God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2151: fear death

There are too many people waiting for Qin Qi, even though it is progressing every day here, Qin Qi can't wait.

Already, one year!

A lot of things happen in a year.

The killing effect of killing **** Ji, such as crazy anger, such as the raging wind, but in the end, can not destroy Qin Qi, but turned into the help of Qin Qi.

It seems that I also noticed this, killing the **** Ji will take back the killing.

A little **** flame, burning slowly.

Killing the blood of the three blood-colored cockroaches, looking at Qin Qi, her scorpion, so bright red, like a **** lake with waves of microwaves, and which, actually reflected the blood of Qin Qi.

"Do you want me?"

She is a sword spirit, not a sword. She can already be seen as a living creature, but it is different from a normal life.

Sword spirit is a very special existence, but even if it is Qin Qi, living in different Kunlun, it has its limitations.

At this moment, the **** sputum was opened, and the only fire of consciousness left in Qin Qi suddenly swayed. He couldn’t open his mouth now, but he could pass consciousness to killing blood.

This is a negotiation.

A long-awaited negotiation by Qin Qi.

In a year's time, Qin Qi clearly wants to take away the **** killings. Now he is impossible. Even if he is practicing for another hundred years, he will have a chance.

After all, there is no improvement in his realm.

So if you want to get a **** killer, then Qin Qi can only go through dialogue.

Every effort today is for the conversation at this time.

Killing the **** Ji received the information of Qin Qi's consciousness, and the **** flickered slightly, but soon returned to the cold and cold.

Qin Qi told her that she could take her out of here.

But killing the **** Ji, obviously does not care.

"You don't want to leave, in this dark package, until the years will completely erode you?" Qin Qi could not help but shout.

Even if it is a sword spirit, it is difficult to explain the life, but in the face of the knife, one day, it will be smashed.

No one can be hostile to the years.

Killing blood is still indifferent.

She is willing to stay here.

However, these did not surprise Qin Qi.

When Ye Shenyu first came here, he had a conversation with Killing Blood, and naturally he had such an idea.

It is a pity that the killing of blood Ji Ji does not want to leave, and does not recognize Ye Shenyu, and does not give more opportunities for Ye Shenyu to communicate.

In this regard, Ye Shenyu is also helpless.

The reason why Ye Shenyu feels Qin Qi has the opportunity is because Qin Qi has the same strength as killing the blood, and perhaps, can get the approval of the other party.

Then even if you can do the ultimate at this moment, killing **** Ji, still do not recognize Qin Qi?

Qin Qi’s fire of consciousness suddenly flickered. In the end, he continued: “You are a sword spirit, don’t you want to return to the sword?”

Ye Shenyu said that the sword that smashes the blood of the blood is the one that once threatened the party and enjoyed the fierce murder of the murderer - the murder.

It’s just the master of the murder. It’s too embarrassing and fierce. It’s self-proclaimed and powerful. It’s going to challenge the first Kunlun, and the result is death, and the murder is broken. Only the sword spirit is left, and the blood is sealed. Above the peak.

This place is the peak of the blood.

Qin Qi’s proposal seems to make a slight change in the blood of the killing.

She is a sword spirit and should return to the sword.

However, the sword belonging to her has been cut off and can no longer appear.

"I can help you forge a stronger sword, I can make this sword more than the slay!" Qin Qi 趁 hot iron.

Killing blood is no longer silent, she opened her mouth, cold and incomparable, "Tian murder is a semi-forbidden soldier. Before the Lord's life, he relied on the power of Tianzun. After exhausting half life, he finally succeeded in forging. Even the ordinary Tianzun was a miracle!"

"With you, how to do it?"

The fire of Qin Qi’s consciousness suddenly became strong, and he was afraid that the other party would not speak. As long as he spoke, he would have to talk.

"I don't know how to make you believe." Qin Qidao.

Killing blood and blood is silent, and does not continue to speak.

However, her three eyes are not calm and should be thinking.

To be sure, she really wants to leave.

But she has her own pride and choice, she will not easily go with others, and will not easily become a sword in the hands of others.

Her former master is already dead, so only with her approval can she bend her knees.

However, how can we determine whether Qin Qi can fulfill the promise?

Qin Qi’s killing of the kendo is indeed good. This kills the blood and has a judgment, but this level is only good in her eyes.

Wanting to rely on such potential to achieve the height of the former owner's past, can only say that there is certain hope, but it is not big.

But then again, she is very clear about how amazing her former master is. In addition to driving him, who else can have the potential of Qin Qi on the killing kendo?

So at least, Qin Qi is qualified to be recognized by the blood.

Unlike Ye Shenyu, even if the strength is strong, it is impossible to get the approval of killing blood.

"You pick me up a sword, if your consciousness has not dissipated, then I will recognize you!" Killing blood Ji Ji finally decided to give Qin Qi a chance.

Her three blood-colored scorpions stared at Qin Qi, and there was a reflection of Qin Qi’s fire of consciousness, and it seemed that Qin Qi was really.

Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

He understands that killing blood is to leave, but only one person who can get his approval.

And now it seems that he is hopeful to get the killing blood.

However, this method made Qin Qi unacceptable.

A sword that kills a **** man, he can never take it.

It can be said that it is dead after receiving it.

Then Qin Qi has no other choice.

How can he choose to die?

"I don't pick up!" Qin Qi straightforward answer.

Killing the blood of the blood at this moment, not only the **** scorpion has a few flashes, that is, the face, but also a few points surprised.

Qin Qi actually refused directly.

"Why?" asked the killing blood.

"If I pick up, I will die, I am afraid of death!" Qin Qi has nothing to hide.

Missed this time, big deal and then find opportunities, although the heart is a pity, but Qin Qi has no other way, and said no, this time there are some gains, at least killing the road of Kendo, he took a few steps forward.

"Practice killing the kendo, the master kills, you should kill everything in the world, even you can kill, you are afraid of death, afraid of being killed?" Killing blood Jidao.

Killing kendo, it should be like this. Only when you are even more motivated, you can get stronger power.

Only Qin Qi is not the same.

He is not afraid of death.

But also afraid of death!

"I am not afraid of death, but I am also very afraid of death. I can only say that I want to see why I die. At least now, I don't want to die at all!" Qin Qi replied bitterly.

Unfortunately, such an honest answer, but missed the opportunity.

But it can only be so.

Qin Qi is ready to withdraw his consciousness. In his current state, he can't support it for a long time.

"Okay, I recognize you!"

However, suddenly, killing **** Ji said that Qin Qi almost thought that he was listening to the auditory words.

"Why?" It was Qin Qi's turn to be surprised.

"I am also afraid of death!" The answer to killing **** Ji is also crisp and neat.

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