God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2496: I am you.

At this moment, children change their own perceptions with toxins, and even weaken the upper limit of tolerance.

He is not stupid, he knows that he can win if he can hold on!

The facts are as he expected, although Qing Litian and Memphis are still strong, but they have gradually revealed fatigue.

Toxins begin to invade their bodies and affect their judgment.

Suddenly, Green Roar yelled: "What are you doing!"

Falling down with the sound is a world barrier that separates Qing Litian and Memphis on both sides.

Mephis and Qing Litian reacted, and suddenly they were cold and sweaty. They didn't even know that they had been affected by toxins.

This psychotoxin is terrible, paralyzing the nerves and souls, and even there is no feeling at all.

Taking advantage of this gap, the child suddenly broke out, and a poisonous ball with a condensed road appeared in the side of Qing Litian and Memphis.

Among them, the toxic road to the circumstance, has Xianwei appear!

Then, suddenly burst open.

Both Qing Litian and Memphis were snoring and hurriedly retreating, while the green radish gritted their teeth and extended a large number of branches and leaves to provide protection for Qing Litian and Memphis.

“Do you still have time to manage others?” The child’s childish voice, but the shot is never merciless.

A total of 16 poisonous **** appeared around the green radish. If the power bursts open, the world of green radish can't stand it.

"Do you directly stimulate your potential with toxins?" Green radish eyes picked up.

The child is stronger, and there is no such power. I am afraid that the poisonous characteristics are used, which is equivalent to playing a stimulant.

It’s just that the reason is no longer needed, and it doesn’t matter how much it costs.

Because power is power, it is already good, and it is squeezed out. This power is already on the way. How to resist it is the most important thing!

Qin Qi is at a critical moment, Green Luo can not retreat, she can only withstand the strength of the world tree.

Tree **** form!

The green radish is surrounded by green light, and the leaves of the sixteen world trees appear, but she is condensed by the power of the world.

Green radish should block the power of those poisonous balls.

In the next moment, the poisonous ball exploded at the same time, and the sixteen leaves also detonated. The force of the world cut vertically and horizontally, and the sub-sections appeared one by one, diverging the terrible poison.

However, in this step, the green radish itself is also extremely depleted, and it is impossible to beat the child by competing for consumption.

He has an incredible obsession with black people. Now that two black people are here, he is not willing to give up, and he is willing to pay the price.

"San Qian Mo, be careful!" Green Luo Jiao sighed, and while she blocked the poison ball, the child had already broken her direction.

This crazy weakening bears the upper limit, a little missed, can the child really bear it?

However, it is meaningless to say this.


The emperor’s bell rang and the light curtain was scattered. It was like a layer of colored glass, which separated Qin Qi from the outside world.

A large amount of toxin has been attached to it, and it has a "squeaky" sound, which is extremely corrosive. Even if it is the power of the Emperor's clock, it cannot be completely resisted.

Will be corroded and infiltrated!

"Little guy, see how long you can support!" Green Lol said coldly, the world's glove grips, and then slammed a punch.

This punch is also traced to it!

Although Mephis was repelled, and the poison of the soul class, but at the crucial moment, it was traced to the green radish.

The green fist is the power of the world, crushed down, and the screams of the child’s sternness suddenly came.

This punch, the child is how to change his tolerance with toxins, afraid that some can not support it.

After all, he just weakens his perception, not shifting it elsewhere.

It’s not bad, it’s all in the end.

There is always a limit.

Unfortunately, this limit has not yet arrived!

The green radish punched the poisonous fog around, but soon, more viscous toxins gathered together and turned into a poisonous dragon.

They look at the green radish.

"This little devil!" Green radish teeth, her new world of gloves, can be applied to this share is already the limit.

I did not expect this child to be able to support it now.

The light curtain of Dihuangzhong has been entangled in several poisonous dragons, such as Panlong, which gradually erodes the light curtain.

Can't resist it.

The ability to trace the source has dissipated almost the same, all around are highly toxic, and no one knows where the child's body is.

In this case, it is really difficult to cause substantial damage to children.

"Can you just give up?" Green radish teeth, but it is helpless.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that their combination would be defeated by a little devil.

It is a bit ironic!

For today's plan, only Qin Qi can give up refining.

Treasures can be refining in the future, and now, it is still necessary to take life as a priority!

The emperor's clock finally broke.

There is a shining light on the holy body, and the power of the emperor is shocked. However, it is impossible to block the child.

Everyone has been poisoned.

And before Qin Qi, there is no longer a barrier!

The thick poisonous dragon rushed to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi is sighing.

Nowadays, there is no choice but to give up the forging and kill the child.

Although it is a pity, it has to be like this!

Qin Qi opened his eyes, and the killing of his body suddenly became rich, and the sword was shaken like a body wrapped in a sword.

Such a purely glass-like sword, so that Qin Qi has a small isolation effect on this toxin.

Then Qin Qi will have to shoot.

Under the blood, children don't want to hide!

However, when Qin Qi wanted to give up the forging and the sword was shot, the poisonous dragon that came from the impact suddenly stopped.

"What happened!" Green Rose exclaimed.

And Qin Qi Emei, naturally will not take the lead, but also did not give up forging.

Although it should not be used with one heart, but in a short time, Qin Qi can do it!

"Slow... is you!"

Qin Qi’s heart was actually surprised. I don’t understand why this is the case, why the other party suddenly stopped attacking.

They have already reached this point, he can only go forward, otherwise he will not be able to withstand this loss.

However, Qin Qi immediately followed, but suddenly understood.

This guy will not be the new poison that he accidentally created when he was in chaos.

At that time, Qin Qi faintly felt that the toxin was not simple, and even had the potential of psychic.

Now, has it grown to such an extent?

This is really too much beyond imagination.

I am afraid that it is a mysterious relationship with the land of creation, and it will be able to create him today.

The poisonous mist continued to be swallowed. Immediately, a child appeared and looked at the white, but the dark green in the eyes gave a feeling of creepy feeling.

"I remember you, you created me, but I don't know what you mean to me." The child is a childish voice with doubts.

He feels close to Qin Qi, so he does not want to hurt Qin Qi.

Qin Qi heard the words, stunned, and after serious thinking, said: "I am you."

Green radish and others are all eyes wide open. Can Nima still have a face?

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