God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2186: Against the sky

"In that sword, shouldn't there be a sword spirit?" Yu Ning couldn't help but shock, and he didn't have an accurate judgment, but if it was, it would be amazing.

"The sword spirit..." Mu Zhou was shocked. Of course, he directly saw that there was a sword spirit hidden in the blood of Qin Qi, and this breath, in his profound knowledge, was only one Match it.

"Yes, it is indeed killing the **** Ji", Ye Shenyu smiled.

"My God, this is too eye-catching, killing **** Ji, can actually admit that other people who killed God that year?" Mu Zhou took a deep breath and covered up the shock in his heart.

Then he thought of something, could not help but look at the leaf sinking fish, "killing **** Ji, should be in the blood of the peak, how he ... not for this millennium, you ..."

"I have done it, don't mention this kind of sad thing, or see how this guy gets out of it." Ye Shenyu smiled and smiled.

In this way, Mu Zhou naturally no longer asks, but in this way, Ye Shenyu is also the default.

As for the reason, Mu Zhou naturally has thoughts.

"Very good, next sword, can you hold it?" The third lady's eyes are bright and the concentric circles are clearer.

The power of the water system and the fire system, along with the Qilin swordsmanship, is such a ripple and continues to climb.

This woman is still getting stronger?

Although the magnitude is already small, it is not comparable to the party, but it is also amazing enough, no doubt a enchanting existence.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and it was a bit of a hassle to fight.

This is not because Qin Qi feels that he will lose. In fact, Qin Qi did not do much.

How strong is the third king girl, how talent is superb, and there must be limits, and before that, Qin Qi will not lose.

As long as it is undefeated, Qin Qi can win.

A protracted war, the third king is not an opponent of Qin Qi.

But nowadays, it’s not wise to fight a long-awaited war, and those people can’t make him happy.

In addition, Qin Qi has also forced out the strongest strength of the third king girl, and then fight it down, there is nothing new, and the heart of the war has been satisfied.

Then return to the right track and continue to kidnap.

With the performance of the third king girl, Qin Qi feels that 10 million stones are cheap and can definitely sell a good price.

"But let you see my real card!" Qin Qi said lightly.

The third king’s girl heard the news, but it was a bright spot. If Qin Qi can display more powerful power, then she will be able to ask for it.

Everyone, including Yu Ningxu, is now looking at the moment and can't help but look forward to it.

Qin Qi, even if there is still a card?

Be sure to have a good knowledge.

Qin Qi snorted and there was a dark wizard behind him.

"Is there a martial arts?" The third lady’s eyes were slight, but she did not care.

Before the Qiwu of Qinqi did not really grow up, the quantity is difficult to make up for the quality, especially in the battle of this series.

Qin Qi did not care about him, and he merged with the Dark Wizard.

The breath is a bit more powerful, but it is very limited and does not increase the odds.

However, Qin Qi’s purpose is not on the actual combat strength.

"Looking good, this is a peerless martial art - Awei six style!" Qin Qi Shuguang a condensed, a soul chain suddenly rushed out, directly into the soul of the third king of the sea.

"Soul power?" The third lady looks a little, but this makes her a little disappointed.

She has the unicorn sword to protect the soul, although it is not as good as Qin Qi's killing sword, but the interference against the soul power can still be done.

Even the counter-production of Qin Qi is possible.

If Qin Qi’s card is just like this, then the third king will only feel disappointed, which is not worth her expectation, and it is even more impossible to change the situation.

"The quality of Wuhun is still a little worse. Otherwise, it has a role, but it is a pity." Yu Ningxu saw the truth and was disappointed.

With Qin Qi's fighting standards, it should be known that there is no point in adding one or two martial arts at this time. This amount of change has not yet caused qualitative changes.

Unless Qin Qi's Wuhun is on the next level!

Winning and losing, it seems that there is no suspense.

"Hey, there is a unicorn sword guarding the soul under the Highness, which interferes with the power of the soul, and how does it work?" The old man laughed and didn't care.

"It can't be said that the minimum interference can still be done," Yang said.

"What kind of interference is used, the heart of the temple is strong, as long as it is not a real soul damage, it is impossible to be affected by the mood!" Yin old shook his head and chuckled.

Yang old also nodded.

Such an idea can be said to be the consensus of all people, that is, the third king girl herself, and that is also the case.

What Avi Six, a ridiculous name, is useless.

The third king girl is tempered and ready to re-sword.

Qin Qi, also decisively shot.

"Awei six style first style, winter Beijing fanaticism!"

A picture of the road, directly through the soul chain, into the heart of the third king.

Her unicorn sword is really powerful, can isolate the soul killing, but this level of soul influence is impossible to avoid.

Qin Qi sneered, this is his collection in previous years, all passed to the third king girl in one breath, the skill of the car, no doubt the fastest speed of autumn mountain!

See if you can still hold on and be unaffected!

The third lady’s eyes were so loud that she couldn’t think of it. Qin Qi would have used such a tricky move, which is really abhorrent!

Looking at those movements, those postures are simply incredible, just like opening the door to the new world. Where did the third lady see this?

It was because of her determination, and at this moment she even fell a bit.

She is indeed a genius, but after all, she is a woman, and she has been studying kendo all the year round. She never thought about men and women, how to bear such shocks?

However, she is the third king girl, her mind is as firm as a rock, how can such a thing defeat her?

Qin Qi, regardless of those, has a brain impact.

"Awei six style second style - a happy road!"

This style was cast out, and the third lady was once again shocked, and it was faintly visible. The white skin covered by the blue and red lines was still slightly reddish.

Qin Qi’s eyes are bright, it seems to have played a role, even the third king girl, under the impact of this thousand postures, it is difficult to keep the same!

Hot iron.

"Avi Sixth Style - Caribbean Paradise!"

"Avi Sixth Style - Omen Casino!"

The two styles come out together. In an instant, the heavens and the earth are eclipsed, and the universe has nothing to do. It can shake the eternal ages. The third king girl in the district can't support it. The breath is no longer stable, and there are even obvious flaws.

I have to say that this is really strong in your picks. Qin Qi also thought that a woman like the third king girl could support the six styles, but she didn't want to, and the fourth type could not support it.

However, Qin Qi looked at the mind of the third king girl.

"I did a little processing, and replaced the male and female protagonists inside, you two!" Yi Kunlun promptly puzzled Qin Qi.

Qin Qi heard the words, almost fell to the ground.

your sister!

It is no wonder that the third woman’s eyes are full of hatred and hate, almost want to kill Qin Qi.

Niang's, to add to the game, but it is a performance fee, can you have more chicken legs for dinner?

Qin Qi spit in the heart, but at the moment, where the other is managed, as long as the effect is good, the other Qin Qi does not care.

At the moment, Qin Qi suddenly shot and seized a clear void of the third king.

That is the general warrior, and will not make mistakes, showing how uncomfortable the third woman is at the moment.

When she reacted and made a response, it was too late. Qin Qi’s sword was blocked by Tianshui Wanjian, but it was directly hit by the third lady’s chest.

There was no effort to break through the defense of the third king, and the sternum was broken.

At this time, pity and jealousy, that is to find death.

Qin Qi hit a hand, naturally not forgiving, before the body, with the physical advantage, the third king of the dead will be shackled, and the process is surprisingly smooth.

The strength of the third king girl did not know where to go. There was a feeling of softness and mud, and the cold skin of the tentacles, Qin Qi could not help but sway.

This reminds me that the third king is not in the air, but the surface of the body is just a complicated red and blue pattern.

"Don't struggle, or you will be embarrassed!" Qin Qi whispered in the ear of the third king.

The third king girl was furious in her heart. If she had been in the past, she would never have the possibility of surrendering. But at this moment, her mood was lost, and all her mind was in an indescribable posture, and her mentality was already weak.

At this moment, how dare to let Qin Qi dawn?

"I must have killed you!" The third king gnawed her teeth.

She hated Qin Qi, but she hated herself more. At this time, she couldn’t make any effort, and even the lines of the body could not be maintained.

At that time, it was not Qin Qi who married her, but she married herself.

"Let me enter your little world!" The third king girl bite her teeth, but in desperation, she can only make such a choice.

She was really defeated by Qin Qi's damage. Otherwise, even if she is really naked, she will continue to fight with Qin Qi.

If you have a kendo in your heart, why is the area naked?

Of course, it is not working now. Qin Qi is finally relieved, plan, and smoothly advance!

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