Ye Shenyu's eyes are helpless, but there is no meaning of obstruction, let the other party so stunned until the other party stops.

After all, this is really not a sudden attack. When I used to stay together, I was often bullied.

"Oh, there is temper, and there is a lot of bad things behind me. Can't I punish you?" The charming woman was slightly unhappy, and the sallow fingers poked the face of the fish.

Ye Shenyu was so upset and excused: "I didn't say bad things about you, let's be honest."

The charming woman laughed, but she did not see anger, just smiled: "So, it seems that for your honesty, I have to praise you!"

The leaves of the fish licked their mouths and moved their shoulders. They wanted to take the charming woman down, but they did not succeed.

"Shen fish is this temper, you don't know, but you, how can you suddenly come over?" Mu Zhou got a pot of tea, suddenly scented, so that the soul feels comfortable and comfortable.

This is obviously a very high-grade tea, and it has many functions. In addition to the power of the giants, the land esteem is not necessarily able to drink.

However, in the hands of Mu Zhou, it is only used for drinking tea. It is not a treasure for cultivation. Even if you drink this tea, it will greatly help the improvement of cultivation.

"When the whim, come over and see, I did not expect to meet the little fish." The charming woman smiled and pulled her hand out and took a sip of fairy tea.

"Hey, you still don't come out to be a bad person!" Ye Shenyu snorted, but also picked up a cup of tea.

"What is wrong with the scourge, I just like this!" The charming woman smiled softly, and the sense of charm was a bit stronger. Then she pointed to Qin Qidao below: "What does this little guy have to do with you, why are you with him?" Stay together?"

"On the peak of the blood **** knows, very powerful." Ye Shenyu Road.

"It’s called you are very powerful. It seems that it’s not just the ability to see this.” The charming woman’s glimmering light, just in the scene, she naturally did not miss a detail.

Nature has a judgment on Qin Qi, and with her ability, this judgment is undoubtedly close to reality.

It’s just that it looks like there is something she hasn’t seen, hiding even more possibilities.

"Lian Tian Xue Shen Feng... No wonder, no wonder his sword has such a murderous, but also some familiar, it is killing **** Ji!" The charming woman's eyes stunned, knowing that this sword spirit is powerful.

"Kunlun's power, and killing blood, Ji, oh, this physique and martial arts, is also very special, I have a feeling, his potential seems infinite!" The charming woman is indeed powerful, seeing more things.

Immediately, she couldn't help but giggled and said: "No wonder you care so much, it is not easy, so, you can give me this little guy, I am very tempted to adjust him!"

When I heard such awkward words, Ye Shenyu’s face was slightly ugly. When I looked at the boat, I found that the Mu boat was as usual and unpleasant.

"He is the old man who is not dead and is called into the realm. You want someone to go with the old one!" Ye Shenyu whispered. "Hey, that old thing is dying, every day to replenish the last life, watching it is disgusting, I don't want to see him." The charming woman shook her head and smiled and said: "But this thing. I don't need to report to him. Is it that I leave a person, what else can he do with me?

"You are free!" Ye Shenyu shrugged.

"Well, I changed my mind. The old-fashioned fee is so hard to do these things. Isn't that just wanting to get that thing? I think that this little guy has the possibility of going to the end!" The charming woman smiled, more A little bit meaningful.

"This, I also want to see!" Ye Shenyu this time is a thought with the charming woman.

"It's rare that you are so caring for a man, although it's just a little guy, but age is not a big deal for us." The charming woman's smile reveals a sense of narrowness.

Ye Shenyu was a woman who was smiling by a charming woman. She couldn’t help but say: "What do you want to play?"

"If he really came to the end, I will save his life, then, how do you give him a gift?" The charming woman laughed.

"You are not my mother, do you need to match?"

"The little girl grows up, and my sister's words don't work, right?"

"Let's come here, my gap with you is not as big as it was a thousand years ago!"

"Listen to this, do you want to give it a try?"

"..." Ye Shenyu's eyes were shaking, and he finally gave up. He said: "If you look at yourself, go play by yourself, don't pull me in!"

At this time, Ye Shenyu also refused to take a boat.

"In my heart, your weight is even heavier. I can't watch your lonely old age. My sister is a person who comes over and always let you experience it. When a woman is like it!" The charming woman smiled.


"Your temper is really getting bigger and bigger." The charming woman shook her head and smiled. She continued to hold the squid and looked at the situation.

"Forget it, it's still early, let's talk about it, this little guy has to go through this level first, but he is so crazy, he should have the confidence!"

"However, the more I look at it, the more I like it!"



Qin Qi knows that he should be noticed by people, but he does not know who it is and does not need to know. Anyway, as long as there is no real strong person to intervene in this matter.

As for the eyes of these arrogant eyes, Qin Qi did not care.

"It seems that you have finished the last words, then, let's die." The face of the face is silent, and the light is in the hand. Then, it appears in front of Qin Qi.

It is a very powerful force, extremely powerful, and even can directly penetrate a mysterious!

It is a candidate for the Emperor of Heaven, and it has such power only with a single blow.

Just, some of them are somewhat clear to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi just shot and directly pinched it into pieces.

"Muscle like a diamond? This is your qi? It's a joke!" Zhang Jun Lin snorted, the muscles are really powerful, but in front of them, it is nothing.

Strong body, you can also freeze into ice!

"It seems that you don't admit it. If this is the case, I will make it difficult for you to guide you." Qin Qi smiled and released Lin Ying, and a snow and ice elf slowly gathered around him.

The power of ice and snow, the time to spread out, the chill is pressing!

When Zhang Jun saw this, his eyes suddenly raised a haze, his face was distorted, and his heart was already angry. "What do you mean, want to challenge me with the power of ice and snow?"

Zhangjia in the cold area is the master of the ice system of the Daojie. Even those such as Jin Qinsheng, who believe that they will not lose to Zhang Junlin, can fight a battle, but that is also based on their own skills.

What Qin Qi did at the moment was to challenge him with the ice force and challenge the Zhang family's practice. The strong ice system passed down!

Qin Qi himself, should not be the main ice system.

This is kind, shame!

Zhang Jia Zhang Jun Lin, will never let Zhang Jiameng shame.

"Well, in this case, I will give you the opportunity to die in my hands, let's take it, this is your last fight." Zhang Junlin faintly said, the cold suddenly swept through all directions!

Jin Qinsheng and others are all looking for changes, but they have retired and given them a chance to fight.

No one is going to compete for the spirits. Now, they want to see first, how Qin Qi died.

Challenge the cold family Zhang Jia with ice power. Looking for a dead end.

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