God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2250: Know the son

"Then, let's introduce you to the more powerful characters, this one, but the genius of the middle-class Sanyuanzong, the posture of the heavens, it is not exaggerated to say that within a hundred years, you will not enter the land, you are looking for I return it!" Qin Qi shouted loudly, naturally it was necessary to hit the iron.

The people of the Sanyuanzong are underneath, and their faces are very wonderful. They don’t know what their disciples are. This time, they are simply soy sauce.

Now it’s good, it has become a peerless genius, and it has entered the realm of the land in a hundred years.

Blowing is also in accordance with the Basic Law. This is really blowing to death!

"This one, although more than the only Wang brother is better, but in the principle of letting everyone, it is five million!" Qin Qidao.


The face of the Sanyuanzong was suddenly sinking. This is not as good as Wang Sanzhong. How come five million?

However, although the ternary sects are all known in the heart, but no one understands, and even more sorrowful, the generations have to raise their prices. In the end, in the boundless bitterness of the ternary sect, they once again traded with six million.

The disciple of the ternary sect is simply tears and tears, and he is grateful to the sect of Zongmen. He vows to practice hard and serve the sect!

Qin Qi auctioned like this. I don’t know how many people are speechless. I have never seen such a shameless person, but it is helpless.

Of course, the previous auctions are all appetizers. In addition to the attention of the respective Zongmen family of the auctions, some people have joined in the fun, so that the blind, the real big man, can not pay attention.

In this way, under the unbridled tout of Qin Qi, dozens of future talents of the heavens, the genius of the present, have been auctioned out, and the road stone is nearly 500 million!

This is 500 million stones.

Much more than expected.

Most of these people were re-photographed by their respective Zongmen families, but there were also small parts that were taken away by other forces.

And these people, one of them is a class of nine princes, Qin Qi can not care about their future life and death, after all, if you do not intend to auction, these people have long been Qin Qi.

But the next one, Qin Qi still wants to pay attention, but don't be taken away by some wicked people.

"It seems that everyone is very acquainted with the goods, so I am relieved, so good, then this one, everyone must polish their eyes and look carefully, this is the disciple from the Middle Kingdom Goddess Palace, Lin Ying!"

Qin Qi invited Lin Ying out.

Lin Ying's face is blue, if it is not controlled by Qin Qi, it is absolutely desperate to go with Qin Qi.

This **** actually brought her to the auction.

"You don't have to say that everyone should know that the starting price of this person is absolutely impossible. Just like those people just now, this is a treasure, it is hard to find in the world!"

"Don't believe it, now I will tell you that this Lin Ying girl, not only is it talented, but it is not a problem to win the heavens. In the future, even the achievement of Tianzun is possible!"

"Not to mention, Lin’s girl is peerless, dare to ask under the four beautiful women, who can surpass her?”

"So a beautiful woman, Tianjiao, if there is no price commensurate with it, it is really a kind of disrespect for her!"

"The starting price is 20 million, start now!"

Lin Ying was ashamed and annoyed. She couldn't help but blush. In Qin Qikou, she is almost the leader of the younger generation of the Tao. The Scorpio of the Undead Palace is not her opponent.

The elders of the Goddess Palace, whose face is called an ugly, 20 million stones, is by no means a small number.

But there is no way, only the price of the scalp.

"Haha, this little Nizi is good, I want it!" But after the elders of the Goddess Palace called for a price, a very flirtatious man hand-folding fan, intends to bid with the Goddess Palace.

"Two and five million stones!" The man laughed.

It is said that the elders of the Goddess Palace are sinking and can't help but frown. They don't know what the other party is, and they have to fight against their goddess.

Those who can afford twenty-five million stones are not universal, and they should not know each other.

It’s just that the other party is obviously not a familiar face. There was no relationship before.

Is it a simple disgusting goddess?

Qin Qi glanced at it and said that the goddess of the goddess did not know. He was such a caller that he could not identify the other person's identity.

However, now it can be different. The information sent by Mu Zhou has made Qin Qi have a deep understanding of the Taoist world. It is unkind, and now Qin Qi’s insights are in the top ten in the absolute ranks of the Tao.

"I said, this Lin girl, can be said to be worthless, and now has a price tag, it is already a blood loss!"

"And this literary son, is the person who knows the goods, but so many heroes gather, is it only he knows the value of Lin girl?" Qin Qi sighed.

Only when this was said, everyone changed their face.

Know the son?

The famous flower thief?

In contrast, what is the flower lord, it is simply not influx, this is the leader of the flower industry, leading figures.

However, compared with Caihua Langjun, the Xiangxiang son is completely different. He uses flowers, never uses despicable means, but relies on unscrupulous sister skills to steal the girl's heart.

It is strange to say that this person may have the charm that women can't resist. Many women know that this is a negative heart. Absolutely unscrupulous, they don't recognize people when they get out of bed.

But still willing to sink into it, not to extricate themselves.

In this respect, it is indeed admirable. At least Qin Qi does not have this ability.

Because of this, I don’t know how many girls who are deceived by Xiangxiang’s deceased, in the end, are looking for death and living. It is also a crime.

However, the most famous record about Xiangxiang, but it is not rumored that he once picked up a small scorpion of Tianzun, but he once shot the squid.

The stag fish of the year was just emerging, and the time was shocked as a celestial being, shaking the road, but at that time she still lived in the Baihua domain, under the shelter of the group.

Of course, the acquaintance of the scented son will not let go of these prey, and enter the site of the group of Fangfang to prepare to take this flower, and the result is captured by the shy flower. After a full decade, there is no news.

Ten years later, the literary son was re-emerged, and for the experience of this decade, the acquaintance of the scented son was not mentioned, and even since then, he has never entered the flower field.

There are countless beautiful people in the Qunfang Pavilion. He is not tempted at all. Instead, he avoids being like a snake, and he does not know what happened. He is so ruthless that he is not close to a female color in a hundred years.

Of course, that was the old thing. Ye Shenyu was still in the girlhood. Nowadays, the acquaintance of the son of Xiang Xiang has already picked up the old man, and I don’t know how many girls have been harmed. However, at this moment, Xiang Xiangzi was directly smashed by Qin Qi, and his face changed dramatically. Obviously, he did not expect to become like this.

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