God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2248: Yu Linglong

Qin Qi found that things have evolved in an uncontrollable direction.

He did intend to make more stones in the form of auctions, but he did not expect to attract the attention of Solomon.

Do they want to bid for the motorcycle?

This is what Qin Qi did not expect.

As for Solomon, Qin Qi has heard of this power. It can be said that there is no one in the world, but even if it is so famous, there are not many people who really know Solomon.

I am afraid that only those who have mastered the core of the game know the details of Solomon's bottom, and the average person is at most succumbing to Solomon's endless legend.

And since Solomon entered the game directly and wanted to be a slap in the face, there might be other forces in the dark who are also planning to enter.

Sure enough, after Solomon directly indicated the goal, another force that had nothing to do with the incident was equally strong.

The Lord of the Gods, pass on the purpose, and point out that Jin Qinsheng!

This is naturally a resurgence.

Especially for some people who know the insider, it is even more so, knowing that this is not a simple auction, this will be a special signal.

This is already the game between the Lord of the Peak and the undead.

The leaf squid can't help but frown.

The name of the **** of the gods, this name does not have a little bit of good memories for her, after all, even the peak of the blood, is only one of the peaks of the **** of the gods!

This time, the Lord of the Peak is coming out, is it just for Jin Qinsheng?

Or is it also for the sake of the fish, killing the blood, or even Qin Qi?

This auction, I feel that I have been taken away by people. Now it is Qin Qi who is not willing to do it.

The trend of the times is imperative!

Of course, since there is such a big entrance, the auction will be able to proceed smoothly. After all, since it is a game between the two sides, it is impossible to dismantle the stage of the game.

However, during this period, Mu Zhou found Qin Qi.

As for how to find it, Qin Qi is also confused in the heart, and the other leaves are not coming together, it is also somewhat strange.

But Ye Shenyu did not come, but there was a strange woman accompanied by Mu Zhou.

This woman looks ordinary and very ordinary. It is a very strange person. It is strange to think about it. After all, Mu Zhou comes from the group of Fangfang, where it is beautiful.

Mu Zhou just wants to contact a person who is not beautiful, I am afraid it is difficult, naturally it makes Qin Qi somewhat strange.

However, although this woman looks very ordinary, but her eyes are surprisingly seductive. If she covers all parts of her body, she only looks at the pair of scorpions, afraid that she will sink into it.

It is a pair of scorpions that can be stalked.

It’s just that in such an ordinary face, having such a pair of eyes is really not a match.

Mu Zhou’s visit is still so pleasing as the spring breeze, and it’s all elegant, and it’s completely different from those of Jin Qinsheng.

However, he did not specifically introduce the specific identity of the woman. Instead, the woman looked at Qin Qi with curiosity and did not have any jealousy.

"Girl, what's on my face?" Qin Qi was a little depressed.

"Nothing, very interesting," the woman giggled and said: "It is said that you are riding a tiger now, what are you going to do next?"

Nowadays, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is difficult to ride a tiger.

However, Qin Qi originally wanted to earn more through the auction, so there will be people bidding, which is expected, and it is naturally a force to compete with the giants.

So the current situation is indeed unexpected, but it is also reasonable.

The only thing worth noting is that this is the power of Solomon. How can you suddenly intervene?

"The price is high, there is nothing to prepare," Qin Qi shrugged.

"You are really not afraid of death, don't worry that a strong person will directly kill you?" The woman smiled.

"No matter who shot, I have the confidence to let these hostages die first." Qin Qidao, now he is ready to enter the realm, and the land, he is not free to take care of.

"And the undead gods are reluctant to let people like me die like this?" Qin Qi smiled.

The woman flashed a glimmer of light, and the smile in her eyes was even stronger. Suddenly, she approached Qin Qi and picked a Qin Qi's chin with a finger. She smiled and said: "There is a chestnut in the fire. You have to say that you are very appetizing for me!"

Qin Qi’s eyes shook and he didn’t want to have an appetite for you.

The woman saw the spit in the heart of Qin Qi, and the gang helped me to make a slight drum. She said: "Smelly men are all virtues!"

And the boat is on the side, the look is a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, since it is a rich and dangerous, I hope that you can win the last, I will go first, and I will have a chance." The woman retired two steps and did not say anything. She turned and left.

Made Qin Qi one by one.

"Qin brother, I have nothing to help you, this is the core node of the intelligence of my group Fang Yu, Yu Ling, I hope to help you." Mu Zhou took a jade exquisite and handed it to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi heard that his eyes could not help but brighten, and he would not know the value of this thing.

This is equivalent to the single-minded building that was obtained when it was in the same year. Different Kunlun can use it to get all the information and information possessed by the group.

The Qunfang Pavilion is the largest fireworks site in the world, and this place is most suitable for the circulation and collection of intelligence.

It is said that every girl in the Qunfang Museum is a well-trained intelligence officer. I can imagine the intelligence possessed by the Qunfang Pavilion.

Intelligence, connections, and roads, this is the key element of the group's standing.

Of course, the most core, still shameful, one of the four beautiful women in the world, a woman who is extremely contradictory.

If you are born, you can't refuse her charm.

"Mu brother, this gift, is it too expensive?" Qin Qi was pleasantly surprised, but did not pick it up in the first place.

"It’s the fish that let me get it for you," Mu Zhou said with a smile.

"That also..."

"No matter, Shen Yu has nothing to do with me. Although this thing is precious, but there is nothing for you." Mu Zhou shook his head. "And, we are very willing to sell you."

When Qin Qi thought about it, he nodded: "This love, I wrote down."

"That would be good," Mu Zhou will hand Jade Lingyi to Qin Qi again, and Qin Qi did not deny this time.

The jade exquisiteness of the Qunfang Pavilion is so precious that it cannot be measured at all. It is too wasteful to change Qin Qi’s personal feelings.

However, Mu Zhou did not say much, and did not even need to swear by Qin Qi.

However, Qin Qi did not resign, and received it directly.

Mu Zhou believes that people like Qin Qi should be down, and they are the strongest oath. As for Qin Qi, I don’t think there is any loss in the group restaurant because he is confident that he is worthy of this kind of help!

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