not move.

How lazy is this?

According to the behavior of Ye Shenyu in the past two days, she is really lazy to add, and she sleeps all day except the sun.

I used to cook soup before. It is estimated that Qin Qi is coming, and he will soon be allowed to do it for him.

I don't know if Ye Shenyu, how can it be here?

Bodhi tree is fine, it should be fine, but today it should be restored almost, you can ask about the dragon light dance.

This ghost place, can you go out, Tian Zun’s order, just hide it?

What about other people?

Qin Qi did not know how to flash so many thoughts in his mind, and it became more and more cumbersome. In the end, he almost reached an unbearable level, and his head was stabbing.

However, just as Qin Qi could barely stand it, a warm current reappeared, and Qin Qi slowly calmed down. The chaotic thoughts gradually disappeared.

"You were conscious of being out of the body yesterday, almost died. This is some side effects, don't worry too much." The sound of Ye Shenyu sounded.

Qin Qi often spits out a sigh of relief, feeling a lot better, this is the thank you for the leaf squid.

Last night, Ye Shenyu saved him again.

However, Ye Shenyu said yesterday that it was the last time he saved him, and he did not know why he would regret it.

Of course, Qin Qi is not likely to be stupid to ask.

"Well, let's go out if it's okay. Today, in addition to cutting trees, we must grind the soil."

"Grinding?" Qin Qi looked at the leaf fish.

"You have abolished my field, do you think you don't have to pay?" Ye Shenyu shouted.

Qin Qi sighed and estimated that it was a very difficult task.

However, there must be corresponding benefits, so Qin Qi does not exclude.

However, before Qin Qi walked out of the house, he suddenly asked: "Ye girl, what is the thing in the night, what is it?"

Ye Shenyu did not look the same, just smiled and asked, "What did you see?"

"A flower, a lotus flower, and an endless killing!" Qin Qi frowned, his head began to feel a little pain, and now he shook his head and no longer thought about it.

It is estimated that the soul had been affected by the terrorist killing last night and suffered damage.

Ye Shenyu heard the words, the light flashed slightly, she did not expect Qin Qi to be so deep last night, and if this is the case, perhaps it is possible...

Ye Shenyu couldn’t help but be excited. She looked at Qin Qi as if she were looking at the baby.

"I decided, I have to train you well. In the future, your life will have to be doubled!" Ye Shenyu looked at Qin Qi with wide eyes.

Although this is a beautiful beauty, but looked at it, Qin Qi still couldn't help but feel a little hair.

And, how do you double?

The current life has already exhausted him.

It seems that Qin Qi’s question is seen. Ye Shenyu smiled slightly: “Reassured, my strength can help you recover quickly, so you can double!”

Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water. He knew that the next day, it is estimated that there is no difference between it and purgatory, and it will be crushed by the shackles.

But what you can get in this way, perhaps, is far beyond imagination!

Qin Qi did not refuse, but was somewhat eager to try.

However, he still wants to ask, "What is there in the **** lotus?"

Ye Shenyu put away a smile and asked: "What do you think?"

"One, killing the invincible power of the martyr!" Qin Qidao.

Ye Shenyu shook his head and said: "The root is not a living thing."

"Not a living thing?"

Ye Shenyu nodded, and his eyes showed a few taboos. "That is a sword."

"Sword?" Qin Qi looks changed.

"Well, you can't say it's a sword." Ye Shenyu smiled.

"What is it?" Qin Qi is speechless.

"It is sword spirit."

"Sword Spirit!"

Not all swords have sword spirit.

Nor is it a powerful sword with a sword spirit.

However, all swords with sword spirit must be powerful!

It is only the emergence of the sword spirit, it is difficult to say clearly, at least Qin Qi, have not encountered sword spirit.

In this **** lotus, is it a sword spirit?

"Just a sword spirit, no sword?" Qin Qi could not help but ask.

"Just the sword spirit", Ye Shenyu replied with a certain answer.

"What is it called?"

"You won't want it!"

"I am a sword repairer, and my sword has no spirit. What do you say?"

"I really don't want to hit you, rely on you, still want to collect it?" Ye Shenyu laughed, but she was also right, told Qin Qi Jianling's name. Killing blood!

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