God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2478: Another coordinate

The eighteen layers of **** have been completely empty.

Qin Qi and Memphis have all the way down, one layer connected to the first floor, in addition to the first layer of a little **** scene, the more down, the more empty.

At the 18th floor, nothing has left.

Hell is empty, in any sense.

"There is nothing left here," Qing has no way.

They have come to the 18th floor of Hell. Everything they see is empty, let alone the evil spirits, and there are no more penalties for purgatory.

Qin Qi did not speak, but looked at a lotus platform.

This should be the place where the Tibetan Bodhisattva was once seated.

However, there is no corpse left, it has been completely turned into fly ash, but around the lotus platform, it is surrounded by a circle of animal bones.

I am afraid that I will follow the shackles of the land.

It also died here.

With the compassion of the earth, I want to come, it is voluntary to stay until death.

"So strong, willing to sit here, can't understand," Mephis shook his head.

They don't know Buddhism, but any force in the world is the same. They feel the power of the relics of the Bodhisattva, and understand that the Bodhisattva may have the power to approach Amitabha.

Such a strong, categorically, will not go to the end of life because of millions of years.

But he did sit down.

The two people are more confused about Buddhism. They don't understand the roots of Buddhism's power and they don't understand their way.

Qin Qi also does not understand, of course, does not need to understand, he does not recognize the actions of the Tibetan Bodhisattva, but respects the compassion of such a Buddhist monk.

"There should be nothing else. This lotus platform is a treasure. Do you want to take it away?" Mephis looked around and perceived it and decided that there would be nothing more.

Qin Qi shook his head.

Devadado respected the land and even gave up the eighteen layers of hell. How could he take this lotus stand away?

However, perhaps the Tibetan Bodhisattva really left nothing to say.

When Qin Qi took out the relics of the Bodhisattva, and the relics appeared, they lighted their own light and fell to the lotus platform.

Immediately, the Buddha light emerged from the lotus platform and gradually became a human form, just as the ancient Buddha was still sitting there.

This is the Tibetan Bodhisattva?

The three people were shocked in their hearts, and Qin Qi’s hands clasped together and he performed a Buddhist ceremony, which is a respect for the earth.

"Buddha!" ​​Qin Qi screamed.

"Is it you? It really happened." The Tibetan Bodhisattva slowly said, and the voice was warm and peaceful.

It’s just that this song is inexplicable. It’s hard to know that Bodhisattva has already known that he will not be able to appear.

Be aware that they don't have any intersections.

Seemingly knowing the doubts of Qin Qi, the Tibetan Bodhisattva continued: "After entering the government, Daxu explained his ideas to me. Although I don't agree with it, I understand that it is an incomparably grand plan."

"And the foundation for this plan is the Sansheng Stone!"

"I want to change my mind and allow me to walk freely in the local government. Naturally, I also sat in front of the Sansheng Stone to pry into the so-called past and present life and future!"

"Have you seen me there?" Qin Qi was surprised.

"It is a similar person. Even if it is not a donor, there will be another person coming. This is... fate!"

“Do you know that you will sit here?”


“Is it really necessary to do this?”

"I don't go to **** who goes to hell?"

Qin Qi is speechless, but the Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva is now sitting, leaving nothing but an idea before life, and there is no need to say anything on this issue.

"The person you see, what will you do later?"

"Inherit my strength and belief."

"I can't."

"How does the donor intend to deal with the poor relic?"

Qin Qi is a glimpse.

Dragon dance?

"If she is not willing to become a Buddha?"

"If you don't want it, you will not force it, but how to deal with this relic, the right to choose, is it in the hands of the donor?"

Qin Qi silently.

Yes, the relic is in his hands.

Whether or not to give to the dragon light dance depends entirely on him, and does not have to ask the Tibetan Bodhisattva.

"Buddha actually believes in fate?" Qin Qi said lightly.

"The letter is there, don't believe... you can see if you have the ability to change your destiny."

He doesn't seem to have much time, just leaving a simple idea, so he doesn't want to talk more about these things. Then he says, "The donor, there are two things that want to be handed over to you."

"Give it to me?" Qin Qi was surprised and waited for the following.

The Tibetan Bodhisattva stretched out a hand, and then a Buddha light condensed, slowly drifting to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi put it away and found that it was similar to this premise that Podado gave him, and it was also a coordinate.

However, this coordinate is not a three-stone, and the cosmic model is obviously worse than Deva.

Although the land is strong, it has not yet reached the level of Devadado.

But the Tibetan Bodhisattva also has its own advantages.

Qin Qi glanced at the coordinates, and there was no change in his face. He just collected the coordinates, but the heart was full of waves.

This coordinate is not elsewhere, it is the entrance of the bright circles to the dark heavens!

Not the place of exile, but the passage of the world and the dark side!

Has someone opened the passage and entered the dark world?

Qin Qi now knows a lot of insiders, and because of this, the heart will be even more shocking.

The darkness of heaven is the dark side of the brighter realm of the ancient times. After the destruction of the bright roads, the rules are inherited by the bright circles, but the passages that were connected to the dark faces were closed.

Equivalent to formatting in general.

Before the taboo female emperor said that the world and its dark side, there is a successive relationship, the two worlds want to connect, only the first from the world to open, the dark side, can not be the first to open the channel, into the world!

Therefore, the dark heavens have always been able to start from the exile.

Today or a lot of the dark side of the Tao, that is, the thick darkness under the bright circles!

But that obviously can't be used as a normal channel. Every time it is turned on, the cost is too great.

And the heavens and the earth are supreme, afraid that it is difficult to pass.

Under this premise, the Guangming community still takes up some initiative.

I just didn't expect that the passage of the world and its dark side had already been opened.

Can it be said that the dark heavens have not found an accurate entrance orientation, so it is impossible to enter the Guangming community from other channels?

I want to come, and I only have this answer.

"Buddha, what do you mean?" Qin Qi asked, this coordinate is very important!

"Oh, I can listen to everything in the world. Before I sat down, I was able to find this coordinate. It was only when I was already sitting. It was difficult to pass this coordinate out."

"Since the present donor is here, it is fate. This coordinate is handed over to the donor. As for how to deal with it, poverty will not affect it."

Qin Qi took a deep breath and nodded.

He will treat it with care, but how to use it, there is no clue now.

Moreover, there is no chance to use it, but also two, after all, the home of Kunlun and the famous black crystal emptiness will be a battle, then the Guangming community will know, no one knows.

"There is still one thing, I hope I can help the donor." The Tibetan Bodhisattva smiled and said that the lotus stone was shining underneath, and then a black stone appeared. "What is this?" Qin Qi was curious.

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