God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2204: Nether heritage

Unfortunately, the original practice was not strong, and there was no time to stabilize. The power of the Wuhun was not fully explored. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will not be traced by Qu Zhongyao and others.

"This is for you!" Qin Qi smiled, just one for a white diamond.

However, it only supplemented 60%. I don't know where Qi Yan came from. Obviously, even if he is, there is no way to complete this practice. It is estimated that he can't even remember such a collection.

“Void”? The white diamond glanced at it and couldn’t help but swear: “Why is my fault?”

"Faith, the incompleteness has the grade of the middle level of the flood. If it is completely completed in the future, I don't know how strong it will be!" Qin Qi turned a blind eye.

The white diamond quickly put away the practice, and smiled and said: "Of course I know, just make a joke with you, in order to express gratitude, you can come to me tonight!"

Qin Qi shook his head, this woman looks clear and tempted coexist, it is a enchanting, even more terrible is that Qin Qi knows her other side, so Qin Qi is very unscrupulous.

When the next Qin is complete, I didn’t hear it, look at the diamond of the bone.

The white diamond grinned, but immediately began to read the exercises. This thing must be mastered as soon as possible.

The bone drill and Qin Qi, the relationship is good, saying that the difference is not bad, there have been festivals before, although it has already been resolved, but it is not yet hot.

The diamond of the bones, which is full of ecstasy, is not like the character that will be warm with people.

She also looked at Qin Qi, and then did not speak, just showed her martial arts.

"Relics!" Qin Qi saw the martial arts, could not help but exclaimed.

Buddha's relic.

But there is no peace of Buddhism above, only a rich and infinite scent, as if from the country of the deceased, it is a symbol of death!

The martial arts of this white bone drill is actually a relic?

White bone relic!

And this grade has already reached the early stage of the freak!

The potential of heaven.

Hey, this bone is very powerful, stronger than the white diamond and Zhao Wei.

Of course, this is also expected. After all, the bones of the bones are missing in the past, and it is almost the strongest under the king. It is the innocent king of the legendary thousand feathers that can suppress her.

Nowadays, the source is perfect, the nature is extraordinary, and it is unreasonable and unreasonable.

"The sorcerer of the bones is more powerful than ours, but it is more special. Do you have the corresponding exercises?" asked the white diamond, quite envious.

"No", Qin Qi shook his head directly.

The bones of the bones are not inconspicuous, her situation is too special, it is difficult to find a suitable method.

"You come with me," Qin Qidao, finished, and no matter how the bones of the bones, how to make a hand, and the bones of the bones disappeared without a trace.

"What are they doing?" asked the white diamond.

"It should be to help the bones find a suitable method of cultivation," Zhao said with a smile.

"He is such a perverted person, will he want to taste the taste of white bones?" The white diamond eyes flickered.

"..." Zhao said without words.

Anyway, he is not courageous.

Of course, Qin Qi did not, but it did not mean courage, but did not think about such things.

He came to the depths of the world of Huangquan with the bones of the bones, stepped over the bridge and stood before the small six.

This is the world created by the Yellow Springs World and the Ghost Emperor. In the end, it joined forces with Devadado to build the small six roads in front of them.

Therefore, this place not only has the power of Nether, but also has the power of Devadado.

Counting it, the strength characteristics of the drill with the bones here are really incomparable.

The area where the bone drill was just located was re-opened by Qin Qi, and it was relatively isolated from the world of Huang Quan. It appeared here at this moment, and the eyes could not help but shine.

Everything here is such a match with him. Just taking a breath, I feel that the power in the body is beginning to be active.

"This is your little world?" The bone drill couldn't help but be surprised.

The power of Qin Qi, although it is endless killing, will indeed die long ago, but it is very different from the characteristics of this world.

"Just took over from others," Qin Qi laughed, and then there was a martial art behind him.

Dark wizard.

Of course, there is another name, the emperor of the Nether, the owner of Huang Quan, the ghost of the ghost!

"This martial arts..." The bones of the bones know that Qin Qi has many martial arts, but for the first time, so clearly feel the power of Qin Qi.

"Your martial arts, this atmosphere is so similar!" The bones of the diamond surprised.

"Not similar, this is his small world", Qin Qidao.

"What do you mean, is your martial arts... was it a strong man?" It was a diamond of white bones, and at the moment it could not help but lose color.

She has been in the field for more than a year, and she has learned about the entire cultivation system of the Taoist world. However, it has never been heard or seen about turning people into martial arts.

"There are a lot of reasons inside, and I won't mention it now." Qin Qi shook his head and then said: "Your strength is similar to him. If you can, practice his law!"

"His law?"

"Yes, it is certain that his method is absolutely suitable for you, but there is also a point, his method, the grade is terrible!" Qin Qi laughed.

“How low?” The bones of the bones are frowned.

"If it is in accordance with the standards of the road, it is how low it is," Qin Qi smiled.

In the Tianyuan world, the law of the Nether Ghost Emperor is definitely the most top class, but unfortunately, when it comes to the Tao, it can only bottom out.

However, that is only the bottom of the class. The way the Nether Ghost Emperor walks is not a leisure, but just lacks an upward opportunity.

If the characters of the Nether Ghost Emperor are in the realm of the Tao, Qin Qi believes that he can definitely win the respect of Heaven.

That is the hero of the world, the emperor of the world!

“Is there a possibility of improvement?” asked the drill of the bone.

If it doesn't work, it is naturally unacceptable.

"Yes!" Qin Qi said seriously.

"However, it is definitely not easy. You need to really understand the beliefs and wills conveyed in the exercises, and know more about it than its masters!"

Qin Qi stretched out his hand, and the dark sorcerer's dark cloak suddenly dissipated, revealing the original form of the ghostly emperor.

The momentum of the Iba.

Even in this world, his strength was weak and poor, but this momentum will not change.

In his body, a black light flashed, and the air of the ghost wrapped a light group and fell into the hands of Qin Qi.

"This is his law, his way, I opened the door for it, but I can see where I am, but I want to see your own!" Qin Qidao, very serious.

For their own martial arts, Qin Qi is extremely valued because they are all heroes!

Their inheritance, Qin Qi, of course, must be taken seriously.

"Of course, you can choose not to, I will find a way to get you the right exercises," Qin Qi laughed.

But Qin Qi hopes she can accept it.

Because Qin Qi also wants to see the inheritance of the Nether Ghost Emperor, reappearing the world, in this strongest world, shines.

To make up for it, those who have replaced the heroes, by the times, by the world, are limited regrets!

Moreover, the road of the Nethered Ghost Emperor is actually a very solid foundation, and even exceeds the Taoist level of the Taoist practice. If one day, it can really be promoted to this level.

Believe, that is the power of the entire order!

The bones of the bones frown, she can feel the atmosphere that fits her very well, but also know that this power is weak at the moment.

She hesitated.

But in the end, she looked at Qin Qi and gave the answer. "I want it!"

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