God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2472: Living myth

"In fact, this is not accurate," but it is the tenth temple king shaking his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Amitabha, only came in afterwards. According to the king, the person who truly has great compassion and great ambition should be the Buddha who suffered for all sentient beings!" said the tenth temple king, his face became much solemn.


Tibetan Bodhisattva?

"Hell is not empty, swear not to become a Buddha, he is in this land, together with the lonely ghost, suffering the suffering of the 18th floor hell!"

"Although he is the voice of Sakyamuni, his ambition, his Buddha's heart, is indeed moving. Compared with the Amitabha Yongzheng Lingshan, repaying the cause and effect, the possession of the earth is not asking for a trace of return! "The Ten Temples sighed."

"Tibetan Bodhisattva, where is it now?" I couldn't help but ask.

The Bodhisattva is extremely high in the Sumi Mountain, but he rarely sets foot on Mount Miyama. What is even more legendary is that he also has a very high seat on this fallen mountain.

What he did, although like Amitabha, was to stop the great cause of Devadado, but Devadado had more admiration for him and never felt sorry for him.

It is rare to have such a person who can stand between the two factions that are incompatible with the fire and not be targeted by any one.

"Already sat down," the tenth house is king.


Everyone was shocked. This Bodhisattva is not a big compassion and a great wish. In contrast, it is an extremely powerful force.

How can he sit here?

"After the abandonment of the government, everything began to be defeated. Even our ten halls could not be spared. In the end, we could only choose the ten halls to be one, and then barely survived."

"The land is strong, but he has been suffering with the sentient beings in the **** industry. Although the Buddha's Buddha's nature has been promoted to the realm, life has gradually come to an end."

"This is his own choice, stick to the last moment, until sit down!" Ten Temple King sighed.

"Of course, he did not do anything without doing this. The land is full of grievances, and he is overtaken by him!"

For a time, everyone didn't know what to say. Whether it was stupid or persistent, it is hard to tell, but it is enough to make people move!

"At the time, the Buddha had persuaded him to let go, but he said that everything could be put down. Only the ambition could not be abandoned, so the Buddha fulfilled him and left the land."

Although Amitabha is a prisoner, the town is in Lingshan, but Devadado can beat him once, and there can be a second time.

Not to mention, the land is the site of Devadado.

However, the cost of the burden is not small.

The Tibetan Bodhisattva is reluctant to turn his mind, and the balance is repeated. Devadado gave up the long-running government and took away six reincarnations, thus closing the land.

"Now the land is reopened, the Tibetan Bodhisattva has been seated. It seems that it is time to count a general ledger!" Qin Qi suddenly said.

It is no coincidence that these coincidences are connected in series.

Tivatardo gave up the land, because it was because of Amitabha, but also because of the earth's possession. Nowadays, the earth is sitting, the eternal Buddha's land is coming, the land is reopening, and even the trampoline has come to this place.

There is a special connection between him and Amitabha, and his appearance is driven by Devadado.

All kinds of things, have been lined up by points, thoroughly penetrated.

"Look, the eternal Buddha's soil sinks and falls into the golden temple!" Green Rose exclaimed.

The eternal Buddha's earth is concentrated at the limit, and at this moment, it completely disappears into the golden temple at the top of Lingshan.

Throughout the big events of the ages, this may be the case!


A golden cockroach suddenly spread out, from the golden temple, flocked to all directions, and then, the endless sings of the singer sounded like countless Buddhas mourning the Buddhist scriptures!

Immediately, the entire Lingshan began to vibrate.

The faint surface appeared cracks, and then it gradually fell off. The golden Buddha light and the dark Buddha light illuminate the mountains.

Both colors are so pure and vivid that they are no longer a ruin.

The Lingshan, which was wrapped in these two kinds of Buddha's light, was a scene of degeneration, fearing that it would never return to the original.


A Buddha number sounded.

Among the golden temples, a large number of golden Buddhas spurt out, incomparably sacred and peaceful, and there are constantly appearing visions, but it is a scene of joy and enjoyment.

As if it is a blissful world!


Then, it was another Buddha number, and the whole house was slightly trembled, and all the sullen gas was instantly purified at this moment.

Only the Buddha of the Amitabha Buddha, like the sun, shines everywhere.


Qin Qi's look has changed. This kind of power can be stronger than any of the previous gods, and even stronger than the Mephis heyday.

This is Amitabha?

Has he recovered from the shackles?

It was only this powerful Fowey that did not last long. Soon, the dark Buddha light rushed out and turned into a chain, which blocked the golden Buddha light.

The two Buddhas are intertwined, but they are hard to distinguish.

"The land is reopened, is this day still coming?" There is a voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu, which is majestic and sacred!

Is this the voice of Amitabha?

"This is the trend, and the eternal Buddha's land is also used. It is really obsessive. Today, I still don't know how to repent, but I have created these karma!" Amitabha shouted like a Buddha!

"Amitabha, you can't hide as much as you can, you can call it Buddha, but the Buddha's heart is Buddha, but it falls into the lower class." In the darkness of the Buddha's light, a voice sounded and even responded to Amitabha!

Immediately, this dark Buddha light slowly twists and condenses into a slogan!

This is the power from the eternal Buddha, is the influence of Devadado, and this black and white word, is represented by Devadado!

He, come to recycle everything!

"Buddha!" ​​The tenth temple king excited, and quickly bowed down to worship, sincere.

It is the crow, which has been affected. Although he does not practice Buddha, it is derived from the land, which is derived from Devadado.

Nowadays, the source of power has reappeared, and it has nothing to do with the state of mind, but an instinctive service.

He had to kneel down.

"Tipodado, you heresy, returning to this bureau by eternal Buddha, thinking that you can change something?" Amitabha shouted, and Fowey was more prosperous.

The golden Buddha light also converges and turns into a golden light!

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and it is the shore!"

A voice was passed from the golden light.

"Hey, Devadado is not counting, now Sakyamuni is also out? Today is really enough, this Buddha giant, suddenly came several!" Green Luo swallowed.

Although she is a tree of the world, she is still very jealous of the Buddhas of Buddhism. Now it seems that they are entering their bureau. How can it be easy?

"Buddha!" ​​Empty hands and hands together, chanting the Buddha's Buddhist scriptures, devout. For her, Sakyamuni is all Buddhas, doing Buddhism and Taoism in this life, always moving forward, and also to complete the concept of Sakyamuni!

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