God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2242: intuition

The blood was lightened, and it rushed to the sky to slowly dissipate. In this middle of the blood, the heavens and the earth seemed to be broken, and on that section, the bright red blood slowly dripped down.

Then, the figure of Wu Guangjun finally appeared, and he was cut off by Qin Qi.

Even the spine has broken, only the small half of the flesh and blood are stuck, barely divided into two segments.

However, such an injury is absolutely heavy, even if it is a light-free king, it can hardly support it.

Wuguangjun, it seems that it is full of momentum, whether it is temperament or wear, they are moving closer to the big men watching the game at this moment.

Obviously, he has already clarified himself and the identity from the virtual world in the subconscious. Now, he is not a backward virtual indigenous, but a human being in the Tao.

However, such temperament is inconsistent with blood at the moment, but it becomes extraordinarily conspicuous, as if it is a mockery of himself.

Wu Guangjun's face is ugly.

He didn't expect it to be like this anyway.

In the virtual world, he is the first genius, the potential is endless, but it is difficult to go further because of the laws of the world, and this time it is undoubtedly the dragon into the sea.

He grew up very quickly in a short period of time. After all the way, he got the second god, and he was invincible. At least he was the one who called, and he was jealous, but only a few others got it. The existence of the Eight Gods.

Now that there is a Qin Qi, it is estimated that it has obtained another creation. It can really make him look at it differently, but he does not think it is an enemy.

But now, he has lost, and Qin Qi has almost cut off his body.

The power of that sword, he is still afraid of it now, there is a horrible feeling of facing death, is the supreme killing that can not compete!

"Sword spirit, it is really a sword spirit!" The light is cold and the face is gloomy.

He saw the battle between Qin Qi and Mo Yi, and he had some speculations in his heart. However, after he came to the Tao, he couldn’t look as sinister as the Royal King.

He is not sure what power it is.

Moreover, he is confident that he can't be defeated, and naturally he doesn't have to think too much.

But now, he knows what it is, the power of the sword spirit, and it is a very fierce sword spirit!

Is this what Qin Qi got?

Although it is not one of the Eight Gods, it is indeed powerful enough to compete with the Eight Gods.

Qin Qi took out this sword, and there was a lot of ups and downs in his body. This person is really a strong enemy. Qin Qi was so hard that he seized the opportunity and wounded it.

The cost is naturally not small. The injuries suffered before, the power of nothingness are still attached to the body, just like the bones of the skeleton, it is difficult to remove.

Not to mention that Qin Qi did not retain the sword just now. Whether it is Kunlun to the Dragon or killing the blood, all of them are used, otherwise they will not be able to achieve these results.

I have to say that Wuguangjun is strong enough.

It is worthy of being the master of the former ten worlds of the world, able to stand out in a world, is enough to explain the problem, the strength of talent, all are the best choice.

It is not to be worse than anyone to come to the Taoist world. I am afraid that these people, not all of them, are not necessarily his opponents.

Otherwise, it will not open the gap directly after the innocence of the local genius.

Among them, the Eight Gods are certainly strong and not fake, but their qualifications are also important factors.

Of course, one thing that cannot be ignored is the air transport.

Those who are the masters of the world must be the ones who have the infinite amount of air transport. Otherwise, how can this road come to the sea?

The gas transportation is accompanied by nature, and the nature is not lost. It has grown to such a degree in more than a year. It is the Qin Qi system and has been surpassed.

Of course, Qin Qi was trapped for a year, and they are still somewhat different, and they have been abandoned for too long.

Not to mention, Qin Qi is just not killing now, otherwise, it should be enough to enter the territory.

I don’t know if these people are called by the undead, and they are also related to these qualities.

Top qualifications and superb air!

Qin Qi did not understand the true thoughts of the undead, and it is not the time to consider these. Wu Guangjun was hit by a sword and he was deeply injured, but it does not mean that there is no threat.

However, it is Qin Qi who is very good at it, and it is hard to hurt Wu Guangjun. How can he give him more opportunities?

Before Qin Qi directly deceived himself, the **** sword light with cold and cold intentions, once again squatted.

"Take the virtual!"

When you have no light, you will exert your strength, and you will be able to control this piece of space.

Before the sword, he really had no time to make more responses, but this time, it was impossible for him to be hit by Qin Qi. Otherwise, he would not be the owner of the virtual world.

Under the illusion, his own vain power is more prosperous. Qin Qi’s attack is difficult to hit him, and it is hit, and there will be no effect.

He is now like the air.

Qin Qi had a sword, even if he had plowed the void, even the figure of Wu Guangjun was broken, but Qin Qi knew that the attack was lost and there was no real feeling.

Qin Qi blinked his eyes and thought about it. He continued to sweep hundreds of swords.

He didn't know where Wuguangjun was. He only relied on intuition, and most of the attacks were once again lost, but several of them gave feedback.

Obviously it was hit!

Qin Qi got the feedback that was hit, of course, it was impossible to idle, and he rushed to that position. The blood in his hand was flashing with eight blood, and the murderous rushed into the sky.

This time, it is truly exhaustive.

The sound of "噗", the figure of Wuguangjun once again appeared, even if he was hit by Qin Qi in his ability, it was almost impossible to maintain.

Although he still tried to avoid Qin Qi's perception, this level was enough to make Qin Qi firmly locked him.

"Qin Qi, I remember you, next time, I will not make the same mistake again!" Wu Guangjun snarled, this time, he lost, and he was completely defeated.

He never thought that he would be defeated if he was invisible.

However, only once this time, he will make a comeback.

Wu Guangjun is also decisive. At this time, he has not considered any face. It is the key to survive. I saw a flash of the sky. The spirit was actually detained.

But Wuguangjun does not want to take it away, but to detonate it.

With this power, Qin Qi, who is chasing the madness, is forced to escape. Qin Qi snorted, Alice's power gathered in an instant, and the soon-to-be-exploded Tianling was frozen, not giving it a chance to blew himself up, immediately bloody, and the figure of the blood-killing rushed out of the blood.

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