God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2462: Yin Cao

"This..." The thirteen princes also opened the pill bottle, and the pupil couldn't help but shrink.

The same is a ridiculous remedy.

But how precious this kind of medicinal medicine is, they just heard that they have never really seen it, let alone hold it in their hands.

"Thank you!"

The thirteen emperors and Yu Wen are all holding their fists. It seems that they are a bit more sincere.

Zhang Xianyao grew up with a mouth that looked so cute, and when he recalled his own words, he was even more shy and flushed.

However, she knows that Qin Qi will come up with such a drug.

I want to know that even her, from small to large, only took a ridiculous medicinal remedy. At that time, it was to build the foundation and lay a solid foundation, but the quality was even weaker.

This guy is too broad. Besides the Kunlun Mountains, how can the power be compared?

Zhang Xianyao regretted it in his heart. He knew that he was soft, and he knew that this was a bottle of Nidan. What did you count as a joke?

Only now, Qin Qi will give her, even if it is to be given, there must be many excessive demands.

Zhang Xianyao secretly made up his mind that Shen Dan was in front of him, and he didn’t want anything on his face. As long as he didn’t sleep, he could talk!

"Do you want to?" Qin Qi laughed.

"Yes!" Zhang Xianyao is very simple this time.

"Get it," Qin Qi threw the medicine bottle to Zhang Xianyao.

Zhang Xianyao caught the bottle, and suddenly it was awkward. This gave her, what are the requirements?

"You...you gave it to me like this?" Zhang Xianyao was incredible.

"This is a preliminary investment in you, I hope you will give me the corresponding return." Qin Qi said lightly.

Zhang Xianyao is still incredible. If anyone invests like this, are they afraid that they will run?

However, Qin Qi is obviously not interested in continuing to talk about this. Instead, he said: "You will not be able to leave the road afterwards, so you don't have to keep up with us. It is enough to use this nibble along the way."

After that, Qin Qi went forward and headed for the giant city that was formed by the yin.

The three faces were complex, but they quickly recovered. After swallowing Nedan, they began to resist the erosive erosion, and in the process, they were strong.

"A good buyer!" Mephis said coldly.

You know that these remedies are all hers.

The vastness of Qin Qi is based on the premise of her bankruptcy!

If you haven’t experienced much recently, I’m afraid of direct gas bombing!

"Whoever made you lose?" Qin Qi shrugged and didn't care.

Qin Qi is now rich and rich, three bottles of Nidan is nothing, and the more advanced medicinal herbs have been given to Jiang lingyu, Hong Lian them, I believe that their growth can be faster.

"San Brother, this Nie Dan, is an upgraded version of Naidan, beyond the ridiculous class of medicinal herbs, you take it down," Qin Qi took out a medicinal drug and handed it to Sheng Qian.

St. Qian Mo needs a nirvana, so that the power of Emperor and the Emperor's bell will further fit, and at the same time, his Emperor's Emperor's Emperor will be upgraded to a higher level!

What kind of danger will come after Qin Qi does not know.

But to fight against the undead, the current combat power is bound to be insufficient. This Qin Qin understands.

So regardless of the fate of Sheng Qian and his will, at least they are now on board, Qin Qi is willing to help him improve his combat power.

This is also helping yourself.

As for the future, there is no need to consider, Qin Qi never thinks that he will lose.

Even if the other party is the same as the passer-by!

Sheng Qian Mo hesitated a moment, Qin Qi thought he would refuse, but Sheng Qian Mo has taken over the drug.

"Qin brother's love, I wrote down", Sheng Qianm solemnly said.

Qin Qi is somewhat surprised, so accepting it, it seems that it is not the character of Sheng Qianmo. It seems that he is eager to become strong!

"Good to say," Qin Qi smiled.

St. Qian Mo is no nonsense, directly swallowing Nie Dan.

This medicinal medicine is beyond the quality of the ruling class. Just dressed up, there is a ray of light in the sacred body of the sacred, but the unskilled force begins to wash away the whole body of the sacred.

And the more and more yin around, threatening the holy thousand, this environment is really suitable for absorbing drugs!

Huang Zun sees this, a pair of phoenix can not help but have a colorful flow.

Previously, Nedan surprised her, but as Tianzun, she was not too surprised, but this Nie Dan, it is difficult for her to calm down.

Beyond the ridiculous remedy, and, or Nie Dan, this has no small benefit for her!

In the realm of Tianzun, every time you have a strong point, the price you pay is huge. Huang Zun has been in the air for nearly 10,000 years. How can you not be moved at this moment?

"Qin Qi, I don't know if this Nie Dan, you can still have it in your hand?" Huang Zun could not help but ask.

At this time, I don’t care what the heavens are.

Qin Qi heard the words, the heart moved slightly.

In fact, this medicinal medicine, he is not much, after all, even in the dark world, this grade of medicinal medicine is very precious, Mephis has this inventory in the hands, it is already extraordinary.

One of them, Qin Qi has already given Xiao Huang, but it has never been heard, only to wait for Xiao Huang to stabilize the body, you can take it, and then Nirvana.

In addition, similar grades of medicinal herbs, Qin Qi has also been assigned to Honglian, Jiang whispers, etc., do not ask for anything else, just to get them to the fastest speed, let them be strong.

As for the phoenix.

To be honest, she is already a natural environment. Even if she takes Nie Dan, the promotion is relatively limited, and it is difficult to produce results in a short time.

Give her a little waste.

Huang Zun understands Qin Qi's considerations and thinks about it. He said: "I can give you a promise. After going out, my phoenix family is your ally within ten thousand years!"

Qin Qi heard the words, the eyebrows picked up slightly.

This is not bad.

"That is a word!" Qin Qi took out a Niepan Dan and handed it to Huang Zun.

The bright future of the future will not be calm.

Whether the darkness of heaven is aggression or **** is not conclusive.

In this case, everything should be prepared, even if it may be futile, it is better than not to be strong.

Not to mention, this remedy, this is the robbed!

"It’s still good to be a bandit," Qin Qi had to sigh.

At this time, everyone has finally come under the giant city. The front is not confronted with a singer. With his strength, it is difficult to force the past.

And you can see that on the side, there is a powerful yin!

"Yin Cao House!"

Green Luo exclaimed and saw a huge plaque above the gate.

That plaque, there seem to be countless ghosts to rush out of the general, and as always a ghost behemoth, to swallow the gods.

And the four words above the yin and yin, are even more stunned, watching the strokes, all the souls must be separated!

Yin Cao government.

The site of Devadado. Will it be here?

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