God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2499: Some pity


Undead screams, the fairy particles fly, a shield appears, want to block the power of this sword.

However, it can't be done at all.

This sword has nothing to break, such a defense, in front of this sword, is like a paper paste.

Undead in the heart of the madness, the face suddenly became extremely difficult to look.

He felt the power of this sword, a force that would be enough to burn him.

I am afraid that under the supremacy of heaven and earth, no one will dare to say that it is easy to take over this sword, and he is even worse.

Undead is not unwilling in the heart of death.

But this sword, so quick, did not give him too much time to respond, now, has come to the front.


Jianguang has not been in contact yet, but the skin has cracked open and blood has fallen.

Undead, the face is white and white.

He can only give up his teeth.

This sword is perfect from any angle. Undead is also a generation of war, and it is very clear what you should do now.

Wanting to take Catherine or forcibly acquire the remaining cents in Catherine will have terrible consequences.

How is the unwillingness to pay such a price today?

Retreat is his only choice.

Undead esteem let go of Catherine, and the body retreats to avoid this sword.

But he also has no way to give up like this. Retreat is only temporary, and the next counterattack is the key.

Undead esteem is ready, the power of the body flows with his mind, and when the sword falls, he will immediately recapture Catherine and win the last celestial!

He has confidence to do it.

Because he is too close to Catherine, no one can be faster than him!

This sword came suddenly, but none of the people present were ordinary people. Understand that this is the last chance and must be grasped.

So almost at the same time, all the forces in the body were squeezed out in an instant, and the brain attacked the undead.

Even if you just let the undead heavens avoid one step, you can develop some in the right direction for the result.

However, the undead sect ignores these attacks. His body rises up with a sacred particle, full of immortality.

Those attacks, even his defense can not be broken.

The **** sword light fell, but unfortunately, it was avoided by the undead.

But the power of this sword is once again irritating.

This sword is actually directly immersed in the floor, not too amazing sound, just a faint sword scar, but I do not know how deep!

Not to mention how strong this fairy palace is, Tian Zun also wants to leave traces on it easily.

It is said that the strength of this sword is so concise, completely concentrated in this sword, without any dissipation, this is already a terrible generation!

After all, holding a small iron can, you can lock the firecracker and blow it up, but if it is replaced by a nuclear bomb?

To know the power of this level, the undead can not be controlled so accurately!

As soon as I read this, I am glad that I am not dead. If I am forced to resist it, I am afraid he has been seriously injured now!

In this way, the eyes of the undead are more and more cold.

He won't give any more chances.

However, the next moment, in the undead esteem, suddenly raised a uneasiness, he suddenly felt a slight deviation from the perception of the surrounding.

It seems that it has become sluggish.

It is Qin Qi!

When the sword fell, the undead lord knew who was shot, but at this critical moment, he simply did not have time to think about how Qin Qi could lay such a terrible sword.

To know that this sword can only be forced to retreat if it is a little worse.

And since I know Qin Qi, then part of Qin Qi’s means, of course, he knows.

At this moment, there will be such a feeling, fearing that Qin Qi will display bloody!

This is not the unique strength of Qin Qi, but the killing of blood Ji Ji. When the killing of the heavens and the sky was in the world, the undead gods did not have to teach this power.

And now it seems that Qin Qi seems to be out of blue?

Forging the blood is not a forbidden weapon!

I couldn't wait to think about it. In the moment when this kind of induction appeared, the undead esteem had already retreated out, and a bloody, dangerous and dangerous cut through his clothes, leaving a blood mark on his abdomen.

Just scratched the skin.

But what if it wasn't this sudden induction?

The heart of the undead sorrow suddenly sinks, and it also puts away all the contempt, and once again chooses to open the distance.

Qin Qi can't always show blood.

The two swords just now, no doubt have been the ultimate killing of Qin Qi, and even the power of the second sword, obviously lower than the first sword, but with bloody, it has a miraculous effect.

So as long as it blocks the attack of Qin Qi, he is still invincible!

The idea of ​​undead is not wrong.

Of course, it is also because he took the initiative to take the initiative. Otherwise, the sword will be used in the sword. Qin Qi cannot use it like this.

How much is a little pity.

It’s just that compared with saving Catherine, it’s nothing.

Undead Tianzun wants to survive the peak state of Qin Qi bloody, after all, he is very clear, as long as the time has been long, the power will decline.

This is the commonality of any technique.

But this point, how can Qin Qi not know, in the face of immortal Tianzun, he said that nothing can abuse the power.

This sword failed to have much success, and Qin Qi did not intend to pursue it.

He stood in front of Catherine, indifferently watching the undead sacred, **** hands in the hands of the sheath, the body is also light and cloudless.

The terrible killing of the sword is also like a sheath.

Now Qin Qi, it seems to be an ordinary young man, just a sword, it seems that he is not out.

Is it normal to return to the original?

Undead eyes squinted, and then saw the scabbard in the hands of Qin Qi, and the pupil suddenly shrank.

"The blood scabbard!"

Undead Tianzun naturally recognizes this scabbard, even if he has not seen it with his own eyes, he has also seen relevant records from ancient books.

Not to mention that the Temple of God and Solomon forcibly intervened in his plan to repair the scabbard and the immortal protection.

There is such a source, and the undead esteem has carried out detailed investigations on the two taboo artifacts.

Just did not expect that this blood scabbard actually came to Qin Qi hands!

Moreover, it has been restored to the level of the banned devices.

Bloody blood combined with blood scabbard... Undead Tiandun has to admit that this is the most perfect combination.

"So the sword that was just now is the sword of the day?" The eyes of the undead gods rise, and there are taboos in the heart.

It is no wonder that Qin Qi was able to kneel down like a sword, forcing him to retreat and give up the last part of the fairy.

At this moment, all the undead gods understand.

And understand this, undead sneer, naturally, the victory is in the grip. The sword-drawing technique is indeed a terrible ability to instantly increase the power several times, but it can only be used once in a short time.

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