God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2194: New goal

Qin Qi Wu soul fusion, change the atmosphere, mixed in the city of no fall, heard these rumors, suddenly there is a feeling of a dog.

Isn’t it just kidnapping a few people, is it necessary to exaggerate it, and the strong locals have specially shot for him?

I can see him too much.

However, I think it is right, Yu Ning is a master of the realm, and it is still the main emptiness of the avenue. In the end, he failed to live with Qin Qi and was escaped by Qin Qi.

Such a person, do not pay attention to how to do?

In the heart of Qin Qi, 10,000 heads of Cao Nima rushed past, and eventually they could only smile bitterly.

It seems that it is not so easy to kidnap again in the future.

Thinking in this way, Qin Qi continued to inquire about the news.

Now that there is an estimate of the whereabouts of the first gods, and the guys who entered the battlefield in advance have come to the city of no fall, Qin Qi just needs to listen to them.

For more than a year, I don’t know how Bailuo is in their situation.

The city that does not fall, it is such a big place, the most favored nature is still the Yangquan Tianzhu.

It’s just that there are too many nobles. Those who are qualified to be here now can only go to the vicinity. They can enter the existence of this place. The top ones are extraordinary. At least the Zongzhong must have a realm!

"Oh, I really didn't expect that I could have this scene in the city where I don't fall. So many strong people, Tianjiao is amazed!" Some people sighed on the road.

"Yeah, after the big men reached a consensus, more masters from the realm have come to the city. It is said that the princes of all countries have come!"

"Da Qin that enchanting, did he come?"

"That is a big enchanting ah. It is said that the previous generation of Heavenly Masters gave him a glimpse before he died. He said that the battlefield will be unified in his hands. I am afraid that the strength of today is beyond the third king!"

"It is true, and even the third king girl hides the power that outsiders do not know. Qin Taizi must be stronger than the rumors!"

"Unfortunately, there is too little news about Prince Qin. No one knows if he has come. If he comes, he must be wonderful. You can see him arguing with the outside world!"

"Yes, it should be like this. Those who come outside, those who look above the top and look down on our battlefield, it is best that Prince Qin can hit their faces!"

"I see it is difficult, Qin Taizi is really powerful, but it is also a battlefield stalwart, the outside is boundless, there must be people who can compete with it or even overcome, hope, or do not initiate conflicts!"

"What do you mean by this, let's fight in the battlefield every day, still afraid of it?"

"I am not afraid, I tell you, the exact information you just got, this time chasing the undead Tianzun first **** hidden inside, there are also a few bad guys!"

"The cold Zhang Jia Zhang Zhang Lin, the undead domain is not dead, the palace is Tianjin Qinsheng, the middle domain Huangtian Shenwei candidate Mo Yi, these can be young and famous genius characters, although the Qin Prince is strong, but compared with them, how much is still poor Something!"

This one name, although still young, is even a battlefield.

"These people have come even, isn't it a test of this undead temperament, facing those who are calling outside the Tao?"

"Who knows, it is estimated that there is something else inside, we don't know."

"Speaking of it, those who are called, though from the outside world, are the top geniuses of other worlds. After coming to the border, they all fly into the sky, and there are also guys in the world!"

"Who said that it is not, the undead gods have given the Eight Gods to hide, and six of them have chosen the Lord. These guys can be powerful, and may even lose to those who are Zhang Junlin!"

"You are exaggerating, Zhang Junlin's characters, in the younger generations of various fields, can rank in the top three, behind the heavens and even the heavenly support, the name of the earthquake, the world is comparable to other people. ?"

"That is, I am waiting for the top of the world pedigree, and the top geniuses of the rest of the world are nothing here."

On the street, there are people everywhere, what is being talked about, naturally, where are the strong, and what powerful people have appeared.

As long as Qin Qi pays a little attention, he can hear a lot of content.

"Is there a person in the middle of the field?" Qin Qi flashed.

In the middle of the Taoist domain, it is definitely one of the most powerful ones. With Tianzun sitting in the town, the Emperor is the rise of this domain and has become a rising star in the famous earthquake.

It is a pity that Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will blow it, because the Emperor forced the Zhongzhou into the middle domain, giving people a handle, and finally forced to enter the exile.

For the middle domain, Qin Qi naturally has no good feelings.

However, since it is a man of the Middle Kingdom, Qin Qi wants to do something to him, but it is still somewhat difficult. Qin Qi is not in a hurry, ready to figure out what he wants to know.

Undead esteem is the supreme of the undead, and this time it involves the call of the heavens and the world, and it is also the undead sage.

And these people appear in the city of no fall at this moment, it must be for the first gods, in order to test the immortal, so Qin Qi wants to know, they should be clear.

Qin Qi intends to grab a person who does not die and ask questions.

That Jin Qinsheng may be difficult to deal with, but Qin Qi does not believe that the people who die in the Heavenly Palace are difficult to deal with!

On the edge of Yangquan Tianzhu, Qin Qi leaned on a wall, listening to the people around him talking about interesting things, watching the big people enter and exit in the brightly-lit Yangquan Tianzhu.

A few goals, a heart.

Not to mention, those people who said before are right, these people from outside are really higher than the top, and the chin is about to rise to the sky. No matter where you look, it is full of disdain.

Qin Qi wants to join them!

"Oh?" Qin Qi is hesitant to choose which target to start, but it is a sudden look.

Qu Zhongyao!

Unexpectedly, when I first went to the outside world, the incomparable Qu Zhongyao appeared here and was coming out from Yangquan Tianzhu.

"It’s really time to come, it’s you!" Qin Qi’s eyes picked up slightly.

This goods is completely delivered to the door.

There are still a few people around Qu Zhongyao who seem to be quite young. It is estimated that they are brothers and brothers, and as disciples of the undead Tiangong, in such remote places, they are naturally going sideways.

"This is the best restaurant in the city? It is really broken!" Qu Zhongyao looked disgusted, as if entering this place, is insulting his identity.

"It was a small place, so don't be picky, and it won't stay long anyway," a brother from Qu Zhongyao laughed.

"But, Lin brother, the little monk is coming soon, grab her early, go back early, this place, I don't want to stay more!" Qu Zhongyao disgusted.

Although Qu Zhongyao called the brothers around him, his attitude was not like the younger brother to the brothers. Obviously, although they were the disciples of the undead Tiangong, their identity was high or low.

"The younger brothers are relieved, they think they have got rid of the tracking, but they don't want us to have the means to understand their movements. Now it seems that they are also chasing the first gods!" Lin Nianqi said.

Wen Yan, Qu Zhongyao snorted and sneered: "I am really delusional, relying on them, I want to get the first god?"

"The information just returned, they should have arrived near the city of no fall," Lin Nianqi laughed.

Qu Zhongyao’s eyes lit up, haha ​​smiled: “Well, then grab them, and let them know that they have sinned, and it’s useless to escape to the ends of the earth!”

After all, a few people rushed outside the city. Qin Qi hidden in the dark, heard these, the light and cold, quietly followed up.

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