I don’t know how to do it.

Qin Qi could not compete with him for resilience.

"No, his consumption is much smaller than mine!" Unexpectedly discovered what suddenly, the pupil suddenly shrank.

Although they all have an undead body, even in terms of recovery speed, he has to surpass Qin Qi quite a lot, but the consumption required, Qin Qi is far less than him!

This should not be right.

Because the injury is the same, the proportion of consumption required should be similar.

How could Qin Qi be several times less worn out than him?

Only one possibility, their injuries are not an order of magnitude!

Undead Tianzun’s pupils contracted for a while, and the dawn was superb, and Qin Qi would be seen through.

Immediately, the undead gods only feel the scalp numb, and the ensuing is the anger!

Qin Qi, there is no Dantian at all!

Recovering the consumption of many organs is just a slap in the face of restoring Dantian.

It is no wonder that Qin Qi dared to use this method to compete with him.

He did not know where Qin Tian’s Dantian had gone, and he did not know how Qin Qi, who had no Dantian, could have such strength.

But even then, how can it be?

These things have killed Qin Qi, and naturally can be verified on his body.

And what I have to do now is to kill him first!

Qin Qi even took the absolute advantage in injury and injury, but the gap between the two is huge. Qin Qi does not destroy hundreds of times of Dan Tian, ​​can not make up for this gap.

At this moment, Qin Qi could not have such a time.

Therefore, this two little cleverness can't change anything!

Undead will respect his hand. This time, he will completely crush Qin Qi all the way until he kills.

Whether it is the state of killing a wolf or the strength of the physical universe, or the strong resilience of the body of the dragon, it will be ineffective in the face of absolute power.

Even if you don't die, you can do it!

"Qin Qi!"

The sea listeners and others are exclaimed, and they all try their best to interrupt the undead.

And the green radish and other people have already arrived, and at this moment they have used their killing tricks, regardless of their own consumption, but also to prevent the undead sigh.

It’s so powerful, indeed, it’s impossible to ignore the undead.

But he just ignored it!

With the only god, with such an injury, he can't bear this kind of injury, and when he kills Qin Qi, Green Luo and others, no one can be his opponent!

Kill Qin Qi and say it!

Just after the day, after his shot, there was a slight deviation in consciousness, and Qin Qi seized the opportunity to avoid his attack with blood and power.

This is not too bloody, but he gave Qin Qi a chance!

Undead sorrow suddenly frowned.

With his current strength, any change is under his control, and there is no shortage of control.

Every force, every blood flow, he knows everything.

How come, what happens?

"You can't escape!" Undead gnashing teeth, no matter what happens, quick speed is the ultimate!

Moreover, the feeling just happened again, but this time, it is not just consciousness, but even the physical movements have appeared deviations.

Although it is a very subtle change, in this battle, it is enough to change the result.

After all, bloody, the most able to master this flaw!

Undead esteem's face finally sinks, and wait for him to have any thoughts. Qin Qi is already out of the sword again, facing his weakness!

Because of the sudden changes, his weaknesses have been magnified several times, and Qin Qi naturally cannot be let go.

A sword, the left side of the rib of the undead sacred, the icy killing sword snarls, smashing all vitality, only killing the eternal!

However, this step can only be done.

Undead sacred body is a great glory, Qin Qi only avoids.

While avoiding, Qin Qi's sword penetrates his body and once again kills the unborn, reinventing the undead!

Plus green radish and others shot.

It can be said that it is three consecutive uninterrupted killings, so that the undead Tianzun also tasted the bitterness.

Although this is not enough to make the undead heavens defeat, but for the undead gods, it is a great shame, let him almost anger and attack!

It’s just that the undead is not an idiot. He has to figure out his situation.

Otherwise, it will be a big hidden danger.


Undead esteem controls every detail of his own, and finally he is discovered that the body does not know when it has been infiltrated by a toxin.

This poison is colorless and odorless, and even his perception is not noticeable.

It’s just that his body is guarded by immortals, and the toxins can’t be invaded at all.

"Does damage copy?" Undead is a gloomy face.

Qin Qi’s killer doll actually copied all the injuries, not just the sword wounds, but the toxins on the sword could also be copied and invaded into his body.

"Qin Qi, you are too small to look at the deity, a little toxin. Once you detect it, then the deity can be immune!"

A large number of immortal particles flow in their bodies, wrapping those free toxins and isolating them.

There is no way to find out naturally, but if it is discovered, the effects of these toxins can be minimized in an instant.

Perhaps after Qin reached the realm of Tianzun, the immortal Tianzun could not isolate the toxins so easily, but at least Qin is not strong enough.

Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

In this way, it is really a means to do it.

In the face of this oldest Tianzun, wanting to defeat him, sure enough, it is still too difficult, the two major banters are in hand, it is difficult to reverse this gap.

Although Qin Qi knew this, what he wanted to do was just a delay.

Unfortunately, there is still a gap.

"Brother, this power is for you!" Catherine was not injured under the protection of Qin Qi. Although she was stupid, she also saw that Qin Qi was in a disadvantage.

Then, of course, she must do her best to help Qin Qi defeat the opponent!

At this moment, what she can do for Qin Qi is the remaining part of the body!

Katherine took the initiative to hand it over to Qin Qi.

"You dare!" Undead and screaming, this power can only belong to him.

But unlike his forced withdrawal from Catherine, Catherine took the initiative to give up the fairy, which is completely different.

The only remaining fairy entered the Qin Qi body.

And getting this part of the fairy, although only a small part, but for Qin Qi's promotion, it is not small.

In Qin Qi's body, the dragon ring vortex began to emit the limit of vortex, and the fairy particles responded to the power of the fairy, regardless of quantity or quality, and even began to grow.

After the horror compression ratio of the dragon ring vortex, the Qindao particles displayed by Qin Qi are not weak and die.

At most, on the order of magnitude, the gap is still obvious.

However, every shot, it is impossible to use up all the fairy particles, so Qin Qi can be really resisted by the undead.

and. With the entry of the immortal, the blood scabbard seems to have also been reset, and there is even more chance of a sword-raising sword!

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