God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2490: Are acquaintances

The poisonous mist instantly became distorted, curled up from the middle position, and a scream of tenderness rang, and the poisonous fog rushed out of the way, and finally got out.

"It hurts, it hurts!" The child screamed, and the dark green poisonous mist continued to twist, and then the appearance of a child was re-appeared.

The blow just made him suffer a big loss, but it was not fatal.

"You can find them, blacks can't be thrown, you have to catch up!"

"However, you have to add it first, there are people around!"

The poison of a child is like the bone of the bone. Since it has already been stained, it is not easy to try to smear the poison. As long as the toxin is not removed, it will always be felt by him.

However, the toxins that are scattered around and are hard to detect have already sensed the proximity of many people.

They should be chasing down the blues, they want to be cheap, but now they will become children's prey.


Outside the fairy palace, after the calm was broken, it was no longer possible to remain calm.

The appearance of Yan Danqing has eliminated a strong person who has been stunned and has also led to some uncertainties.

At the moment, maybe it is an opportunity!

Although I know that there is still an undead **** behind it, since I have come here, I can’t always go out because I don’t die.

After all, what everyone is waiting for is a relatively better opportunity, rather than always shrinking, thinking that until the end, the day is cheap.

What is so good about vying for creation?

Nowadays, this opportunity is relatively good. If you wait for it, you will not be robbing it, but waiting for the sky to fall.

Not moving at this time, when will it be?

At the moment, there are a few positions in the dark, and there is a strong breath to rush out, without hesitation, all madly rushing to the fairy palace.

One of them, rolling and demon, swept a large piece of heaven and earth, is a generation of big demon born, strong and incomparable.

However, on the side of the demon wind, there is another magical power, covering the sky, and watching this scene alone is not weaker than that demon.

Of course, these forces are prosperous, but they are somewhat superficial. Compared with Yan Danqing, the difference is not a little bit.

However, it is indeed not weak, almost to the power of Tianzun.

So the two atmospheres came, and the rest did not hide again. After listening to a roar, there was another pressure shock.

In that place, the breath came in like a tsunami.

In addition to these, there are other breaths, each of which is not weak, and from the breath, it comes from all ethnic groups.

Some are native to the land of creation, while others are previously here. Obviously, the creation they have gained here is definitely not small!

And this is the land of creation, and only the place of creation, can only mass produce so many strong people close to Tianzun.

Of course, this group of people is inherently talented, otherwise it will not be able to present such a grand scene.

It is a pity that this is the first time, and perhaps the last time, after the emergence of the Guangming Group. With this time span, this effect is not enough.

Zhu Xiong’s ups and downs may be earth-shattering in the outside world, but here it is not a big wave.

Since their goals are the same, then a battle is inevitable.

The time, the demon, the devil, the power of many attributes entangled, and each other, the chaos became a piece.

However, after the initial big melee, there were a few breaths, the action was a bit strange, and there was a discerning shot.

It is like the vastness of the ocean, the sea of ​​anger, sweeping everything.

Such power, revealing ancient, huge and incomparable!

At the moment, there are three people who are driving this power together, and one of them is the sea!

The little princess of the old mermaid.

In the past, the world of Tianyuan was shattered, and the East China Sea was involved in the sea. After that, there was no more news.

I did not expect that today, it will appear in this land of creation, and the power of control is so powerful!

"The magic inside is not the scorpio, damn, even hit us!" The sea was furious and stunned to a beautiful woman.

"Why don't you shoot, so that the mixed estimate is the first time to react!" Hai heard.

But the woman is just cold and indifferent.

The sea listened to the shaking of the eyes, and simply yelled at the fan and shouted: "Scorpio, what are you doing, what do you mean by playing with us, your wife is not going to do it!"

The beauty of the eye is shaking, and the sea is listening, it is the expression of "you come to hit me."

In the sea, there are actually two people around.

One of them, the heroic and extraordinary, was the top-ranking strongman who returned from the government when he was at the end of the plan. He was also a node of the plan - the anti-theft sea snail.

The other is the purple condensation in the West Sea that controls the sea beasts and the seas.

Its body is an octopus.

When Tianzhu entered the East China Sea, it was also taken care of by Zichuang!

However, Scorpio seems to be masochistic, but instead of forgetting about purple condensate, it is also special.

Unfortunately, shortly after that, the end of the plan came, but they did not have the opportunity to develop something.

I did not expect that today will be here, reunion in this way!

When Scorpio heard the sound of listening to the sea and there was a slap in the face, it was really chaotic, and there was more than a monster in the field.

And after so many years, everyone has changed after the transformation, the change of breath is not small, it is normal to not check for a while.

"Zi Ning girl, why didn't you shoot, if you shoot, I can definitely detect it!" Tian Hao quickly called.

"Evil is not disgusting!" The sea is speechless. "You only have purple coagulation in your heart. We have never seen it before, are we?"

"Hearing the girl, laughing," Tian Tian smiled.

"Come on, let's squat together!" Hai listened to the heart and couldn't help but screamed, but he secretly turned his eyes, and the dark road had no eyesight.

The two forces are now combined to fight against other opponents.

Scorpio is standing next to Zi Ning, scratching his head and saying: "Zi Ning girl, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?"

"Well, you are a big-headed ghost. Now, what kind of situation is a bit of a few lines, isn’t it time? Is it time to tell the old?” Haixin couldn’t help but shout.

"Coughing", the scorpion coughs twice, just squatting, but it is not angry.

In fact, Scorpio is not alone. There is also a strong person beside him. This person is equally heroic, but more inclined to be enchanted.

This person is familiar with the anti-sacred sea snail.

"Are you also entering a mysterious area?"

Nearly half of the blood of the gods, like the revolt of the sea, is a strong person who has entered the realm of the real estate. "That said, you are also!" The rebellious sea squirrel looked a little, then nodded. "The place we go to should be called the ancestral home of the sea."

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