Qin Xi looked anxious, but could not stop them, and she must also take care of her children.

Seeing that Li Yuan and others are murderous and rushing back, I am afraid that there will be more and more fierce.

"You look after her, it won't be a big problem." Qin Qi stood up and followed Li Yuan.

Qin Xi called two times, but he did not dare to leave Li Weier. He could only hope that Li Yuan and others would be innocent.

Li Yuan and others were surging in the spirit, and their eyes were bloody, killing and raging, and rushed back all the way.

Those guards guarded the door and saw Li Yuan and others who were murderous, all sneer.

They thought that Li Yuan and others would kill them, but, then, how about it, coming back is to find death.

"Let you have a horse, but you don't know how to cherish it. You still want to come back and die. It's stupid. I will throw you all into the stinking ditch later!" The guard's head laughed, of course, there would be no slightest. worry.

The quality of these people is second. Although the realm does not occupy an absolute disadvantage, compared with them, the gap is huge and it is not enough.

The only thing to consider now is how to play it is fun.

"Don't kill it when you come up, play it, find some fun!" The guard head laughed.

Several of the men were snickering a few times, and they were all a joke in their eyes. In their opinion, this is just a game.

Life, not worth the money.

Li Yuan and others rushed over, and now they are red-faced. They only remember how Li Weier was lying in the sewage. How can he manage other things? If he didn’t say anything, he would kill him.

"Give me death!" Li Yuan's hands in the flames of the sword, the tigers burst into flames, there are many tigers appearing on the body, but the soul and Wu fusion.

He has already killed his eyes, and he is the strongest force.

The tiger slammed!

"Hey, the meta-level middle-level method is only used to fight with me, I will let you see, what is power!" The guard's head snorted, and his body was full of snow.

During the speech, he has merged with the snow fox martial arts. It is also a fusion of soul and martial arts. It is only the strength of power. Where is Li Yuan comparable?


In the violent collision, Li Yuan was directly taken out by the guard's head.

And his companions, they are also defeated, and even a face can not hold.

"It's really boring. Just this strength, how to have fun?" The guard's head shook his head and pulled out another knife.

The knife was bright and snow, freezing everything along the way, but did not smash the key to Li Yuan, but to cut off his legs.

"Looking at the girl, although I have not disturbed my young master, but you dare to disobey, how can you not sin before killing you?" The guard's head sneered.

He wants Li Yuan to kneel down and plead guilty.

Obviously, like a robber, grabbing someone else's home and throwing someone's seriously ill daughter into the sewer is like throwing away a piece of garbage.

In the end, even people still have to swear to plead guilty?

In front of the house they seized?

Deceiving too much!

Li Yuan’s eyes were bloody, roaring, and the big knife smashed, and the fire became a tiger. The power of the guard’s head was directly smashed, and immediately before the deception, he slammed the guard head.

The guard's head snorted and Li Yuan's strength was simply not comparable to him, let alone his treasures, all of them above Li Yuan.

Not to mention the worry of life, it is difficult to be hurt.

The guardian sneer looked at Li Yuan’s charge of killing, and when he took a long knife, he could break it.

It was only when he was running his power to block Li Yuan’s attack and give him a heavy blow. His body suddenly became stiff and his body was also a tendency to scatter.

what happened!

The head of the guard was shocked and his face changed wildly. He had no time to think about it. Li Yuan had a full knife and was already in front of him.

Li Yuan’s strength is not as good as him, and the equipment treasure is not as good as him, but such a knife is not so good!

"Damn!" The guard's head gritted his teeth, his eyes were shaking, and his flesh was bursting with pain. Immediately, the armor on his body slammed and raised a shield.

This is his armor treasure, which is very precious to him. It is given by the Lord. It can only be used for a few times. It is a treasure for life.

Now used to resist Li Yuan's goods, how can he endure?

His eyes are very cold, and when he blocks this blow, he must torture Li Yuan so that he can't live like death!

In front of the shield, Li Yuan’s knife light is even like a tiger, the flames are smoldering, and there is no possibility of crushing it.

The guard head knows this and is ready to go.

However, with a bang, the shield was broken!

Even Li Yuan’s knife has not yet collapsed.

how is this possible!

The guard's head widened his eyes, so he looked at Li Yuan's knife and the blood suddenly splashed out.

However, the head of the guard can be cultivated to this, and naturally it is not a leisurely generation. Li Yuan’s knife is strong and has limits. It is impossible to kill it like this.

Just cut off one arm.

The head of the guard was aroused by the pain, and the mad roar, a mercenary on the side of the small town, what counted, actually hurt him, but also cut him off!

He is the man of His Royal Highness.

Damn it!

After today, all those who have a relationship with Li Yuan will die!

The head of the guard roared, and the strength of his body rose again. The spirit of Peng Yong became a snow fox and rushed out.

Such a power, apparently used some kind of secret technique.

Such a guardian's head, even if it was cut off by an arm, is far from being defeated by Li Yuan.

Li Yuan was grinning. He thought it would be difficult to hurt the other side. Now it seems that he can still have another knife.

If you are lucky this time, maybe you can cut the guard head with one knife.

"Infatuation, let Laozi die!" The guard's head snarled, and Li Yuan actually shot again, exactly the same as the attack.

Still want to cut him again?

Nothing is possible.

The head of the guard does not know what happened just now, but no matter what it is, in the status of Li Yuan, the treasures that can be obtained are also strong, and it is estimated that it will not be used for the second time.

Otherwise, Li Yuan will not be so miserable.

However, the guard head quickly found himself wrong.

The spirit of his body was once again disordered, and he had already attacked and began to disintegrate.

what happened!

The guard head is almost crazy.

He can only fire the shield again, this is the last time.

But what made him desperate was that the shield was once again broken and did not help him block Li Yuan’s attack.

And this knife, the guard head is not so good to hide, the chest is directly opened, the sternum is broken, and even the internal organs can be seen.

This knife, the injury is heavy, almost no longer fight! "Young master, save me!" The guard head finally knew that he was afraid.

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